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Reusability DLC

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Hi, I was reusing rockets for a while with mods and encountered the lack of platform to land rockets in the ocean. And then I got an idea that it could actually be a good DLC.

So, my proposal is combining ideas of several mods (KRE, FMRS, etc) into one DLC and adding some other related stuff not present in mods. The DLC could include:

  • Parts:
    • Big legs, grid fins (obviously Falcon-style landings)
    • Bigger chutes (e.g. for SRB reuse)
    • Parafoil (Electron-style. Well, without chopper)
    • Deployable wings (Energia flyback boosters)
    • Landing bags (like in Starliner, but boosters could use them too)
    • "Chomper" fairing able to open and then close for reentry (Starship, Energia Uragan)
    • Maybe some generic 3.75m or 2.5m conical capsules for face-forward reentry (similar to Russian Klipper, Blue Origin's Biconic Capsule concept, Starship's crew compartment)
  • Ocean platform to the east of KSC. Equatorial, with quite big area and far away from shores. At least for landing, not sure if launching from it will make sense. Also landing pads at KSC and on the land far to the east.
  • Most important thing, stock FMRS mod functionality. Jumping back in time to land the booster, recover it and then continue with the mission. The mod is great but merging it into stock UI and adding improvements to it will be great. Maybe even ability to record return flight, to have automatic recovery (with some probability of failure)
  • Some tweaking of recovery costs, including base game. For example, bonuses for land recovery, as there is no corrosive salt.

It seems to me that such ideas fit DLC format, reusing spacecraft with will not be obligatory, it is a spin-off gameplay, not base-game changing. Unlike, for example, Life Support which will require players to completely change their playstyle and will greatly separate players with and without DLC ("their tiny cans vs our mighty live-supporting ships"). And I believe it will be interesting for many players.

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I wouldn't pay for that DLC, and I bought the two that already exist so it's not because I don't like DLCs, I just don't see the point.

FMRS/Stage Recovery can capture dropped boosters and stages already, building a 'reusable' booster is also possible using pure stock components and some effort (there is even a stock rocket and a scenario you can play to do a sort-of reusable booster return flight), and the other stuff just sounds like parts clutter with limited utility. There is already a landing zone east of the KSC that you can use to land your boosters on, or just build an amphibious barge using the stock parts.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I dont mind some mods made stock...but when it comes to parts...I dont see much point if there is a mod that preforms the same thing you desire(console?..OK I understand where youre coming from). Like someone above stated...parts clutter...Id rather them create things that provide fresh playability instead of 'their' version of the exact same thing Im already using with a mod...which is basically just a texture swap to a normal player
thats why im not super excited about the recent updates. texture revamps aside...I could care less about any part that is added that is already present in a commonly used mod. Side note: that being said I havnt seen much headroom on the expansion of the mk2/3 profiles. as far as stock is concerned...both platforms are lacking in actual parts and function. If they expanded on some of that...I guess I wouldn't mind that

The added robotics and science experiments are the most recent things that I even cared about as far as part additions, especially if the mod is outdated and unsupported by a current ksp release. 99% of the ESA update...I dont care about tbh. But I suppose that update wasnt really catered to people like me, and thats fine

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I'd think there'd need to be more in the way of game mechanic to bring it to DLC worthy.

Like a payload load building so reused assemblies can only be reused as landed and controversially would suggest construction time should come in to it.

Or some form of failure mechanic that increases as parts get older or face more stress.

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I think it would be dlc worthy of they added more automation. Essentially you would create a mission builder like system that would draw out the steps (launch rocket, separate booster, orbit upper stage and payload, jettison payload, go back in time and land booster.) For the craft you would specify the payload mass in the "mission builder" then, you would use a fairing to specify payload dimensions. You would then complete the mission with a dummy payload in a simulation and you would now have an automatic way to launch payload into orbit. Now that you have this you can do a few things: 1. auto orbit: if you want to orbit something that fits in your rockets payload capacity all you have to do is click a few buttons. 2. new contracts: New career contracts will generate random but reasonable payload weight and dimensions for satellites and if you have a rocket that can orbit them that has been "simulated" you can accept the contract and it will be completed automatically. Note that all automated missions would have a failure rate, determined by difficulty settings and how close the used payload is to maximum capacity. These features are dlc worthy because they don't fundamentally change gameplay like life suport, but extend it in a way that some may appreciate, while not changing the core game. However it is not a totally natural or essential edition to the game and this it is not a good choice for a free update.

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Maybe this shouldn't be a dlc. Maybe an update, or it could be included in KSP2. Integration of mods into stock is not new: it happened in 1.7 with D-V and took some hints from KER, although not all the same. Though some of the mods that add this, like Tundra, probably add more parts than necessary. I Agree with @Bej Kerman - don't give them ideas about a paid dlc! Thought they may need the money, I don't think it's dlc-worthy.

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10 hours ago, Jeb_Needs_A_Parachute said:

Maybe this shouldn't be a dlc. Maybe an update, or it could be included in KSP2. Integration of mods into stock is not new: it happened in 1.7 with D-V and took some hints from KER, although not all the same. Though some of the mods that add this, like Tundra, probably add more parts than necessary. I Agree with @Bej Kerman - don't give them ideas about a paid dlc! Thought they may need the money, I don't think it's dlc-worthy.

Not really, I think automation is going too far for a stock update. However, it would be nice as a dlc that you can choose not to buy. This would help a lot with monotonous tasks like sending up 7 different space station modules and encourage reusability. However, if it was just SpaceX parts and stock fmrs I would agree with you and @Bej Kerman


Realized that getting it in a free update would be better, people could choose not to use it, and splitting the update into free and paid parts would be a big mistake for T2's reputation. Also, if the automation had to be researched in career/science mode it would be less controversial, since that's how it worked in real life. It took time to go from pointing warheads in the general direction of your enemy to landing boosters!

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