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I just lost my first crew...:(


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So, i am reletive new to this game and am playing it for a few months now. And yes, building your own rocket and do a succesful landing on Minmus and later the Mun gave me goosbumps and pride.

But I also want to share my first major setback. Landing in Minmus is routine by now, so it was time to send a crew to do surfacebased science on Minmus. The flight, inclanationburn and trip to Minmus were a breeze, just like the landing. I set up the groundscience with my scentist present and then went to sleep since the groundscience takes some time. I like keeping my Kerbals on the surface for more then a day anyway and dont use timewarp when I am landed somewhere. But this morning i had a bad awakening. During the night my landed spaceship drifted in to the experiments somehow and exploded. Killing the two kerbals on board and leaving my scientist stranded alone on Minmus. Now I noticed that spaceships glide a little bit after landing ore even rotate very slowly. Did not take that to serious and saw it as a gameglitch. But over the time of a earthnight it seems it slided all the way to the experiments and exploded.. I did not see that comming..
So is it a glitch?? ore something that happened to others also??
I am on my way to Minmus again to pick up my lone scientist, but feel realy bummed out over this loss of Kerballife.. I was realy carefull, trained with unmaned pods on landing and such and waited with manned flights until i was sure everything would work. So losing kerbals this way realy hurts.. Am i alone in this??

Great and fantastic game by the way, and i must say in these corona stay at home times even more adictive then usual..:)


Greetings from the Netherlands, Alex

Edited by RedAlex
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It is a game glitch and a pretty common one, although your experience sounds like one of the most severe lately.  Don't get too bummed, this wasn't your doing.    It's not like you activated a self-destruct charge on an 8-passenger tourist ship on the launch pad because you didn't check your staging.  And yes, I really did that once.


Welcome to the forums, and congrats on getting to Mun & Minmus

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Well, thank guys. I guess that is how we learn..
And my scientist is home again. She had to walk for like 10 mts because landing on a specific spot is something i still have ot learn, but this was close enough. After the  trauma of being left behind alone she could use the walk...

Edited by RedAlex
Extra info on topic..
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I would suggest in future that you a) save your games regularly, especially before or after landing somewhere, so that if the game crashes or glitches in any way you don't end up losing the ship and any crew on board, and b) don't leave the game running overnight. Leaving it running for long periods could increase the chances of something weird happening, not to mention the electricity use!

Depending on your settings, those two 'dead' Kerbals might be resurrected and re-appear in the Astronaut Complex, but only if you turned on "missing crews respawn" before they died. Of course, you can always fiddle the save file itself and change their status from 'dead' to 'active', but you need to know exactly what to look for and what to change, and this should not be attempted without having a backup of that save file in case you break something else. Or just hold a sad funeral for them and hire/rescue some new ones to take their place...

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On 5/1/2020 at 9:32 AM, RedAlex said:

So, i am reletive new to this game and am playing it for a few months now. And yes, building your own rocket and do a succesful landing on Minmus and later the Mun gave me goosbumps and pride.

But I also want to share my first major setback. Landing in Minmus is routine by now, so it was time to send a crew to do surfacebased science on Minmus. The flight, inclanationburn and trip to Minmus were a breeze, just like the landing. I set up the groundscience with my scentist present and then went to sleep since the groundscience takes some time. I like keeping my Kerbals on the surface for more then a day anyway and dont use timewarp when I am landed somewhere. But this morning i had a bad awakening. During the night my landed spaceship drifted in to the experiments somehow and exploded. Killing the two kerbals on board and leaving my scientist stranded alone on Minmus. Now I noticed that spaceships glide a little bit after landing ore even rotate very slowly. Did not take that to serious and saw it as a gameglitch. But over the time of a earthnight it seems it slided all the way to the experiments and exploded.. I did not see that comming..
So is it a glitch?? ore something that happened to others also??
I am on my way to Minmus again to pick up my lone scientist, but feel realy bummed out over this loss of Kerballife.. I was realy carefull, trained with unmaned pods on landing and such and waited with manned flights until i was sure everything would work. So losing kerbals this way realy hurts.. Am i alone in this??

Great and fantastic game by the way, and i must say in these corona stay at home times even more adictive then usual..:)


Greetings from the Netherlands, Alex

I feel yah, today I just lost bob because of a bug that his personal parachute didn't deploy after trying to eject 4 kerbals from a stalling Hythara spaceplane. Instead of reverting, I decided to leave it, I left a flag to mark his grave and left the wreck of the space plane there as a memorial. (2sad4me plays in background). The other kerbals survived, but the worst part was that the cockpit survived.

Edited by DunaManiac
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25 minutes ago, DunaManiac said:

I feel yah, today I just lost bob because of a bug that his personal parachute didn't deploy after trying to eject 4 kerbals from a stalling Hythara spaceplane. Instead of reverting, I decided to leave it, I left a flag to mark his grave and left the wreck of the space plane there as a memorial. (2sad4me plays in background). The other kerbals survived, but the worst part was that the cockpit survived.

I lost a spaceplane (and full crew) on Laythe once after hitting a bump in the ground on takeoff roll.  The next crew that arrived (like 4 years later) found more than half the spacplane in a few large pieces.  They were probably the 3rd or 4th crew to rotate through this particular base (with this spaceplane) so it wasn't like the terrain or the plane was unfamiliar.   I just hit a bump at the wrong time which caused the spaceplane to bounce into the air but it was too slow to keep climbing, and it had rolled as it bounced, so the low wing went "poof" then the crew moments later.  It actually wasn't a no load/revert game, but the most recent save i had was from quite a while in the past.   Their relief crew in the Laythe station were in shock, and had a long, sad return trip with nothing to show for their mission since they had no way to land.

I thought I still had at least one screenshot of the aftermath - taken with the next crew to arrive as they went around to investigate the wreckage. 


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