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[1.8x - 1.11.x] Stockish Project Orion v1.8.2 [update 12/29/2020]

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This has been finally updated. Since I've had little time to model recently, this is mainly a maintenance update to fix code issues and similar
v1.8.2 - Grab from SpaceDock | GitHub

-Code changes to eliminate memory leak
-Resource flow changed to stock model - no more messing with PAWs and fuel transfers
-Modulename changed to prevent issues with FFT's 'ModulePulseEngine' - This will cause existing Orion craft to throw a missing module error. Retire/Recover Orion-equipped vessels before installation
-RestockWhitelist updated to fix the command pod issue.
-Adds CTT integration

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hey, so I noticed something when trying out Extraplanetary Launchpads: both that mod and this one have metal and metal ore resources, except with very slight differences in naming. Is there any chance these can be merged (via renaming), or is it difficult to do?



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  • 1 month later...

Not sure if there is anyone else who will ever use this, but I wrote a Module Manager patch to make the Orion crew parts compatible with USI life support:


//Add USI Life Support Habitation compatibility to the CH-2 Crew Container from the Orion mod by Suicidal Insanity
        name = USI_SwapController
        name = USI_SwappableBay
        bayName = Bay 1
        moduleIndex = 0
        name = USI_Converter
        UseSpecialistBonus = false
        name = USILS_HabitationSwapOption
        ConverterName = Habitat
        StartActionName = Start Habitat
        StopActionName = Stop Habitat        

        BaseKerbalMonths = 11        //Set base Habitation Time
        CrewCapacity = 2             //Set Habitation Crew Capacity
        BaseHabMultiplier = 0

            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 0.525       //Set Charge per second used for Habitation

// Adds USI Life Support Habitation and Recycler compatibility to the CH-8 Space House from the Orion Mod by Suicidal Insanity

        name = USI_SwapController
        name = USI_SwappableBay
        bayName = Life Support
        moduleIndex = 0

        currentLoadout = 0
        hasPermanentLoadout = true
        name = USI_SwappableBay
        bayName = Habitat
        moduleIndex = 1

        currentLoadout = 1
        hasPermanentLoadout = true
        name = USI_Converter
        UseSpecialistBonus = false
        name = USI_Converter
        UseSpecialistBonus = false
        name = USILS_LifeSupportRecyclerSwapOption
        ConverterName = Recycler
        StartActionName = Start Recycler
        StopActionName = Stop Recycler

        CrewCapacity = 8          // Sets overall kerbal capacity of the recycler
        RecyclePercent = 0.70     // Sets overall efficiency of the recycler

            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 40      // Amount of charge used per second for Recycler
        name = USILS_HabitationSwapOption
        ConverterName = Crew Quarters
        StartActionName = Start Crew Quarters
        StopActionName = Stop Crew Quarters

        BaseKerbalMonths = 24     //Sets Habitation time
        CrewCapacity = 8          //Sets Habitation capacity
        BaseHabMultiplier = 1     //Adjusts overall Hab multiplier

            ResourceName = ElectricCharge
            Ratio = 0.525    // Amount of charge used per second for Habitation

Tested it out in my career save and it has worked fine without needing any BEFORE/AFTER/FINAL syntax. Habitation times were set by figuring out the relative volumes of each compared to the stock Hitchhiker (and applying a little spherical cow math for the CH-8), and adjusting to match Hab time per cubic Kerbal meter. The recycler in the CH-8 is adjusted to be matched to the various USI greenhouses, 2 mediums or 1 large one will supply a fully occupied Space House indefinitely. Hopefully the patch is commented enough for someone to fine tune it for their own preferences.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 7 months later...

Still learning Principia, but this looks like it does not work with the mod. 

I see in the Principia FAQ this statement.  


Any mod that tries to move vessels or otherwise change orbits either (1) without using engines or (2) during time warp, is incompatible with Principia.

I take it that whatever method is used to provide the impulse here falls inside that. 

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  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 months later...
2 hours ago, Fabled_Mike said:

Can kerbal engineer calculate dv with this engine?

No, but in flight you can right click the engine to see the dv and change the bombs power to your needs

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16 hours ago, Fabled_Mike said:

Is the Medusa better than the Orion?

In addition to what Kerbals_of_Steel said, the Orion allows higher yield bombs than the medusa, 5kt max (Orion) and 2.5 kt max (Medusa) IIRC

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  • 1 month later...

Could someone give a run down on how the ISRU works for this mod?

I've seem to figured it out backwards from the part descriptions, but I'm unsure how to get the base ore needed for ISRU.

Zero-Gravity Smelter
??? -> Metallic Ore + Lf+Ox -> Metals

Uranium Enrichment
??? -> Uraninite -> Enriched Uranium

-> ??? -> Atomic pulse units


Where can I get Metallic Ore and Uraninite? And what can create the pulse units?

I currently have extraplanetary launchpads and kethane installed, but none of them give an option to find Uraninite or metalic ore


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You dig the MetallicOre and Uranite out of the ground using drills from a mod like the USI mod constellation that lets you configure a drill to dig up a specific non-Ore resource. I use the USI drills and they work well; there may be other suitable modpacks. It also has parts to refine the ores into uranium and metals, although as you say the Orion mod itself can do that. I don't think the Orion mod in and of itself supports drilling for the ores, although I could be wrong.

The Long Orion Spinal Truss (and maybe the shorter ones?) manufactures the pulse units. Beware: they need a _lot_ of input materials.


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  • 8 months later...
On 9/14/2020 at 7:17 PM, damerell said:


After a series of seaplane launches (well, most of the debris landed in the sea) and general failures to go anywhere, I've essentially finished the Behemoth III, a (hopefully) go-anywhere SSTO. The engine pods can detach and redock to a landing module for airless worlds; the nose cone is also a docking port so Behemoth can shove a large habitat and the airless landing module around the Kerbol system.

It is largely dependent on PWB Fuel Balancer to keep the vertical centre of mass directly ahead of the engine pods. It does fly with FAR!

Who says one Orion unit should be enough for anyone?

Do you happen to be inspired by the Aldebaran?



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No, I'd not seen that until now. The Behemoth III (and the single-engined predecessor) evolved fairly naturally - big roughly aircraft-shaped aircraft, some way to get the cargo out (the predecessor had a LLL cargo bay with a droppable floor, which I used on the craft eventually used for my Elcano missions), where can the engine or engines live? I haven't realised yet that multiple-Orion designs are not really practical - kerbal engineering is perfect, but IRL you have to be prepared for a failed detonation - with one engine you restart it, but with two you are now spinning horribly.

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  • 9 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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