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A new look at KSP 2 launch trailer

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So I was re-watching the KSP2 launch trailer and noticed several things.

1. This moon. (Merbal)

Featured in a shot of Ovin is a moon. This has been out for a while and I'm sure someone has noticed this and I was wondering, has anyone figured out this moon's name?


2. Possible surface of Puf or  This was confirmed in a follow up, behind the scenes trailer to be the surface of Merbal.


As this shiny spacecraft lands, you see a strange landscape. While it does say "Not actual gameplay" at the beginning, I can't help but notice some similarities between Puf and this landscape. Could this be a sneak peek at Puf? Of course it could be a look at the UMO. The spacecraft looks very similar to the one shown before and it would make sense with the rest of the video.

Also if you look at the corner, you notice a strange glow/atmosphere. Could this moon/Puf have an atmosphere? Or is this like Spectra and just a glow. Of course this could just be video effects to make it look cool.

3. Possible look at the landscape of Merbal



While this again could just be the video, touched up for the release and not how the actual surface will look, it does seem to be a look at the Merbal's surface. You can tell that it has liquid water, and icebergs, and perhaps the terrain will actually be as cool as in the video.

Any ideas, comments, or thoughts? Please leave them below. And if @Nate Simpson wants to give any hints, they would be welcome!

Edited by Kerminator1000
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I also found an article in PC gamer which showed this image. While many people have seen this, maybe my new perspective will add information.


One thing that strikes me as strange is the fact that there seems to be no way of transferring to the spaceship. Is the station just an unmanned fuel stop or is it something more? The skybox looks different from KSP and Jool seems to have a better revamp of its revamp.

I also found this:

The Vehicle Assembly Building has one more huge feature up its sleeve: a built-in trip planner, inspired by community members who created intricate charts to show the potential velocity a rocket will need to reach targets like the Mun or Duna. These became so popular even the developers used them. “I’ll be glad to not have a printout posted on my wall,” says Markham.

I personally don't like the sound of this, I prefer the old Delta-V map that I stuck to my wall and will probably end up relying on a personal Delta-V map anyway.

Edited by Kerminator1000
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  On 9/29/2020 at 9:30 PM, Kerminator1000 said:


One thing that strikes me as strange is the fact that there seems to be no way of transferring to the spaceship. Is the station just an unmanned fuel stop or is it something more? The skybox looks different from KSP and Jool seems to have a better revamp of its revamp.


That ship you see it's the colonial ship you see launched in the trailer, same craft different position around Jool (the trailer doesn't feature real gameplay, but the ships and assets are all extracted from the game, that's why you can see a lot of the trailer crafts in the alpha gameplay).

The "new girders" and "crane" part is actually confirmed to be the orbital VAB, and the colonial ship is being built by it.


  On 9/29/2020 at 9:30 PM, Kerminator1000 said:


The Vehicle Assembly Building has one more huge feature up its sleeve: a built-in trip planner, inspired by community members who created intricate charts to show the potential velocity a rocket will need to reach targets like the Mun or Duna. These became so popular even the developers used them. “I’ll be glad to not have a printout posted on my wall,” says Markham.

I personally don't like the sound of this, I prefer the old Delta-V map that I stuck to my wall and will probably end up relying on a personal Delta-V map anyway.


My personal black and white laser printed A4 ΔV map is ductaped on the shelf over which my Lego Saturn and ISS sits and is just next to my Bandai Chogokin Δ02 VF-31 Siegfried and actually I think it is the best cosmetic element of the bunch, but I cannot wait for it to be just that, a cosmetic thing and not something I need to use to play the game. 

A good ΔV map and transfer window calculator are some long needed QoL improvements.

Edited by Master39
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  On 9/29/2020 at 9:30 PM, Kerminator1000 said:

I also found an article in PC gamer which showed this image. While many people have seen this, maybe my new perspective will add information.


