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[1.12.x-1.11.x] "IXS Warpship" for "Blueshift" warp mod (04/09/2021 v. (CKAN supported)


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I'm been always an HUGE fan of the NASA concept design of the IXS-Enterprise since its conception.

Now, after a long hiatus from the KSP scene, I started back to play and sorting out all the mods that I could like to use, I found myself very involved adopting a lot of @Angel-125 mods for my personal install, and it was a bit of let down to find that the "IXS Warpship" mod, that brought the NASA's concept ship inside Kerbal Space Program, was not adapted also to "Blueshift", Angel-125's warping mod.

So, I'm right here to bridge finally this gap!


As the "IXS Warpship" mod is currently mantained by @linuxgurugamer and @Denko666, this is NOT another release of the mod itself, but just a series of Module Manager patches that update it to work properly with Angel-125's "Blueshift", "Kerbal Flying Saucers" and related functions.
It fully uses the assets provided by the "IXS Warpship" mod,  but, in a lot of case, VASTLY modifing their function (and in some cases tweaking them to be more in line with the latest KSP releases and two functionally parent mods) to fully use all the game mechanics provided by Angel-125.


None of the craft eventually deployed should break, but upon istallation of these patches, a lot of parts could behave differently from what originally they could do!
(No guarantees are provided for stranded Ships and Kerbals, not caring of this advice)

Additionally, it is HIGHLY possible that other warp mods, beside "Blueshift" installed, aiming eventually to patch themselves the "IXS Warpships", would create conflicts and unwanted result,
so the BEST results could only be achieved if "Blueshift" is THE ONLY warp mod in your game, as my patches for "IXS Warship" are envisioned for an install with ONLY IT AS FTL PROPULSION!!!



My patches will not work correctly if the following mods  are not installed:


My patches support (but are not needed for correct work of the main functionalities):


Get your copy of "IXS Warpship for Blueshift"  subscribing it from CKAN

Or manual download it just right down here:
Spacedock: "IXS Warship for Blueshift" on Spacedock HERE!!!
Github: "IXS Warship for Blueshift" Github release page HERE!!!
    (latest actually: v. - 04/09/2021)

Manual Installation Guide:

  • follow the above link
  • select the needed version
  • click on related "Assets" menu
  • click on "Source code.zip" link
  • download the .zip file once promped to do so
  • go to your "GameData" folder inside your KSP installation
  • delete (if present) older "IXSWarshipsBlueshift" folder, to avoid old file eventually not needed to be persistent AND/OR possible errors
  • add, in the same KSP's "GameData" folder (where you should be already) the new "IXSWarshipsBlueshift" folder present inside the .zip file downloaded (inside its own "GameData" folder)
  • go back to your KSP installation folder and merge the .zip file's "GameData" folder to KSP's "GameData" folder


  • v.1.0.0/v.1.0.1/v.1.0.2/v.1.0.3 - scrapped releases
  • v.1.0.4 - First, stable enough, release
  • v.1.0.5 - Updated command pod to fully use the 5, available, internal seats.
  • v.1.0.6
    Updated to reflect changes of the parent mod "IXS Warship v."
    - removed fixes to command pod (adopted by "IXS Warship v.")
    - removed added nodes to wsIXSmainHull (IXS Main Hull) (adopted by "IXS Warship v.")
    - generator sounds added to wsWarpDrive4 (main IXS warp ring) and minor code tweaks
    - minor code tweaks to wsWarpDriveSupport (sustainer IXS warp ring)
  • v.
    Minor fixes for KSP 1.12.2
    The same release should still be compatible with KSP 1.11.*any* (no prior versions checked)


(Sources and Licensing; here )

Some good pictures as eyecandy:


Edited by Araym
v. release and CKAN support
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I love your new mod..which bridge between Blueshift and IXS...which is also my favorite mod too! Keep it up! Araym! I will try them out! 

Will you CKAN it? so i can download your mod via CKAN (which will automate everything!)

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1 hour ago, kennyc222 said:

I love your new mod..which bridge between Blueshift and IXS...which is also my favorite mod too! Keep it up! Araym! I will try them out! 

Will you CKAN it? so i can download your mod via CKAN (which will automate everything!)

