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[Min KSP 1.12.2] Blueshift: Kerbal FTL

Angelo Kerman

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Jumpgate assembly refactoring in progress:




You'll need to haul the segments into orbit as before, but there's a button on the control segment that installs a ring segment. If one can be found on a vessel within 2.5km of the control segment, then it will be removed from that vessel and be added to the jumpgate. Once you install all the segments, the gate becomes active.

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Blueshift 1.7.0 is now available:

- Added support for Community Category Kit.
- Refactored the Astria Porta so that it no longer requires players to dock segments to complete the ring. You still need to haul support segments to the construction site, but once there, just press "Install segment" on the control segment and the support segment will vanish from the cargo vessel and be added to the ring. Once all the segments are in place, the ring becomes operational.
- Warp engines now allow you to circularize around stars.
- Fixed fatal error generated by B9 Part Switch when it is installed along with Wild Blue Tools.
- Fixed issue where vessels could circularize their orbit near a target vessel from across the solar system.
- Fixed issue with auto-circularization not respecting the desired orbit inclination.

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Wow! @Angel-125 That is just quite a feat of engineering to be sure.  Looking forward to trying this out.  Haha!  That's pretty slick how you are "moving" the segments from source vessel to the ring.  DOOMED!!!!  DOOOOOOOMMMMED!!!  Good job on letting the game handle a lot of the heavy lifting.  I just would not have thought of some of those things.

I'm wondering if you have considered the pretty drastic imbalance between graviolium costs for the warp drive and for the jump gates.

100T ship using the jump ring in a 2-way trip will pay 1000 Graviolium toll - whether you're going Kerbin to Duna or Kerbin to Nova Kerbani
That same ship using warp will use just a fraction of that for either trip

I know the graviolium toll can be adjusted in settings.cfg, but I'd like to know your thought process here.  It's sort of not reasonable for a career mode game unless you use the graviolium cheat - IMO.

1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Blueshift 1.7.0 is now available:

- Added support for Community Category Kit.
- Refactored the Astria Porta so that it no longer requires players to dock segments to complete the ring. You still need to haul support segments to the construction site, but once there, just press "Install segment" on the control segment and the support segment will vanish from the cargo vessel and be added to the ring. Once all the segments are in place, the ring becomes operational.
- Warp engines now allow you to circularize around stars.
- Fixed fatal error generated by B9 Part Switch when it is installed along with Wild Blue Tools.
- Fixed issue where vessels could circularize their orbit near a target vessel from across the solar system.
- Fixed issue with auto-circularization not respecting the desired orbit inclination.

Boo yah!  Setting up comms relay networks just got ez-pz.

Oh wait.... I can set a desired inclination for auto-circ?   Happy dance!

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3 hours ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

Wow! @Angel-125 That is just quite a feat of engineering to be sure.  Looking forward to trying this out.  Haha!  That's pretty slick how you are "moving" the segments from source vessel to the ring.  DOOMED!!!!  DOOOOOOOMMMMED!!!  Good job on letting the game handle a lot of the heavy lifting.  I just would not have thought of some of those things.

I'm wondering if you have considered the pretty drastic imbalance between graviolium costs for the warp drive and for the jump gates.

100T ship using the jump ring in a 2-way trip will pay 1000 Graviolium toll - whether you're going Kerbin to Duna or Kerbin to Nova Kerbani
That same ship using warp will use just a fraction of that for either trip

I know the graviolium toll can be adjusted in settings.cfg, but I'd like to know your thought process here.  It's sort of not reasonable for a career mode game unless you use the graviolium cheat - IMO.

Boo yah!  Setting up comms relay networks just got ez-pz.

Oh wait.... I can set a desired inclination for auto-circ?   Happy dance!

Jumpgate technology is supposed to be different than warp tech, and that includes the cost. Warp tech might be cheaper, but it's not instantaneous. In the case of the jumpgate, it's expensive to open a wormhole big enough for a ship to slip through. Hence, it's not always the best idea to use jumpgates within a solar system, and instead use them between star systems. That said, if you still think the price is too high for your save, you can always change the cost to run the jumpgate. WBIJumpGate has the following resource entry:

		// In order to jump a vessel, gates can require that the vessel pay a toll of one or more resources.
		// If the vessel doesn't have sufficient resources then it cannot jump. Simply add one or more Resource nodes.
		// The cost is per metric ton of the vessel.
			name = Graviolium
			rate = 5

When (if) I get around to jump engines, they'll have a different cost metric- one of them being the time it takes to compute jump coordinates. The longer the range, the more time it takes to compute the jump coordinates- but here, unlike warp drives, you can use timewarp to get around the waiting. You can shorten your computing time with more computer modules- or possibly by using jump beacons sprinkled around the galaxy...

