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What's the point of Dres?

It's confusing as heck - for the first 7 years I've played KSP I thought Jool was supposed to be saturn because of it, and I've played since 0.15.

My Laythe/Eeloo rocket can't get to dres either because of its weird orbit.

And bottom line, its not even that interesting. Whats the point of it? Are you just supposed to send a planet buster to Dres and get rid of it?

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It sort of represents dwarf planets like Ceres and Vesta, due to its moderately distant orbit and small size.

I'm really hoping KSP 2 planets will be more interesting, even if "dull gray rock" or "frigid iceball" are two of the most realistic planet types.

On a sidenote, if you can transfer direct to Eeloo, you should probably be able to transfer direct to Dres.

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6 hours ago, Max von Kerman said:

The dres canyon, of course!

Which isn't really that interesting from the inside (it's not a canyon, it's a steep valley) and landing there is a piece of cake due to low gravity.

There's dresteroids though, or so I've heard, not sure what for.

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12 hours ago, krblman said:

And bottom line, its not even that interesting.

A year or two in to KSP, after a little orbital mechanics had penetrated my grey matter, a subtle revelation blossomed.

The KSP system is a cleverly-constructed set of graded exercises in orbital mechanics.  Each one of these unique puzzles, once attempted successfully, teaches something new, interesting and valuable.

Maybe it's not what you find when you get to Dres but what you learn getting there.

Edited by Hotel26
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42 minutes ago, Hotel26 said:

Maybe it's not what you find when you get to Dres but what you learn getting there.

Besides, it's a perfect location to establish an evil lair a 'roid mining base.

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I totally agree with @Hotel26 including the much-spoken line "what you learn on the way". It is there for the thrill of knowing that you managed to get there, against all the odds. It is one of the harder planets (dwarf or otherwise) and you can give yourself a jolly good pat on the back when you get there. 

For minimalist missions, this could be a real challenge. On Youtube Turbo Pumped (or someone like him) managed to get there and back for 1500 funds. I recommend watching that video before attempting to do it.

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