Actually... :blush2:
... it is weird to admit, from the perspective of a VERY early KSP adopter (I got my copy back in the prehistory, when KSP release was v.0.14... yes... you are reading right: zero-point-fourteen...) and an avid modded player since the dawn of "how hard kerbal rocket science can be"...
... but...
... I never really understood how CKAN works. I do not even know "how get mods by it", because I'm instead the "forum mod release hunter" type of person: check personally what I need, if I need something, sometime even sticking "behind" some releases because I feel better with "an old version" than a "new one" (unless the older behave weirdly/corrupt my game).
Even less then I actually know "how to submit a mod to CKAN to automate the release". :joy:

Partially because I'm lazy to understand "new way" (being one of those early adopter that grew in KSP having to manually put in the chosen mods), so CKAN is kind of a thing that was developed WAAAAY past my "time", but mostly because I'm more of that kind of person that prefer "manual control": I very rarely adopt a mod and left it as it is.
I mean: I do not know coding and programming, neither 3d modelling, so for sure I cannot modify dll files or make my own models, but for sure I learned "my tricks" about cfg editing, game mechanics and, basically, very often, I take any mod and, more or less, rework it to fit my own playstyle. So an "automated downloader" is something that could "break" the balancement I hard trying to achieve each install (maybe just by overwriting some of my changes with some newer releases, as not always I'm making MM patches for myself, sometime directly recoding things in the original cfg files), and so never ever considered to deepen my knowledge about it.

From there, sometime, alike these IXS patches, when the changes are worth to cover some niche left uncovered, I came here and make them public. (Some of the changes were early tested for myself directly on the coding of the original files: when they grew bigger I opted for some MM patches and then... well... here we are... to the point to be, actually, worth of being posted publicly...)
Basically all my (few) modifications released are, in reality, add-on made that way.

For the moment, also, even if the 90% of the ideas I have about the IXS conversion to Blueshift are already fleshed out and the patches are "stable enough" to be in a "releseable state", I'm now taking my time to check them in the long run: play with them, see if they need some afterthoughts/further balancements, ad polish them, basically, meanwhile I'm plying them.

So probably it's a bit early for me to consider to deepen "how I release" them.
Sadly then, for the CKAN users, for the foreseeable future, these patches will be available only thru manual downloading/installing from here...

(I'm so lazy, I know... and it's strange considering that I spent my last couple of weeks of free time, basically ONLY over KSP to flesh out this conversion - so I can put effort when I want - but for another example of my lazyness: I don't even made a release on "Spacedock", one of the prominent way to get mods for KSP, just because I should first create an account for it and "It's too much of a work" to spend time submitting emails and such and waiting for an automatic answer, before being capable to post there... :joy:)

Edited by Araym
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1 hour ago, Araym said:

... I never really understood how CKAN works. I do not even know "how get mods by it",

Even less then I actually know "how to submit a mod to CKAN to automate the release". :joy:

Well, if you're interested in having it added, the CKAN team can take care of the busy work for you. I started an entry in the CKAN mod database here for testing (don't worry, it's not available to users yet):

Everything seems to pass our validation checks. We'll have to wait for @Angel-125 to decide that Flying Saucers is done-enough to index, but at that point it should be a simple matter to add both mods.

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4 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Well, if you're interested in having it added, the CKAN team can take care of the busy work for you. I started an entry in the CKAN mod database here for testing (don't worry, it's not available to users yet):

Everything seems to pass our validation checks. We'll have to wait for @Angel-125 to decide that Flying Saucers is done-enough to index, but at that point it should be a simple matter to add both mods.

You are even too much kind :awe:
It's not about "not being interested", but more about "I'm too casual as modder to actually be sure to can handle it too" case scenario... :sob:

Consider that up to this one, I simply lazily thrown my older mods online on DropBox, when I made something public: it's even a first for me using actively Github. (I t is just happening by chance to have an account there, because 4 or 5 years ago, for a little while, I used it to share some thought in a very, old, release of "Bluedog Design Bureau" that had some tests done by me).

Once the issues with Angel-125's parent mods to these patches are sorted out, feel free to let me know even in private message if I have eventually to add something in my repository to be "more compatible" for CKAN.

(Most of my actual concernes are about the fact that this release is in a very initial stage: stable to be playable for sure, but - and I will flesh it out just by playing it - in the probably needs of some other thoughts to spend on it, with probably A LOT of rapidly, consecutive, "newer releases" in the next future, as much I will actually play for fine tuning)

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Update v1.0.5:

IXS command pod has available 5 seats internal, that (I do not know why) were not fully used.
Updated my config to actually have the 5th seat available, at the center of the main bridge (the perfect position for any kerbal captain to order, to his pilot ready to jump in warp, to "Punch it!")