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@Angel-125 Previously, the "auto-circularize" orbit functionality dropped you within 100M of another ship if that was the target.  This is no longer the case.  Is this intentional?

I see the diff for this function between 1.6.2 and 1.7.0.  Do I now have to be MUCH closer to the target?  Previously, it seemed kind of.... loose



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On 2/27/2022 at 12:59 AM, Kerbal Productions said:

@Angel-125I've got this B9PartSwitch error.

KSP Log to examine

I don't need Blueshift ASAP but I would want to know how to fix this. 

Thanks :)

What version is your ModuleManager?  There is bitter complaining about it not being the correct version - or not there.

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15 hours ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

@Angel-125 Previously, the "auto-circularize" orbit functionality dropped you within 100M of another ship if that was the target.  This is no longer the case.  Is this intentional?

I see the diff for this function between 1.6.2 and 1.7.0.  Do I now have to be MUCH closer to the target?  Previously, it seemed kind of.... loose




Can you be specific? I had to fix distancing issues where you could rendezvous with a craft from across the solar system. Is the rendezvous not working?

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2 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Can you be specific? I had to fix distancing issues where you could rendezvous with a craft from across the solar system. Is the rendezvous not working?

I was previously able to do the rendezvous with auto-circ from the other side of a planet and understand why it's not working now.
I expect that it is working, but the challenge for me has been getting within the now minimum 100km - assuming that this is in meters
kMinRendezvousDistance = 100000

 Is kMinRendezvousDistance a thing that can be defined in settings.cfg?  That would make life easier.

The rendezvous with auto-circ does work in orbit around a planet as long as you get within 100KM of the target.  Doing this with a target in interplanetary space wasn't happening since  I just wasn't able to get within the requisite 100KM.  No reason why it wouldn't work though.  I'm able to circularize around the sun just fine.

I know it throws in yet another nested if statement, but relaxing the minimumdistance to maybe 5,000KM in interplanetary might be a thing.

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On 2/27/2022 at 12:59 AM, Kerbal Productions said:

@Angel-125I've got this B9PartSwitch error.

KSP Log to examine

I don't need Blueshift ASAP but I would want to know how to fix this. 

Thanks :)

I need some more information: what mods are you using along with Blueshift?


1 hour ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

I was previously able to do the rendezvous with auto-circ from the other side of a planet and understand why it's not working now.
I expect that it is working, but the challenge for me has been getting within the now minimum 100km - assuming that this is in meters
kMinRendezvousDistance = 100000

 Is kMinRendezvousDistance a thing that can be defined in settings.cfg?  That would make life easier.

The rendezvous with auto-circ does work in orbit around a planet as long as you get within 100KM of the target.  Doing this with a target in interplanetary space wasn't happening since  I just wasn't able to get within the requisite 100KM.  No reason why it wouldn't work though.  I'm able to circularize around the sun just fine.

I know it throws in yet another nested if statement, but relaxing the minimumdistance to maybe 5,000KM in interplanetary might be a thing.

This will be in the next release:

- Added minRendezvousDistancePlanetary and minRendezvousDistanceInterplanetary to Blueshift/settings.cfg. They specify, in meters, the minimum distance required to rendezvous with a vessel via the warp engine's auto-circularization feature. They apply to planetary and interplanetart space, respectively.

- Added rendezvousDistance to Blueshift/settings.cfg. It specifies, in meters, how close to the targed vessel should you end up at when you rendezvous with it during auto-circularization or a jump.

- WBIJumpGate's rendezvousDistance will defer to the rendezvousDistance in Blueshift/settings.cfg if set to -1 (it is -1 by default).

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9 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

This will be in the next release:

- Added minRendezvousDistancePlanetary and minRendezvousDistanceInterplanetary to Blueshift/settings.cfg. They specify, in meters, the minimum distance required to rendezvous with a vessel via the warp engine's auto-circularization feature. They apply to planetary and interplanetart space, respectively.