One thing that strikes me as strange is the fact that there seems to be no way of transferring to the spaceship. Is the station just an unmanned fuel stop or is it something more? The skybox looks different from KSP and Jool seems to have a better revamp of its revamp.


If you look through this album, you can see the ship and station from different angles.


PS, I didn't make this album. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Intriguing findings about KSP2 trailer and (sorta) teasing (tryna' make it MORE fun).

Well, here are all the things i thought was very odd and funny about the KSP2 trailer. its starts top to bottom going from beginning of the trailer to the end of it, respectively. Let me know if you got a good laugh or enjoyed it. its good to pass the time until the MIGHTY KSP2 COMES OUT!!! so here goes...

1. space station appears to undergo Atmospheric entry at the beginning of video?!

2. Light seems to be coming from atop of the station and then switches to in FRONT of the station.

3. Lander solar panels are extended when undocked from station but EXTENDS AGAIN shortly after touchdown.

4. Kerbal slips FOWARD when standing on ladder but rotates BACKWARD as he falls.

5. 1 meter tall Kerbal falls and K.O's 20,000 pound lander, toppling it in 1/6 gravity.

6. Kerbal survives.

7. Saturn V gets modified with 6 MOAR BOOSTERS (size 3?) 

8. 3rd stage of Saturn V slams into ISS?!

9. (if you look VERY CLOSELY at the plane during the Duna base scene) you can see the plane REPEATEDLY BARREL ROLLS out of excitement while a Kerbal drives a rover over an edge and (in real life) practically broke the suspension of the vehicle in the progress.

10. Station orbiting Jool looks like a fuel depot but also looks like a LIVING STATION with kerbals inside.

11. Kerbals float 50 feet from a 40 foot anti-matter (or ionic) engine that spontaneously ignites.

12. Duna base "magically" falls apart

13. Anti-matter vessel leaks sparks but carelessly continues to fly.

14. Kerbals cannot keep fear under control and helplessly scream and flail.

15. when approaching Ovin's icy moon, you can tell that the vessel is traveling EXTREMELY FAST, easily traveling at over 150,000 MPH (if we compare Ovin's size to that of Saturn).

16. Kerbals are happy and dandy and lander leg "magically" breaks which in tur makes the lander tip and ultimately goes on a killing spree by tackling the habitation domes and causing them to ALSO collapse.

17. Kerbal's evacuate base (for some apparent reason)

18. Lithobraking near you in 2020 (release date is Fall 2021)

19. Build, Fly, Dream (wasn't that for KSP1) ??? 

I really hope you guys enjoyed this humor piece making fun of the KSP2 trailer. Although some might think its offensive, i really was trying to get a good laugh about the trailer while exercising my "close eye" at things about the KSP2 that seemed odd but funny. I am a very strong fan of KSP and cannot control my excitement for when KSP2 comes out. As always, GOD SPEED KSP2 and to the developers, i think you guys are doing a superb job! Keep up the good work!!!


Thank you Developers!!!

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Murbel, however you spell it is a moon of glumo, the saturn like planet. A ovin moon has not bern confirmed from what I can find, but it should have one because the planet is so large that it is basicly useless to build a base on.

This is wrong


  On 10/1/2020 at 2:15 PM, Kerminator1000 said:

Yeah, its Ovin's moon. But I thought Ovin was a Kerbolar planet.



  On 10/15/2020 at 8:29 AM, probe137 said:

I think it's actually the/a moon of Glumo, an exoplanet and gas giant


This is right

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  On 9/29/2020 at 9:03 PM, Kerminator1000 said:

So I was re-watching the KSP2 launch trailer and noticed several things.

1. This moon. (Merbal)

Featured in a shot of Ovin is a moon. This has been out for a while and I'm sure someone has noticed this and I was wondering, has anyone figured out this moon's name?



Also not in the story board you can see a clearer image of Meurble. And we see it has an equatorial ocean.

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