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[1.3.1] Ferram Aerospace Research: v0.15.9.1 "Liepmann" 4/2/18


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@ferram4: Could you say why you set viscosity for Duna and Eve's atmospheres so drastically higher than that of Kerbin?  If anything, @194K, viscosity of CO2 gas should be half that of a air @288K, not four times as much...

Edited by Tau137
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@ferram4 For a couple of pages ago when I saw some other people taking about rejiggering the mod I thought you might have went MIA and someone else had taken it over... You cannot guess at my relief to see your post as aggressive as it may or may not have been :P

Oh and the vast majority understand it will be done when it will be done and bugging you with posts asking when it will be done is likely just to pee you off and if anything make you not want to work on the mod out of frustration.

Obviously I anticipate 1.2.2 capability no less than most, but I'm not dense enough to think asking when it will be ready will make it arrive any sooner, I literally cannot bear to use KSP any longer without at least FAR and Kerbal Joint Reinforcement, so thanks for being awesome and creating such awesome mods.

Edit; and I'm not trying to indirectly poke you into updating I'm really am just trying to show gratitude, I'm happy enough just to continue playing 1.1.3 for now.

Edited by etheoma
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How has the dev build looked for winx64 stability? Searching around it sounds like there hasn't been many issues since ferram unlocked it in Jones, but not much info after that.

I am putting together my mod list for when (no rush) the update releases, and FAR being one of my core mods it will determine if I use 32 bit or 64 bit, and thus how liberal I can be with my mod selection.

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@Volatar For what it's worth I think at this point the dust has pretty much settled on the Unity 5 upgrade and the stability improvements it brought to Win64 versions of KSP.  I think many people, including mod developers, are only running x64 versions at this point.

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Sorry to bother you, but would you have any idea why a custom physics-based wheel collider replacement would be causing FAR to fail?  ( https://github.com/shadowmage45/KSPWheel )  Log file:  ( https://github.com/shadowmage45/KSPWheel/files/724630/ksp-far-log.txt )

Reports state that FAR simply stops working whenever a part with one of the wheel colliders is added to the vessel.

(Img in spoiler)

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Edit:  Further reports state that the FAR information tools report 0 drag/lift even when in the editor; this is prior to any of the wheel physics being activated or used.  (Further edit:  This is a bit inconsistent; I have other screenshots of the FAR diagnostics in the editor, where everything looks appropriate (to me anyway, being unfamiliar with them)).


Any insight into what is going on with these would be appreciated; I am not familiar enough with the FAR code or functionality to be able to discern what might be the problem myself.

Edited by Shadowmage
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As the guy who provided the above logs and image to Shadowmage, I'd like to clarify the tests were made in a fresh KSP install, on Windows 64bit, with only the newest version of FAR's dev build, Kerbal Foundries, and their respective dependencies installed. FAR worked fine with any ship that didn't have a Kerbal Foundries part/part that used the KSPWheel modules, but ceased working completely when they had at least one of those parts.

I would be glad to test more if it helps, and provide further logs or anything that is needed.

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Hey, i just wanna report on my testing that i haven't encountered any bugs atleast to my knowledge. Thanks for the satisfaction of getting my SSTO in orbit! (Even if that design is impossible in real life) :wink:

Edited by Cratzz
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@ferram4, I have a modder's request: could you make the field timeConstant in FARControllableSurface non-static? When it's static it's impossible to alter control response only for certain surfaces, say ailerons separately from tail, and that takes effect for all vessels at once. It would be more flexible to have an ability to set that property per module instance.

Edited by Ser
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Sorry guys, I've got a problem

I'm copying FAR GameData and Ships inside the main KSP folder (the original steam one) but nothing is showing up, neither with the bundled MM nor with the latest version. I've also installed Trajectories, KER and B9 Procedural Wings. 

No toolbar (even with blizzy's one), no data, no icons. Nothing, both on 32 and 64 bit.

Any possible solution?


Ok, ignore this. I thought 1.2 was supported. Sorry.

Edited by Agost
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  On 1/27/2017 at 5:39 PM, TomatoSoup said:

Pardon me, may I ask who the Knudsen version is named after?


IIRC, it is for meemorial of Martin Knudsen and his contribution in physics. More info is on wiki page regarding Knudsen number or to be more specific, relationship with mach and Reynolds number in fluids. More accurate info might be found if you search this thread where ferram anounced news about that FAR release.

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Maybe I'm missing something, but what's the situation with the body lift now? When I switch on the aero overlay I see the lift forces only be produced by the wing parts. Is this normal?

I'm using the latest ac000af dev build with KSP 1.2.2


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  On 1/31/2017 at 12:09 AM, NotAnAimbot said:

Tried going into the release section of the FAR github to fetch the dev, but it gives me a 500 error code. Anyone had this happen?


You won't find any dev build in the releases section, but this is a very bizarre github error I have not seen before

@ferram4 maybe this is worth contacting Github support over?  It looks like other repos are not affected.

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  On 1/31/2017 at 12:22 AM, NotAnAimbot said:

Any idea where I can find the build?


If you are unable to find the latest development build for FAR, then you should not be using it as it is a dev build and not for public consumption

If you were to look through the thread a ways back and read you should be able to figure out how to get your hands on it ... if you are unable to do this then you shouldn't be using it as the intention is to have those who know how to provide proper bug reports and such be the ones who have access

A development build is for those who know how to test and report in a concise manner, not just anyone who wishes to have access ... Hence the term 'Development Build" (Tester access only)

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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