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CKAN (The Comprehensive Kerbal Archive Network) - v1.33.2 Laplace - KSP 2 support!


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10 minutes ago, SkeletonKing said:

For some reason a max KSP version of 1.11.9 is not compatible with or whatever. Something odd with the version checks? This is happening with Far Future Technologies for one example.

CKAN also considers dependencies when determining if a mod is compatible with your current setup or not. That means if the dependency is incompatible, the mod isn't either.

In this case FFT depends on B9 Part Switch, which hasn't been updated for or marked as compatible with KSP 1.11 yet.

If you want to install it regardless, you can override the KSP versions CKAN considers as compatible like this.

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Okay, I don't know if I pushed a wrong button or something, but after I upgraded to the current build of this, everytime I try to do anything, Ckan wants to pull all my mods.


everything is labeled "remove" with reason "auto-installed, depending modules removed", and no matter what I do, it keeps coming back that way. 


Also, the darn thing got stuck in a loop. It was so in a panic about an incompatible dependency ("B9PartSwitch" for "Near Future Solar"), that right after I hit dismiss on the error pop up, it pops right back up again, locking out everything and preventing me from unchecking the box. I had to kill the process.

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15 minutes ago, KamenRiderzero1 said:

Okay, I don't know if I pushed a wrong button or something, but after I upgraded to the current build of this, everytime I try to do anything, Ckan wants to pull all my mods.


everything is labeled "remove" with reason "auto-installed, depending modules removed", and no matter what I do, it keeps coming back that way. 

Guessing you tried playing around with the auto-installed column. Uncheck the mods that you consider "anchor" mods that you definitely want to keep, leave checked the ones that you would not mind having auto-removed if all mods depending on them were uninstalled.

15 minutes ago, KamenRiderzero1 said:

Also, the darn thing got stuck in a loop. It was so in a panic about an incompatible dependency ("B9PartSwitch" for "Near Future Solar"), that right after I hit dismiss on the error pop up, it pops right back up again, locking out everything and preventing me from unchecking the box. I had to kill the process.

When did this happen, what was CKAN doing at the time?

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43 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Guessing you tried playing around with the auto-installed column. Uncheck the mods that you consider "anchor" mods that you definitely want to keep, leave checked the ones that you would not mind having auto-removed if all mods depending on them were uninstalled.

When did this happen, what was CKAN doing at the time?

to the first bit, i was not aware that those were not supposed to be checked off, because every time I close and reopen the program, they check. 


as the the glitch, I clicked "add available updates" and that's when it went nuts. seems to have gotten over it though, because that pop up didn't even show when I tried to make it do it again. 

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45 minutes ago, eberkain said:

I'm not sure what you mean.  

He means that the meta repository for RTB's Kopernicus dev has been migrated to GitHub by the author.  If you go into Settings > Metadata Repositories then delete and re-add Kopernicus_BE, you'll solve the problem.

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Is there a way to set config in CKAN to avoid rename of downloaded files?

e.g. MechJeb2-dev- becomes ABFF616F-MechJeb2-dev-

Maybe a needed checksum, but while having a huge archive of old versions, sorting becomes impossible.

If needed, why not put checksum behind origin filename MechJeb2-dev-

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2 hours ago, Zeggpold said:

KIS 1.28 is not compatible with 1.10.1 (or earlier, presumably), but CKAN thinks it is.  The suggestions was made in that thread to report that here.

KIS's compatibility metadata comes from its author-maintained version files. The one included in the download says:

    "KSP_VERSION": {
        "MAJOR": 1, 
        "MINOR": 8, 
        "PATCH": 0
        "MAJOR": 1, 
        "MINOR": 99, 
        "PATCH": 99
        "MAJOR": 1, 
        "MINOR": 8, 
        "PATCH": 0

That's where the current 1.8.0 minimum version compatibility is coming from.

The remote version file at https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ihsoft/KIS/master/KIS.version was later fixed to say 1.11 instead, but at the same time the VERSION.BUILD property was changed to no longer match the download, which indicates it does not apply to the current download (the VERSION properties need to match for the remote version file to override the one in the download):

Everything seems to be working properly on the CKAN side of things; if you try this mod with KSP-AVC, it should be giving the same results.

EDIT: Did some stuff on GitHub that should help with this.

Edited by HebaruSan
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I have a hard time finding Kerbal Construction Time on CKAN. Can you help me what I am doing wrong?

soyuz:CKAN macluky$ ckan compat list
Version      Actual
-----------  ------  True  
1.9.1        False 
soyuz:CKAN macluky$ ckan update
Downloading updates...
ckan search kct
Updated information on 813 compatible modules
soyuz:CKAN macluky$ ckan search kct
Found 0 compatible mods matching "kct".


