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KSP Enhanced Edition patch 12 is live!


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Hello Kerbonauts! 

A new patch for Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition is live! 

This patch contains some bug fixes, but more importantly, we’re adding the Maneuver Mode to the Enhanced Edition. This navigation tool gives you access to useful orbital information in both Flight and Map mode that will also allow you to precisely and easily adjust maneuvers nodes, all to help you fine tune your interplanetary transfers. Additionally, the underlying engine of the game has been updated to Unity 2019.2, putting Enhanced Edition on par with the PC version. This upgrade helped us implement memory management improvements and a reduction of frame stutters.

If you want to continue helping us out by providing us with feedback and bug reports, you can do so through our Bugtracker or Private Division’s customer support platform.

Check out this patch's Changelog for further details:

* Unity 2019 Update.
* Maneuver Node Editor.

* Enabled Incremental Garbage Collection

Fixed Bugs
* Vessels lose functionality when leaving the physics range and returning throughout gameplay.
* Kerbal temperatures do not decrease after landing in flight throughout gameplay.
* Legal screens display the year range 2011-2019 and are not updated for the year 2020. 
* The copyright date is listed as "2011-2019" when observed on the title screen. 
* Unformatted code text is present when viewing the "Ejection" tooltip in the Maneuver Mode UI.

Happy Launchings! :)

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Yes! A unity update, hopefully my craft won’t stutter at 100 parts...


darn it, I ran out of time on the PlayStation right before this went live. Can’t wait to try it out!

please tell me that the texture revamps are included...

A HUGE thanks to @SQUAD and Blitworks!

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Wait...there was no Maneuver node!? well Now it's here, and, as an owner and player enchanced edition..I'm more than happy to have it... though I wish there was a drag option for the cursor layout. other than that nitpick It works great..

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1 minute ago, Little Hyena said:

Wait...there was no Maneuver node!? well Now it's here, and, as an owner and player enchanced edition..I'm more than happy to have it... though I wish there was a drag option for the cursor layout. other than that nitpick It works great..

Maneuver Mode* not Node :) I think they mean the little window in the bottom left corner

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50 minutes ago, Ephraim Stone said:

Sir, you had me at "bug fixes". Speaking only for myself, a more stable game experience is way more important than new parts or texture revamps, so a very sincere THANK YOU SQUAD! 

We are PSYCHED!!!


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8 hours ago, Lewie said:

I wonder what the incremental garbage collector is.

In software, "garbage collection" describes freeing up memory that was used but is now no longer needed, so that it can be returned to the operating system. Think of it as... for example, you want to calculate something complicated, so you grab some paper and a pencil and write down the equations and eventually get your result. But you now have several pieces of paper full of equations that you no longer need. So you gather them up and throw them in the garbage bin.

It's just like that in software - except that the paper magically becomes clean and empty again in the process. ;)

But, just like you need to take a moment to stop what you're doing and collect the paper instead, the program needs to stop for a moment to figure out what it no longer needs and then free up that memory. If you try to collect a large enough amount of garbage at the same time, this brief moment of stopping becomes large enough that it becomes noticeable by humans. You get a situation where every 20 seconds or so, there is a tiny microstutter just at the edge of your perception, no matter how good your hardware is, and how many FPS you get.

Incremental garbage collection is teaching the software to not let large piles of garbage pile up, but rather to constantly work at removing small amounts. It will pause much more frequently, but those pauses will be so utterly miniscule that you no longer notice them - smaller than the interval between two frames displayed by the monitor. In theory, this removes microstuttering and creates a smooth gameplay experience.

(In practical application it's more complex than that, but your takeaway should be "less stuttering than before".)

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On 6/23/2020 at 3:34 PM, Little Hyena said:

Wait...there was no Maneuver node!? well Now it's here, and, as an owner and player enchanced edition..I'm more than happy to have it... though I wish there was a drag option for the cursor layout. other than that nitpick It works great..

There was amanuever node, but now, you can see detailed info about your orbit, encounters and manuevers in a new tab. You can access it by clicking the purple button below the map toggler at the bottom left of the screen

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I hate to say this, but after playing around with this, the only truly good part of this update is the improved performance. As far as I could see, the maneuver mode tab did not contain the fine adjustment node, so it's purpose is kinda moot. I dunno. I could be wrong, please correct me if I am. I very well may be. If there is the fine maneuver tab with the scale setting and what-not could someone please tell me? Thanks. 