- Added rendezvousDistance to Blueshift/settings.cfg. It specifies, in meters, how close to the targed vessel should you end up at when you rendezvous with it during auto-circularization or a jump.

- WBIJumpGate's rendezvousDistance will defer to the rendezvousDistance in Blueshift/settings.cfg if set to -1 (it is -1 by default).

You mean.... I had a good suggestion??  :)

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28 minutes ago, Angel-125 said:

what mods are you using along with Blueshift?

It's on the logs, too.


Folders and files in GameData:
Adiri's TUFX Profiles
Stock folder: Squad

Stock folder: SquadExpansion



8 hours ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

What version is your ModuleManager?  There is bitter complaining about it not being the correct version - or not there


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1 hour ago, Kerbal Productions said:

It's on the logs, too.


Folders and files in GameData:
Adiri's TUFX Profiles
Stock folder: Squad

Stock folder: SquadExpansion




For WildBlueIndustries, what other mods do you have?

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Here are some tags with fatal on it. 

[EXC 16:49:57.516] [ModuleManager] Exception while calling B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad(): System.Reflection.TargetInvocationException: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation. ---> System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading tank type bsFusionPellets ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resources on type B9PartSwitch.TankType ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field resourceDefinition on type B9PartSwitch.TankResource ---> B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.PartResourceDefinitionValueParser+PartResourceNotFoundException: No resource definition named 'RocketParts' could be found
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.PartResourceDefinitionValueParser.FindResourceDefinition (System.String name) [0x00024] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.ValueParser`1[T].Parse (System.String value) [0x0000b] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.ValueScalarMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00022] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.TankResource.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00000] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.NodeObjectWrapperIContextualNode.Load (System.Object& obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00038] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.NodeListMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x0009e] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.TankType.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00000] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ReloadTankDefs () [0x0004c] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ReloadTankDefs () [0x0007f] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.ModuleManagerPostLoad () [0x00000] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at (wrapper managed-to-native) System.Reflection.MonoMethod.InternalInvoke(System.Reflection.MonoMethod,object,object[],System.Exception&)
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00032] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at System.Reflection.MonoMethod.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Reflection.BindingFlags invokeAttr, System.Reflection.Binder binder, System.Object[] parameters, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture) [0x00048] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
  at System.Reflection.MethodBase.Invoke (System.Object obj, System.Object[] parameters) [0x00000] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
  at ModuleManager.PostPatchLoader+<Run>d__16.MoveNext () [0x00617] in <a0f9d7e5c0864d32839c501c53536c2a>:0 
[ERR 16:50:12.055] Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part  ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype fusionPellets ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The tank definitions have not been loaded yet (done after game database load).  This is likely caused by an earlier error or by ModuleManager being missing or out of date
  at B9PartSwitch.B9TankSettings.GetTankType (System.String name) [0x00030] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.TankTypeValueParser.Parse (System.String value) [0x0000b] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.ValueScalarMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00022] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00000] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x0001d] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Parsers.NodeObjectWrapperIContextualNode.Load (System.Object& obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00038] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataMappers.NodeListMapper.Load (System.Object& fieldValue, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x0009e] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataField.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00043] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00025] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataList.Load (ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00058] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.NodeDataObjectExtensions.LoadFields (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, B9PartSwitch.Fishbones.Context.OperationContext context) [0x00033] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at B9PartSwitch.CustomPartModule.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x000ea] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
  at B9PartSwitch.CustomPartModule.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x0010f] in <ec5d232173db4e88a7001629d1dcf4e1>:0 
  at PartModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x001ab] in <cd473063d3a2482f8d93d388d0c95035>:0 

Well, it's a lot. And all of them appear under a second after loading a part from Blueshift.

[LOG 16:50:12.224] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'WildBlueIndustries/Blueshift/Parts/FuelTank/wbiS5FTLPropellantTank/wbiGravioliumTank5S'
[ERR 16:50:12.234] Module ModuleB9PartSwitch threw during OnLoad: System.Exception: Fatal exception while loading fields on module ModuleB9PartSwitch on part  ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field subtypes on type B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading fields on subtype PartSubtype fusionPellets ---> System.Exception: Exception while loading field tankType on type B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype ---> System.InvalidOperationException: The tank definitions have not been loaded yet (done after game database load).  This is likely caused by an earlier error or by ModuleManager being missing or out of date


Edited by Kerbal Productions
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As far as I can tell you don't have Wild Blue Tools or Far Future Technologies installed. In my setup, I don't see the issues that you are. For now, you can delete Blueshift/Patchs/B9PS.cfg and see if that helps.

