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[1.11.x - 1.12.3] Galaxies Unbound: A Stellar Odyssey [1.3.1]&[1.4.3] [27June 2023]


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  On 3/13/2024 at 12:51 AM, KerbolRacer21 said:

how to download, btw do you have to download KSS to use it?


Read above, the mod author has taken it down to prevent conflicts when combining this with another mod they're working on, although a download is still available through the Internet Archive which is also linked above

EDIT: oop, new page, "above" now means previous page :)

Edited by KeaKaka
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  On 4/8/2024 at 6:08 AM, KerbalTechnician said:

github link is page not found

and its not on ckan


That's because @StarCrusher96 is working on Kerbal Star Systems 2, which may conflict with GU. Hopes are that GU will return after the summer, so keep your eyes peeled.

Edited by Iapetus7342
Fixed link
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  • 5 weeks later...

Many, many thanks for yur work on these mods,  StarCrusher96; Unfortunately I downloaded just Nova Krbani  quite some while ago, and when I wa able to get a better PC thought "Great! I'll be able to install ALL of GU now!" only to find that it's currently  in hiatus for entirely understandable reasons. ... (chuckle. Never mind, given I've only just sent my first probes to Jool and Sarnus, and havent got Kerbals beyond Duna yet, I can wait... really looking forward to  seeing GU in all its glory later in the year! :-)

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That's called Copyright Infringement, specifically Plagiarism. Since a re-upload is "a substantial part" of the original work, and these re-uploads were not given permission to exist, they can be taken down by the creator.

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Galaxies Unbound [GU], is an amazing mod. I found myself today installing a new instance of KSP and needing guidance on GU's installation procedure. I was surprised to see it physically removed, on behalf of the author. Next stop: Backups.

As far as I can tell folks just want the original authors content, like myself (no plagiarism altered copies desired). According to GU's license:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License

anyone may redistribute GU. The license in the version I have says so anyways.

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  On 6/9/2024 at 9:16 PM, JasonMiller said:

Galaxies Unbound [GU], is an amazing mod. I found myself today installing a new instance of KSP and needing guidance on GU's installation procedure. I was surprised to see it physically removed, on behalf of the author. Next stop: Backups.

As far as I can tell folks just want the original authors content, like myself (no plagiarism altered copies desired). According to GU's license:

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Public License

anyone may redistribute GU. The license in the version I have says so anyways.


Then idk why starcrusher is removing backups. Best to keep them to yourself for now.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey @StarCrusher96, i found a reupload of your mod on Spacedock. Here's the link: < Cut by Mod team, sorry we shouldnt post links to unauthroised dowanloads, ive passed it on as a PM to StarCrusher >>

Edited by Deddly
Link to unauthorsied download removed
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  On 7/3/2024 at 12:01 PM, EnderiumSmith said:

Is there a DeltaV map for Nova Kirbani? Specifically the ascent values for atmospheric planets. I notticed most the planets seem quite big, especially Sian after trying to aerobreak with the starship and exploding instantly.


Try Astrogator, it provides a dynamic Delta-V map for your ship as it flies to different destinations. For ascent values i honestly can't think of anything.

Edited by Iapetus7342
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I found a bug. Entering Sians atmosphere is like hitting a brick wall. Even heat shields explode unless you enter from the lowest possible orbit. The pressure curve jumps from 0.5 to 0 directly while others have like 0.00007 then 0. Also it has oxygen enabled but the science from the atmo analyzer says it doesnt.

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  On 7/4/2024 at 12:19 PM, EnderiumSmith said:

I found a bug. Entering Sians atmosphere is like hitting a brick wall. Even heat shields explode unless you enter from the lowest possible orbit. The pressure curve jumps from 0.5 to 0 directly while others have like 0.00007 then 0. Also it has oxygen enabled but the science from the atmo analyzer says it doesnt.


As GU is still in hiatus, I advise you to contact the supplier of your used reupload.

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