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+1 to digital clock style being bad.

In terms of screen clutter, I'd prefer to have the middle clear: the Kerbals on top and the timer on the bottom are bound to get in the way. In a similar fashion, the navball will restrict the view at launch time. I understand that they want the staging to sit in the same place during flight & assembly, but am not convinced that this justifies moving the biggest blob to the lower left.

"Adventure mode" seems like a good idea. I do not like Career mode in it's current form, and am quite happy that the whole premise is being reconsidered. From what I can gleam, they are on the right track.

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4 minutes ago, Laie said:

+1 to digital clock style being bad.

In terms of screen clutter, I'd prefer to have the middle clear: the Kerbals on top and the timer on the bottom are bound to get in the way. In a similar fashion, the navball will restrict the view at launch time. I understand that they want the staging to sit in the same place during flight & assembly, but am not convinced that this justifies moving the biggest blob to the lower left.

Funny that you mention that; having an unrestricted view is the reason I play with the navball moved as much to the left as possile


I'm not too worried about the digital clock as it looks right now. Yes, it's hard to read - but I'm pretty sure QA will flag this as a concern and have it fixed.

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It looks like we are going to have a suit picker like in 1.10, but even more diverse, or possibly different space suits for different kerbals, as evidenced by this picture:


Edited by DunaManiac
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37 minutes ago, Kerbart said:

Funny that you mention that; having an unrestricted view is the reason I play with the navball moved as much to the left as possile

I'm doing the same, that doesn't mean I'm 100% happy with it. My preferred unobstructed area would be something ellipsoid, with the long axis stretching from bottom left to top right.


Disclaimer: the above is only an approximation, but I hope you get the idea. This leaves me with two corners for big stuff, and two corners for small items. Of course, I'm also throwing mod windows into the mix -- leaving one big corner available for mod stuff probably would be a good idea.

As it is, I'd prefer to move the staging menu up and place the navball below it. Haven't figured out how to do that, though.


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34 minutes ago, Laie said:
1 hour ago, Kerbart said:

Funny that you mention that; having an unrestricted view is the reason I play with the navball moved as much to the left as possile

I'm doing the same, that doesn't mean I'm 100% happy with it. My preferred unobstructed area would be something ellipsoid, with the long axis stretching from bottom left to top right.


Disclaimer: the above is only an approximation, but I hope you get the idea. This leaves me with two corners for big stuff, and two corners for small items. Of course, I'm also throwing mod windows into the mix -- leaving one big corner available for mod stuff probably would be a good idea.

As it is, I'd prefer to move the staging menu up and place the navball below it. Haven't figured out how to do that, though.

Still doesn't help that the UI looks scattered around, which is something that KSP 2 fixes perfectly fine.

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9 hours ago, Acid_Burn9 said:


This is nothing to do with design. It's just lack of shadows and ambient lighting on their models. Graphics is still WIP. This is one of the things, that will definitely improve before the release.

That can be it. But I'm still under the opinion they changed the eyes or their positions slightly.

Edited by shdwlrd
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1 hour ago, shdwlrd said:

That can be it. But I'm still under the opinion they changed the eyes or their positions slightly.

The eyes look more spherical and symmetrical (size wise).  Previously, the right eye was slightly taller than it was wide.  Also, at least Jeb (?) seems to be focusing both eyes in the same direction.  It makes him seem less unstable.

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20 hours ago, klesh said:

I quite dislike the artstyle of the UI. Its like someone was let loose with neon highlighters to accent things or something.  Very brash and gaudy. Seems like alot of wasted space.  I too dislike the digital clock fonts.

I quite like the art style actually! I think it looks alright, and we haven't got to interact with it so we might not be able to see the positive or negative effects of having this UI. I also quite like the amount of space, I like looking at my craft and the scenary and planets around them. As for the digital clock fonts, they do look a bit too blocky and hard to read, might be a bit of a pain in emergencies, like keeping an eye on sea level indicators when flying low in a plane!

Edited by FrozenFirework
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I am certainly taking the shown UI as a 'work in progress' so not overly concerned, especially as (at least as I understand it) changes to colours, fonts, icon positions etc are not hugely difficult to change relatively quickly, and stuff may need to be added or removed as gameplay tweaks require anyway.  So, I regard what we see now as an 'evaluation' version, rather than 'this is it'.  Much of it may well be placeholders to provide something useable for now.

Many good points have been made about the appearance and arrangement, and I expect they will be noticed and considered before anything is finalised.

For me the primary requirement of UI is useability and practicality, it is there purely to enable you to the stuff the game is for.  If it looks pretty too that is a bonus, and aesthetics are very important, but if 'form' becomes more important than 'function' to the point it becomes difficult to use then it fails big time IMO.

Dark grey buttons with subtle black text may well look awesome as a 'stealth theme', but finding the one you need quickly could become a chore very quickly.

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