And for those who might be interested, I had a chance to mentally doodle today...


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Blueshift 1.7.2 is now available:


- Added minRendezvousDistancePlanetary and minRendezvousDistanceInterplanetary to Blueshift/settings.cfg. They specify, in meters, the minimum distance required to rendezvous with a vessel via the warp engine's auto-circularization feature. They apply to planetary and interplanetart space, respectively.

- Added rendezvousDistance to Blueshift/settings.cfg. It specifies, in meters, how close to the targed vessel should you end up at when you rendezvous with it during auto-circularization or a jump.

- WBIJumpGate's rendezvousDistance will defer to the rendezvousDistance in Blueshift/settings.cfg if set to -1 (it is -1 by default).

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1 hour ago, Angel-125 said:

Blueshift 1.7.2 is now available:


- Added minRendezvousDistancePlanetary and minRendezvousDistanceInterplanetary to Blueshift/settings.cfg. They specify, in meters, the minimum distance required to rendezvous with a vessel via the warp engine's auto-circularization feature. They apply to planetary and interplanetart space, respectively.

- Added rendezvousDistance to Blueshift/settings.cfg. It specifies, in meters, how close to the targed vessel should you end up at when you rendezvous with it during auto-circularization or a jump.

- WBIJumpGate's rendezvousDistance will defer to the rendezvousDistance in Blueshift/settings.cfg if set to -1 (it is -1 by default).

Wow.  fast work.  Thanks.  Super looking forward to messing with this tonight

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Ran a quick test.  Planetary circularization and rendezvous work properly.  Interplanetary circularization and rendezvous work properly.  I'll probably get more in depth tonight.

Very nicely done @Angel-125

A very low priority feature request that would be nice would be a toggle button on the warp engine control to throttle it way, way back.  It would be useful to be able to move slowly on warp power for rendezvous.  I also suggest that since this involves more than hitting it with a hammer, that one would have to have a L5 engineer onboard to invoke.

Sounds like you have quite the backlog of right interesting stuff though.

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18 hours ago, Ooglak Kerman said:

Ran a quick test.  Planetary circularization and rendezvous work properly.  Interplanetary circularization and rendezvous work properly.  I'll probably get more in depth tonight.

Very nicely done @Angel-125

A very low priority feature request that would be nice would be a toggle button on the warp engine control to throttle it way, way back.  It would be useful to be able to move slowly on warp power for rendezvous.  I also suggest that since this involves more than hitting it with a hammer, that one would have to have a L5 engineer onboard to invoke.

Sounds like you have quite the backlog of right interesting stuff though.

Warp engines have a thrust limiter that all KSP engines have. The warp engine respects that. :)

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9 hours ago, Angel-125 said:

Warp engines have a thrust limiter that all KSP engines have. The warp engine respects that. :)

Huhh... well of course.  Well, work has been making mush from my brain. 

Thanks for the nice nudges in the right direction.

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Breaking news from the Kerbin Admiralty about the "Disaster At Vall"

Following the disaster at Vall with KWS-1 "Oh Please Don't Explode", Lt Chad Kerman was given command of KWS-2 "Are We There Yet" and dispatched with minimum resources to the Jool system to rescue any surviving crew of KWS-1.

In a happy twist of fate, Capt Valentina was able to get the entire crew off of the ship before it exploded all across the landscape of Vall and kept them together in low orbit of Vall in hopes that their distress beacons would bring aid.

In spite of having no prior experience with Warp Ships, Lt Chad was able to maneuver the ship into an eccentric orbit around Vall with a dangerously close perigee - well inside the warp cutoff limit - and rescue the crew from KWS-1 and return to Kerbin.

In recognition of his skill and bravery in this rescue, Lt Chad was promoted to full Captain (5-star) and given permanent command of KWS-2 "Are We There Yet".

Having lost KWS-1 "Oh Please Don't Explode" and over 75% of the Kerbin graviolium supply, Captain Valentina was reduced in rank to Ensign (0-stars) and reassigned to Minmus, piloting a supply shuttle.  This over objection of some Kerbin Admiralty members who wanted to just "feed her to Jool".

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