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Fuel transfer bug?

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Wondering if anyone has seen this before; it feels like a bug to me...

I'm having intermittent problems transferring fuel between tanks after docking two vessels together for refueling. Typically I can make around two transfer operations, emptying a source tank into my being-refueled ship, and then further transfers don't do anything. I can select the tanks I want, but when I click "IN" on one or "OUT" on the other, no fuel moves. Sometimes the button will change to "STOP", but no fuel or oxidizer actually moves.

If I switch to the KSC and then immediately switch back to my ship, now it will work -- for another two or three tries, then it sticks again. Switching to KSC and back again fixes it again.

Just wondering if anyone else has seen this?


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This is bugging me as well, massively. The tricks to circumvent this bug do work, but it still is barely acceptable, and you have to repeat them for every new resource transfer, or you might have transfers stuck or even happening between parts that aren't even selected.

Hovering over the resource panel makes KSP highlight all tanks carrying the selected resource on screen temporarily, which makes KSP very slow when you are transferring fuel from a mining/refining vessel to a large station with lots of tanks.

I cannot understand why this bug is categorized as low priority, it should be high, to be fixed ASAP.

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Agree... this is awful. After all these versions where it's working, they managed to break it in V1.10.  And didn't fix it in 1.10.1. 

Tips... in my experience, it seems like a race condition. When the PAW is opened for the first tank, you can take your time. As soon as you open the second PAW, it seems to help if you are ninja fast at starting the transfer. You have under 1 second to click in / out. It seems to provide a statistically significant improvement in the chance of working, but I cannot guarantee it.  Obviously, this does not help for many-to-one or one-to-many tank transfers (where you pin many PAWs open).  

Otherwise I suggest using TAC Fuel Balancer. It does seem to work normally in v1.10. I did not try hovering the mouse over the resource panel yet.

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6 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

they managed to break it in V1.10.  And didn't fix it in 1.10.1.

Welcome to the weird world of KSP development, where serious bugs are randomly introduced and then studiously ignored for multiple releases.

6 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

it seems like a race condition

Since the 1.10 release notes mentioned a new caching system, I'm betting that this has something to do with it. My crystal ball says someone forgot to dirty the cache after resource transfer.
Or it could be a race, no way to tell really. vOv


6 hours ago, Krazy1 said:

I suggest using TAC Fuel Balancer.

That's my solution as well. With history as my guide, I have no faith whatsoever that this will be fixed in any kind of reasonable timeframe.
Unfortunately the devs have been known to use "a mod addresses this issue" to excuse not fixing it for an even more unreasonable length of time, so the mod solution is really a double edged sword.

Edited by steve_v
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