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MiniKerbalShuttle v1.5


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  On 4/22/2023 at 9:48 AM, Saturn1234 said:

I'm having problems with how to properly place the wings on the space shuttle. They don't want to put themselves in the right place. Don't know how to fix it?


B9PartSwitch  obligatory add-on.

  On 4/7/2023 at 7:39 AM, Saturn1234 said:

Does anyone know if this will work with Kerbalism?



  On 3/19/2023 at 8:56 PM, LordCelestia said:

Hello, is there any update on this? I am willing to attempt to maintain it if development is truly halted. These are awesome parts and I hope they can continue!


This add-on is still frozen, I'm waiting for modding in KSP2.

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  On 6/24/2023 at 8:04 PM, Sanchez_1 said:

Is this still in dev? I really like it.


This add-on is a complete rework, without even getting a release. :D
The old version was one continuous bug and was also strange in terms of design.

Now there is rework of the main spaceship.






The rocket will also receive a redesign.

Edited by DimonD
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I really love the look of this mod but unfortunately I'm unable to get into space and it's wildly unstable once the boosters are gone it goes all over the place...  Have yet to be able to get it to land properly  when I do get it up there.

Once the LFT is dropped... the shuttle has no fuel to manuever.  I have even tried modifying the shuttle cfg to give it some fuel for orbital manuevers.  I've also added more PUNCH to the SRB's because they couldn't get the empty basic shuttle (no cargo) up to 50K .

Okay Update: I was an idiot.  I was firing off the OMS engines at launch.  I did change out engines to something more powerful and my SRB's are really packing a punch.  I'll have to try this build again without my modifications but it did land beautifully.

Edited by Xtra
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  On 5/29/2024 at 7:05 PM, Xtra said:

I really love the look of this mod but unfortunately I'm unable to get into space and it's wildly unstable once the boosters are gone it goes all over the place... Have yet to be able to get it to land properly when I do get it up there.

Once the LFT is dropped... the shuttle has no fuel to manuever. I have even tried modifying the shuttle cfg to give it some fuel for orbital manuevers. I've also added more PUNCH to the SRB's because they couldn't get the empty basic shuttle (no cargo) up to 50K .

Okay Update: I was an idiot. I was firing off the OMS engines at launch. I did change out engines to something more powerful and my SRB's are really packing a punch. I'll have to try this build again without my modifications but it did land beautifully.


Instability was the main problem with this add-on, I don’t know if it was due to an incorrect build of the add-on (perhaps something is not working correctly, or was not ported to Unity correctly), or bad configurations, but I spent a lot of time on it and could not solve the problem.

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  On 6/3/2024 at 9:23 AM, DimonD said:

Основной проблемой этого дополнения была нестабильность, я не знаю, было ли это связано с неправильной сборкой дополнения (возможно, что-то работает некорректно, или было неправильно портировано на Unity), или плохими конфигурациями, но я потратил на это много времени и не смог решить проблему.


Your shuttle is well balanced for the PCB, and its capabilities were sufficient for me.

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  On 6/3/2024 at 9:23 AM, DimonD said:

Instability was the main problem with this add-on, I don’t know if it was due to an incorrect build of the add-on (perhaps something is not working correctly, or was not ported to Unity correctly), or bad configurations, but I spent a lot of time on it and could not solve the problem.


I ended up boosting the SRB's config as follows:

        minThrust = 5125
        maxThrust = 7125  (I tried matching this to the LANCE but it still didn't have the lift needed to get to 50k)
        name = SolidFuel
        amount =  10000
        maxAmount = 10000 (Over kill but makes it easier to get it up to 50k before ejecting)
Adding to the Shuttle the FASA Apollo F1 engine and 2 Cormorant Aeronology/Assets/engines/CA_STME  title = CA - ST-25 "Toelle" Liquid Fuel Engine   (maxThrust = 700)

I now use this for my Tourist missions - but have bigger planes for it.  Haven't gotten it to land like the real shuttle did... but it handles VERY well.

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  On 6/4/2024 at 2:12 AM, Xtra said:

I ended up boosting the SRB's config as follows:

minThrust = 5125
maxThrust = 7125 (I tried matching this to the LANCE but it still didn't have the lift needed to get to 50k)
name = SolidFuel
amount = 10000
maxAmount = 10000 (Over kill but makes it easier to get it up to 50k before ejecting)
Adding to the Shuttle the FASA Apollo F1 engine and 2 Cormorant Aeronology/Assets/engines/CA_STME title = CA - ST-25 "Toelle" Liquid Fuel Engine (maxThrust = 700)

I now use this for my Tourist missions - but have bigger planes for it. Haven't gotten it to land like the real shuttle did... but it handles VERY well.


F1 for the shuttle? I wonder what it looks like :)
I have noticed that mounting the engines on the rocket rather than the shuttle eliminates unstable flight after SRB separation.

  On 6/3/2024 at 9:54 AM, Yaroslav said:

Your shuttle is well balanced for the PCB, and its capabilities were sufficient for me.


PCB -  is this some kind of add-on?

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  On 6/9/2024 at 9:09 AM, DimonD said:

F1 for the shuttle? I wonder what it looks like :)
I have noticed that mounting the engines on the rocket rather than the shuttle eliminates unstable flight after SRB separation.



I'll upload a picture of the configuration that I was using to get mine up and back safely.

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