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[1.3.1] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.15.9.1 "Liepmann" 4/2/18


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I don't work much with planes in KSP. I installed FAR mainly for the cool looking fairings I could cast off mid-launch. However, today I started playing seriously with space planes, trying to practice for an extended Eve mission I'm planning. Now I understand why some people take it out. If you felt a shiver today, Ferram4, it might have been me swearing at you from a distance.

That being said, challenge accepted. Well played, sir.

Edited by Dr. Moustache, PhD
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@Alewx: I don't work out configs for other mods, as I mentioned on the two pages ago. That said, I remember that KSO had a FAR config out for its parts, so perhaps finding that will make it work for you. For SP+, that error is caused by the colliders on the part being messed up in some way, preventing FAR from properly determining how the wings should behave. There's nothing I can do to fix that, since it's not might code causing the problem, it's the part collider.

Hello Ferram, sorry for the misunderstanding, there is no need for you to create a config. The information you gave is all that I wanted, Thank you.

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@Alewx: I don't work out configs for other mods, as I mentioned on the two pages ago. That said, I remember that KSO had a FAR config out for its parts, so perhaps finding that will make it work for you. For SP+, that error is caused by the colliders on the part being messed up in some way, preventing FAR from properly determining how the wings should behave. There's nothing I can do to fix that, since it's not might code causing the problem, it's the part collider.

@Alewx: I had similar issue, what worked for me was in the SPH just remove wings, then toggle between not-mirror, and mirror symmetry for the wing, and then re-attach. after that my CoL was spot on.

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I didn't change anything within the FAR files and already reinstalled the mod. It worked until recently. I'll send a log the next time it happens!

Here are the latest logs of the last time it happened. I was trying to load a quick save while in orbit.

FAR Logs

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Hi I hope someone here can help me, i have recently updated to .24.2 and i am having some trouble with FAR, the problem is with the center of lift i have launched multiple rockets in .23.5 with FAR and i am quite fine doing that, but this has stopped me from updating as i hate the standard physics. as i have said th problem appears to be with the center of lift it is way high on my rockets like well above the center of mass on rockets that launched fine on .23 i have uploaded a screenshot to show what i mean, please someone help i want to play the new mode but cannot as i am unable to actually fly, yes i have updated FAR.

Thank you2hg8i9g.png

Edited by dazza
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Make sure that you have a copy of ModuleManager in your GameData directory.

Make sure that your FerramAerospaceResearch folder in GameData includes FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg, FARAeroData.cfg, FARPartClassification.cfg, and FARAeroStress.cfg.

Make sure that you are running FAR v0.14.1.1 with KSP 0.24.2.

Make sure that you are not using any mods that are not guaranteed 0.24.2-compatible by their authors.

Then, if the issue persists, post a copy of your output_log.txt.

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Make sure that you have a copy of ModuleManager in your GameData directory.

Make sure that your FerramAerospaceResearch folder in GameData includes FerramAerospaceResearch.cfg, FARAeroData.cfg, FARPartClassification.cfg, and FARAeroStress.cfg.

Make sure that you are running FAR v0.14.1.1 with KSP 0.24.2.

Make sure that you are not using any mods that are not guaranteed 0.24.2-compatible by their authors.

Then, if the issue persists, post a copy of your output_log.txt.

Hi there thanks for the speedy reply, just as you were replying i fixed the issue, it appears to be with stock parts. i did not load b9 as i am trying to keep my memory usage down, after installing b9 i relised the problem is with stock parts, specifically the stock aerodynamic parts adding b9 removes the need to use stock parts and has provided a somewhat temporary fix that i am happy with, thanks again for the reply this work is amazing and has added huge amounts of fun (and rage) to the game.

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Oh, how I love watching my craft disintegrate upon attempting attempting excessive-g, high speed maneuvers! :D

I'm sure this has been asked/covered, but some moderate googling didn't reveal anything: Has there been any experimenting with varying the drag of landing gear depending on the open / closed state? It would be cool to be rewarded with zero drag if you embed them within the wing/craft, and work as great air brakes when gear-down, approaching the runway. Would the same feature that allows air intakes to "close" and reduce their drag work for gear?

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Oh, how I love watching my craft disintegrate upon attempting attempting excessive-g, high speed maneuvers! :D

I'm sure this has been asked/covered, but some moderate googling didn't reveal anything: Has there been any experimenting with varying the drag of landing gear depending on the open / closed state? It would be cool to be rewarded with zero drag if you embed them within the wing/craft, and work as great air brakes when gear-down, approaching the runway. Would the same feature that allows air intakes to "close" and reduce their drag work for gear?

Love the idea (I'm surprised that it's not there yet).

Might also work for other retractable parts (like Bahamutos engines or Near Future Aircraft's aerodynamic landing gear)?

