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Misguided Kerbal

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Just now, Misguided_Kerbal said:

I just finished arriving at Duna on a probe.

Nice!(I landed on Duna for like 6 times,some of them were debris,and the others are Probes)

1 minute ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

and it has no parachutes! Gahh!

aww man... at least,your lander had engines?

In case the Parachutes of the probes aren't enough slow down the probe...

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2 minutes ago, Kane Kerman said:

Nice!(I landed on Duna for like 6 times,some of them were debris,and the others are Probes)

aww man... at least,your lander had engines?

In case the Parachutes of the probes aren't enough slow down the probe...

Two minutes.

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3 minutes ago, Kane Kerman said:

Nice!(I landed on Duna for like 6 times,some of them were debris,and the others are Probes)

aww man... at least,your lander had engines?

In case the Parachutes of the probes aren't enough slow down the probe...

Welp, I had decoupled the engines... OoF for me. After I jettisoned the heat shield, I lost 10 m/s of Delta v, but in the end it just crashed. It's an impactor now, lol.

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Just now, Misguided_Kerbal said:

Welp, I had decoupled the engines... OoF for me. After I jettisoned the heat shield, I lost 10 m/s of Delta v, but in the end it just crashed. It's an impactor now, lol.


I've heard that "lithobreaking" is possible in Duna,so you might want to LithoBreaking on duna,as long as the probe has Lithobraking Shields,and see how it works,something similar to the Mars PathFinder mission:


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Just now, Kane Kerman said:


I've heard that "lithobreaking" is possible in Duna,so you might want to LithoBreaking on duna,as long as the probe has Lithobraking Shields,and see how it works,something similar to the Mars PathFinder mission:


You know, I also have an identical probe for Eve...the atmosphere might slow it down enough,.

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Just now, Kane Kerman said:

ah yes... high school.... how high can a high school go?

That reminds me of a shower thought a friend told me of the other day...

placing the bar high in limbo is setting the bar low.

Think about it....

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Just now, Lewie said:

That reminds me of a shower thought a friend told me of the other day...

placing the bar high in limbo is setting the bar low.

Think about it....

Gahh... my brain!!!


Also, have you guys been playing KSP lately? I've been having less and less time, but I've assembled an ISS-alike thing for my current save. The Duna window's soon, but I can't think of how to send a manned mission.

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36 minutes ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

The Duna window's soon, but I can't think of how to send a manned mission.

I think you should probably design an apollo style mission, but FOR DUNA! I've used it a few times and it works pretty well.

Alternatively, you could build a spacecraft in orbit, it's a little more realistic, if you're willing to deal with wobbly rockets.

Finally you could do it in a single launch, but that's only for more advanced players.


I've done it with a single launch.


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50 minutes ago, Misguided_Kerbal said:

The Duna window's soon, but I can't think of how to send a manned mission.

Try doing a duna mission with a modified saturn v! If you replace the third stage skiff with  a nerva, you have more then enough delta v....but you probably would have to modify the lander.

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41 minutes ago, Commodoregamer118 said:


and tell him that im still mad.



14 minutes ago, DunaManiac said:


To quote your signature: "I Quitted because of a lander.(aka Kane kerman)"

Your signature is grammatically incorrect. It should be "I quit" instead of "I quitted".

Just thought you'd like to know.

Actually, quitted is a valid form for past tense too. 

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