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Bugs That Make KSP Unplayable

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Today I just found two bugs. And there contanslty keep occurring.


  A month after the ESA update came to consoles I couldn’t do EVAs. Sure I could get out but I could walk, let go, or board any craft. This is upsetting and makes me have to turn of the game and turn it back one just to get back to the Space Center.


  Also every time I fly a craft or do anything the game will just freeze. But it’s been doing this a lot. Like It would frees everyone 30 minutes! This is really upsetting.

These bugs just make KSP unplayable so please developers, please fix these as soon as possible.

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I'm getting a bug where I can't transfer fuel between vessels/parts of a vessel.  I've tried on a rocket I have that definently does not have crossfeed problems, and it's holding me up on doing a rover expedition to Duna's polar regions for that sweet, sweet science because I have to resupply at my landing/cargo site after the 200km journey to another site.  Now I'm stuck with a rover that works, but can't go further in case I run dry my RCS and LFO (fuel cell) reserves.

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1 hour ago, GKSP said:

I'm getting a bug where I can't transfer fuel between vessels/parts of a vessel.  I've tried on a rocket I have that definently does not have crossfeed problems, and it's holding me up on doing a rover expedition to Duna's polar regions for that sweet, sweet science because I have to resupply at my landing/cargo site after the 200km journey to another site.  Now I'm stuck with a rover that works, but can't go further in case I run dry my RCS and LFO (fuel cell) reserves.

This is a known bug. Hopefully it'll be fixed in 1.11.

1 hour ago, Dr. Kerbal said:

Please fix these bugs devs!

I would recommend you add those bugs on the bug tracker if you want to get the devs' attention. Make sure someone hasn't already posted them, though.

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We already have a site for reporting such bugs:  https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/

Please use that location instead of random threads on the forums.   Please also search those lists to see if your bug has already been reported.  If it has, you can upvote it.   Duplicating bug reports only increases the workload on the devs, and slows down the work they can do on the bugs. 

If you have issues that you think might be fixable in the short term, please use the Tech Support Forums and post a question.  When you do, please make sure you have read the appropriate sticky relevant to the type of install involved:


We do not need a mega thread full of random bug reports in a cluttered mess.   That helps nobody.  


This thread has been moved to the Suggestions forums.

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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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