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Oh, how I love watching my craft disintegrate upon attempting attempting excessive-g, high speed maneuvers! :D

I'm sure this has been asked/covered, but some moderate googling didn't reveal anything: Has there been any experimenting with varying the drag of landing gear depending on the open / closed state? It would be cool to be rewarded with zero drag if you embed them within the wing/craft, and work as great air brakes when gear-down, approaching the runway. Would the same feature that allows air intakes to "close" and reduce their drag work for gear?

I think that is already in FAR. I noticed a slowdown when gear are down as opposed to when up.

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I'm sure this has been asked/covered, but some moderate googling didn't reveal anything: Has there been any experimenting with varying the drag of landing gear depending on the open / closed state?

There is some chance that it was only my imagination, but I remember it being impemented in pre-0.24 version of FAR. I even (ab)used it for unpowered landings.

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Would the same feature that allows air intakes to "close" and reduce their drag work for gear?

As people have mentioned, I believe the gear is already taken care of (check your debug log) but I just wanted to say - this bit, the air intakes, is entirely stock KSP. FAR doesn't touch intakes at all, open or closed, AFAIK. Something about one part with two discrete drag values is too complicated for FAR to handle, I think..

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As people have mentioned, I believe the gear is already taken care of (check your debug log) but I just wanted to say - this bit, the air intakes, is entirely stock KSP. FAR doesn't touch intakes at all, open or closed, AFAIK. Something about one part with two discrete drag values is too complicated for FAR to handle, I think..

Ferram said he updated that.

The stock Engine Nacelle and the ..engine-cooling thing.. both had fuel added, and the cooler was upgraded to an intake.

Since stock aero has this ridiculous mass=drag thing happening, these two parts became really bad when the fuel was added, so Ferram switched away from stock intake code.

(under stock drag, the Cd for an intake eventually reaches 2.0. For the circular/scoop/ram intakes, this didn't matter as they're in the 10kg mass range, but the nacelle was 300kg if I recall correctly...)

I've confirmed with tests that the behavior is different now (and may be partly responsible for speed increases on craft that aren't built optimally for stock intakes)

EDIT: As implied, this change happened for 0.24, as it was inspired by Squad's "awesome" new intakes :/

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I'm really sorry to say that, but at least for me it seems that FAR in it's current state is unplayable for planes if you just use stock tiles.

An even with FAR perfectly stable and flying plane (well, except for an infinite glide "issue") suddenly can't even take off from the runway due to unexplainable side movement after switching from stock jet engine to stock turbojet engine.

Maybe it's caused by mod incompatibility (FAR + Better Atmospheres? ), I don't know, but it doesn't seem like there's a solution to the problem...

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@acc: Probably not. They're for planes, not rockets. :P

@BeetleCat: It's been there for a while. You should check the numbers in FAR Flight Data when your gear are up and down and compare.

@TeiwazVIE: Infiniglide issues with FAR are caused by improper installations. Planes yawing in one direction or the other on the runway are either caused by overloaded (and flexing) crafts or by not-straight landing gear.

Also, I don't know what you mean about it being unplayable with just stock parts and things. I build plenty of planes only touching stock parts and don't have those issues.

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@TeiwazVIE: Infiniglide issues with FAR are caused by improper installations. Planes yawing in one direction or the other on the runway are either caused by overloaded (and flexing) crafts or by not-straight landing gear.

Also, I don't know what you mean about it being unplayable with just stock parts and things. I build plenty of planes only touching stock parts and don't have those issues.

Infiniglide: How can something that's supposed to work via "just copy mod to directory" have improper installations? If we're talking about mod/config conflicts, that's something else.

Yaw: 100% symmetrical craft, 100% not overloaded. If it was an asymmetrical or heavily loaded design I wouldn't "complain", but cockpit + 3 point landing gear + air intake + Mk1 fuselage + wings, rudder & fin + jet engine works fine (except for infinite glide on that concept) and same design with turbojet engine can't get above ~25m/s without heavy side movements? Either my thinking of avionic isn't applicable to FAR (which I really doubt as FAR is supposed to give more realistic aerodynamics, no?) or FAR just has it's issues (not counting mod conflicts here).

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Either you're using mod wing parts that aren't FAR-compatible (in which case, you should mention which ones and then go talk to the mod author about adding compatibility), or you did mess up "copy the mod to directory" step. People have, in the most amazing ways possible.

For the differences between those designs, it sounds a lot like the turbojet shifts the mass around enough to make it unstable in yaw. Considering how short a plane you're talking about, that wouldn't surprise me, since you'd have almost no yaw stability with the tail on that, since it won't be far behind the CoM.

Post a copy of your output_log.txt if you think it's caused by a bug.

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