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This update is very unstable.  After the patch, I have noticed that my game crashes a LOT more frequently (on PS4, with the most current system software).  I am not doing anything differently.  It's gone from crashing once or twice a day, to 5 times in the last several hours.  I'll finish circularizing an orbit, click to enter the tracking station ... crash.  I'll build a ship, click to launch ... crash.  Even sometimes just in the middle of building a ship ... crash.  A lot of these crashes are still resulting in corrupted save data, which prompts a reload of a backup file, and lost progress.

The latest one (which randomly happened as I was working on an aircraft) corrupted the craft list for my Spaceplane Hangar.  This is something I have not previously experienced in the year or so that I have been playing this game, which leads me to believe it was introduced by the patch.  Now, when I go to load something in the SPH, the list never fully populates (it will be stuck at about 25% loading), and I can't select any craft to load at all.

I am able to load my SPH crafts directly onto the runway (I would have burned the KSC to the ground otherwise), revert to the SPH, and have editing and saving functionality, but still be unable to load anything.  The only craft that isn't on the runway list is the one I was working on when the game crashed.  I had saved the ship about 3 or 4 times as I was working on it, so I can only assume that specific craft file is what's preventing the list in the SPH from loading.

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4 hours ago, Lewie said:

I hate to say this, but after playing around with this, the only truly good part of this update is the improved performance. As far as I could see, the maneuver mode tab did not contain the fine adjustment node, so it's purpose is kinda moot. I dunno. I could be wrong, please correct me if I am. I very well may be. If there is the fine maneuver tab with the scale setting and what-not could someone please tell me? Thanks. 

If you're referring to the widget that you see PC players dragging on in maneuver mode, then you're correct.  It does not appear to be present on console. I was also a little disappointed about that.  I imagine the lack of mouse support had something to do with that decision, as fine tuning anything in this game with a controller can be a bit of a chore, but I can only guess.

As far as the usefulness of the maneuver mode as a whole; I have found that if I create a node, and manually enter the ejection burn values that I get from alexmoon's launch window planner, I get an encounter right off the bat 99% of the time (unless I have to tweak the position of the node itself on my orbit).  The significance of that can not be overstated.

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6 hours ago, Demordrah said:

If you're referring to the widget that you see PC players dragging on in maneuver mode, then you're correct.  It does not appear to be present on console. I was also a little disappointed about that.  I imagine the lack of mouse support had something to do with that decision, as fine tuning anything in this game with a controller can be a bit of a chore, but I can only guess.

As far as the usefulness of the maneuver mode as a whole; I have found that if I create a node, and manually enter the ejection burn values that I get from alexmoon's launch window planner, I get an encounter right off the bat 99% of the time (unless I have to tweak the position of the node itself on my orbit).  The significance of that can not be overstated.

Well gall darn....

Fudge it, I have to switch to pc. I can’t take this anymore.

What is this launch window planner? It sounds really helpful.

7 hours ago, Demordrah said:

This update is very unstable.   

I know...the performance is definitely a leg up, but my game crashed five times in an hour...

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2 hours ago, Lewie said:


Alexmoon's launch window planner has an integration as a mod within ksp itself - its called transfer window planner. Very useful for custom planet systems and much more handy to use.

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The maneuver mode is a very welcome addition! I've been wanting this since the old Flying Tiger edition. Just wondering why scaling factors for the maneuver widget were left out, as this would be very handy on consoles. Also, I've noticed that keyboard hotkeys on my chatpad are now enabled! Very welcome improvement! Now, I just need a list of all the available hotkeys. Here are some useful ones I've discovered by trial and error:   . (period) - increase time accel,  , (comma) - decrease time accel,  number keys - activate action groups, U - toggle lights, G - toggle landing gear, (SPACEBAR) - stage, Z - set throttle full, Shift then X - short throttle blip. There seems to be a way to load the last quicksave, but I've only managed to activate it by accident. I think it has something to do with holding X? 

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