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Misguided Kerbal

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Ksp has a competition.


SIMPLE ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will that be the killer for ksp?!

hope not. we need ksp to be better than ever! with better grphics, no lag, no bugs, has to be perfect!

KSP rules!

I have an idea of a KSP movie. Long in the future Kerbals go and find a a new home leaving Kerbin behind and forgetting home. When they look for others planets the discover the Kerbil system again and find their boosters on Kerbin. They investigate and find out that it’s Kerbin, there long gone home. They attempt to research about the KSC and the old KSC. But they come across Jebidaih who tells them that Kerbin is home. And they find more kernels in Kerbin sating the same thing. They leave Kerbin and kerbal start to come back to Kerbin and the Kebol system.

Good story. It about home. That home is home.

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5 minutes ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

Ksp has a competition.


SIMPLE ROCKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will that be the killer for ksp?!

hope not. we need ksp to be better than ever! with better grphics, no lag, no bugs, has to be perfect!

Simple rockets? No way.

6 minutes ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

I have an idea of a KSP movie. Long in the future Kerbals go and find a a new home leaving Kerbin behind and forgetting home. When they look for others planets the discover the Kerbil system again and find their boosters on Kerbin. They investigate and find out that it’s Kerbin, there long gone home. They attempt to research about the KSC and the old KSC. But they come across Jebidaih who tells them that Kerbin is home. And they find more kernels in Kerbin sating the same thing. They leave Kerbin and kerbal start to come back to Kerbin and the Kebol system.

Good story. It about home. That home is home.

You could ask one of the moviemakers to make it, maybe?

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