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[1.9–1.12] Kerbal Changelog v1.4.2 (adopted)


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Kerbal Changelog, originally by @Benjamin Kerman, is a utility for modders who want their release notes to be seen by everyone who downloads the mod. A window at the main menu puts the changelog into the eyes and brains of the mod's users. Comes with a scrollbar for large volumes of release notes and changes the title bar according to what mod's changelog is currently being displayed.

Some mod authors rely on this mod to alert users to changes, but its compatibility has not been updated in a while, so I have adopted it and added some enhancements: a toggle between KSP and Unity skins, greater visual hierarchy, UI Scale setting compliance, more granular memory of which changes are new, show-old-changes toggle, toolbar button in the space center, option to start in the multi-mod list, internationalization of UI strings. I'll also endeavor to keep the version file up to date, so if it works on the latest game version, CKAN will know about it.


Making your own changelog: https://github.com/HebaruSan/KerbalChangelog/blob/master/README.md

Download: https://github.com/HebaruSan/KerbalChangelog/releases/latest   CKAN-Indexed-green.svg

Source: https://github.com/HebaruSan/KerbalChangelog

License: MIT

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FYI, I just noticed a bug where the buttons in the multi-mod listing can show up when they shouldn't. Luckily it's an easy fix, but a bit small for a release by itself, so I'm looking for a few other things to include.

More bugs: In case anyone is trying to translate this mod to another language, several of the strings in the Localization file were supposed to be used but aren't. And if you tried using the Performance change type, it would load as None. Both to be fixed in next release.

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I finally thought of an idea for an icon that might work to replace this monstrosity:   KerbalChangelog.png

I'd like to reference the Roman god Janus, looking back to the past and forward to the future, as depicted on coins from antiquity:

uncertainjanus.jpg  Coin-depicting-Janus-This-image-is-in-the-public-domain-Source_Q640.jpg  janus-coin-2-e1511259412211.png

I'm told that sometimes one face is sad or angry while the other is happy, which would correspond well to a new release in which we look back in dismay at old bugs and forwards to shiny new features.

But of course since this is Kerbal Changelog, the faces ought to be Kerbals instead, and the moods ought to be panicked terror and excitement. And of course it needs to be simple and recognizable at 38x38 pixels. I have opened GIMP to attempt this, but it feels like the sort of thing that's pretty far beyond my ability to realize well.

Is there a place where KSP-playing graphic artists hang out, who might be willing to do a commission like this for free under the MIT license?

Edited by HebaruSan
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  On 3/1/2021 at 6:57 PM, HebaruSan said:

I have opened GIMP to attempt this, but it feels like the sort of thing that's pretty far beyond my ability to realize well.


Have you ever wondered what it would look like if Mike Judge worked on a Shrek reboot?


I would still very much welcome help from anyone with artistic talent, but for now, at least it isn't text anymore.

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  • 1 month later...


Is it possible to add more `change =` to a `CHANGE`? 

For example:

	change = Added feature 1
	change = Added feature 2
	type = Add
	change = Fixed bug 1
	change = Fixed bug 2
	type = Fix

At the moment I have to list my fixes in separate `CHANGE` which gets annoying when you have a long changelog. Is this something that is possible or has this approach been considered?

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  On 4/16/2021 at 8:19 PM, HebaruSan said:

The "subchange = " syntax is still supported. It's not mentioned in the current readme because I based my fork on the develop branch, which had removed it.



I see, but it's not exactly how I thought it would work. The `subchange` here is literally just a syntax to the `change =`. What I would like to see is that within the `CHANGE` syntax I can put a lot of `change = ` so the list looks like I described in my first comment. So:

* Fixed issue 1
* Fixed issue 2

And not like this when I use `subchange`:

* Fixed issue 1
         - Fixed issue 2

Hard to describe but I hope you understand my description.

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You can list multiple "change = " lines in the main VERSION node, without CHANGE nodes. How about that?

  On 4/16/2021 at 9:01 PM, damonvv said:

I see, but it's not exactly how I thought it would work. The `subchange` here is literally just a syntax to the `change =`. What I would like to see is that within the `CHANGE` syntax I can put a lot of `change = ` so the list looks like I described in my first comment. So:

* Fixed issue 1
* Fixed issue 2

And not like this when I use `subchange`:

* Fixed issue 1
         - Fixed issue 2

Hard to describe but I hope you understand my description.


I was thinking you would go with something like:

* Various minor fixes
         - Fixed issue 1
         - Fixed issue 2

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  • 7 months later...

What is the reason that the changelog of a specific mod shows again and again, after each start of KSP?
In this case it's https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/RationalResources/releases/tag/1.31

Never happened with any other mod.

Could it be that KerbalChangelog does not  like the fact that there also is a file Changelog.md besides the KerbalChangelog.cfg?

Edited by Gordon Dry
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  On 11/26/2021 at 10:02 PM, Gordon Dry said:

What is the reason that the changelog of a specific mod shows again and again, after each start of KSP?
In this case it's https://github.com/JadeOfMaar/RationalResources/releases/tag/1.31

Never happened with any other mod.


I don't know of any reason for that. Can you share a link to the contents of your GameData/KerbalChangelog/KerbalChangelogSetting.cfg file?

  On 11/26/2021 at 10:02 PM, Gordon Dry said:

Could it be that KerbalChangelog does not  like the fact that there also is a file Changelog.md besides the KerbalChangelog.cfg?


No, that wouldn't affect anything.

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