Also, browsing the source code I noticed that some options have additional arguments which are not listed in the help. Is there a resource that lists all of these?

Nevermind, ckan <command> --help does the trick

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soyuz:CKAN macluky$ ckan search --all KerbalConstructionTime --detail
Found 1 compatible and 3 incompatible mods matching "KerbalConstructionTime".
Matching compatible mods:
* KVASS (2.0.2) - KVASS - Kerbal Very Simplified Simulation and Planning by flart - Additional payment for a simulation, and planing is required before a real launch. A simplified KRASH and Kerbal Construction Time alike. No new GUI - used Kerbal Alarm Clock timers
Matching incompatible mods:
* KerbalConstructionTime (1:1.4.8 - KSP 1.8.0 - 1.10.1) - Kerbal Construction Time by magico13, westamastaflash, linuxgurugamer - Unrapid Planned Assembly
* KerbalConstructionTime-173 ( - KSP 1.6.1 - 1.7.3) - Kerbal Construction Time-1.7.3 by linuxgurugamer - Unrapid Planned Assembly
* KerbalConstructionTime-RP-0-Config (v0.36 - KSP 0.25 - 0.90) - Kerbal Construction Time RP-0 Config by RP-0 Group - A Kerbal Construction Time configuration meant to be used for RP-0

Interesting, should I read it as follows: its not showing up for 1.9.1 and 1.11 because its not 1.10?

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  • 3 weeks later...

I copied my KSP folder to another location in order to make a Beyond Home install and was wondering if I can use CKAN to keep that install up to date?  All the mods in that instance show up as AD, is there a way or adding them to CKAN without having to remove them manually and install via CKAN?

NVM seems like copying the CKAN folder from my normal KSP instance into the Beyond Home instance solved it and now the mods can be updated via CKAN.  Just out of curiosity is there a way of making an manually installed mod that shows as AD and set it to be updated via CKAN?

Edited by KSPNoob
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1 hour ago, KSPNoob said:

Just out of curiosity is there a way of making an manually installed mod that shows as AD and set it to be updated via CKAN?

The only way I know of is to reinstall via CKAN.  Backup any unique settings, such as Kerbal Engineer Redux layouts, a reapply them after the reinstall, but most mods won't need this step.

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Hi there :)

I stumbled upon a minor metadata issue for the "Routine Mission Manager" mod: the provided homepage link directs you to the old forum thread, not the one after LGG adopted the mod.

Usually, I would report this directly on github, but I'm kinda puzzled which category I should put this in. After following the link in the OT to report metadata issues, I still had to choose between "bug report", "fetature request" and "mod request" and IMO, this wouldn't fit in neither of these. Is there anything I'm missing or would this actually classify as a "bug report"?

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4 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Hi there :)


4 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

I stumbled upon a minor metadata issue for the "Routine Mission Manager" mod: the provided homepage link directs you to the old forum thread, not the one after LGG adopted the mod.

Funnily enough, that's being pulled from the SpaceDock entry, whose "Forum Thread" link still goes to the old one:

Then again, I'm about to update it, so it'll probably be changed by the time you read this.

4 minutes ago, 4x4cheesecake said:

Is there anything I'm missing or would this actually classify as a "bug report"?

Yes, bad metadata would qualify as a "bug report" when filed to the NetKAN repo.

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2 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Yes, bad metadata would qualify as a "bug report" when filed to the NetKAN repo.

Okay, thank you. I'll file a bug report the next time :)

3 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Then again, I'm about to update it, so it'll probably be changed by the time you read this.

Thank you for updating it as well :)

Coming back from a long break, I'm glad to see this community being still as friendly and active as when I left :wub:

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3 hours ago, Ollz said:

Would using CKAN speed up my games loading time?

I have 8GB Of RAM, and a bunch of mods, so my game takes >20minutes to load.

If using CKAN will speed that up, we have a Sale! (Meaning I will download it lol)

No. All CKAN does (in a very abstract way) is extracting the zips into GameData like you would do when installing manually (after a lot of compatibility and relathionship checks and stuff of course).

If you hit "Launch KSP" in CKAN, it only starts the executable. It doesn't influence the loading process in any way.

There are unfortunately only two ways to speed up loading times: less mods, or stronger hardware. But even with better hardware chances are that it doesn't change much.

So no, CKAN doesn't have a magic formula that can speed up KSP loading times.

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On 2/12/2021 at 12:27 PM, DasSkelett said:

No. All CKAN does (in a very abstract way) is extracting the zips into GameData like you would do when installing manually (after a lot of compatibility and relathionship checks and stuff of course).


So no, CKAN doesn't have a magic formula that can speed up KSP loading times.

It shouldn't speed anything up,

But it prevents installing incompatible mods, and makes sure mods are correctly installed.

Which can speed things up, since mangled mods can slow things down.

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