Edited by Araym
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48 minutes ago, kennyc222 said:

i love your mod Araym..and CKAN team will take care your heavy lifting too...just request that....I will start building a IXS ship for intersteller ship ! :) 

Let me know, using it, if you find any problem.
I did a bit of testing around (to check the main functionalities) but none done in an estensive gameplay (that could show imbalancements or other "long term" problems).

I saw the request about By HebaruSan from CKAN above: no problem about it.
The integration is pending, waiting the one for "Kerbal Flying Saucers".
(... so for the moment only manual download still...)

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1 minute ago, Araym said:

Let me know, using it, if you find any problem.
I did a bit of testing around (to check the main functionalities) but none done in an estensive gameplay (that could show imbalancements or other "long term" problems).

sure i will give you some feedbacks once i used your mod..hopefully it will not crash the game and also my PC 

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11 minutes ago, kennyc222 said:

sure i will give you some feedbacks once i used your mod..hopefully it will not crash the game and also my PC 

It shouldn't...
... the only crashed I noticed in my tests were those when, warping happily around, I often found myself caught too deep in some planet, moon or even the Sun gravity well. :joy:
(You can find the whole list of my crashes if you check on the main Blueshift thread, in between the posts I made during the developing/testing phase)

Just today I made a BIG LEAP in driving warpships, finally, learning how to circularize orbits with warp engines only, without risking my kerbal lives.
Maybe worth of a guide, later, for other "dummies" like me.:joy:

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Actually it's pretty fun to (even litterally) bend the orbit to your desire, rather than simply click on a button and let an automatism do your job.
... and consider that, as "lazy person", I'm one of those that most of the time prefer click on "go to orbit" using MechJeb... but that just because I done it by myself hundreds of time that it became boring...

But as "warping around" is already a feature that push the gameplay into "easy" (at least for travelling: years for your kerbals became mere hours/days... another thing is getting the resources around, unless you load you graviolium in the VAB) , I found myself intrigued by manually do it. At least to say "I know how to do it!". Maybe on the hundredth time it will be again boring (like simple "reach orbit from kerbin") and I'll return to use the "automatic button"...

If you never did it (just because, like me, you didn't grasped the concept about "how to do it"), maybe I could give you a shout if I'll make the "How to circularize your orbit with warp drive guide 101 for dummies" ;p

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no thanks..i always use auto-circulartize as i am a RPG type person...too much stress for me to manual circulartize  ( itis just like driving an autoamatic car and manual transmission car in real life) 

also your mod just breaks my game...soe many items can't work now...probably need a full-clean install but i will keep all my ships and saves

should I create a clean new game? instread of using my exisiting save? 

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20 minutes ago, kennyc222 said:

no thanks..i always use auto-circulartize as i am a RPG type person...too much stress for me to manual circulartize  ( itis just like driving an autoamatic car and manual transmission car in real life)

Uhm... that could be the difference, then: I'm a "manual gear box" man.
It's not "driving" if you are not shifting! ;p

And, as we say in Italy, roughly translated, I'm also an "heavy foot" while driving (pushing A LOT on the gas), or said in a more anglo-american way: "pedal to the metal"!

20 minutes ago, kennyc222 said:

also your mod just breaks my game...soe many items can't work now...probably need a full-clean install but i will keep all my ships and saves

I hope is not caused by any error on my end... :awe:

Let me know (maybe even in private messages, to not clutter here) if there is any issue that I could help to resolve, if it's based on my IXS patches.

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2 hours ago, Araym said:

Uhm... that could be the difference, then: I'm a "manual gear box" man.
It's not "driving" if you are not shifting! ;p

And, as we say in Italy, roughly translated, I'm also an "heavy foot" while driving (pushing A LOT on the gas), or said in a more anglo-american way: "pedal to the metal"!

I hope is not caused by any error on my end... :awe:

Let me know (maybe even in private messages, to not clutter here) if there is any issue that I could help to resolve, if it's based on my IXS patches.

Nevermind, it works now..i ahve to start a new game...as existing save will break the whole game :) 

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2 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

So it doesn't work if you also have Alcubierre Warp Drive?



Alcubierre Warp Drive is "natively" supported by the base/original mod itself of "IXS Warship". My patches are made just to let users of "Blueshift", but not RoverDude's "Alcubierre Warp Drive", to also enjoy the IXS.

I do not see too much of an use of 2 warping mods that basically achieve the same result for the end player. Personally it was just a series of little differences: "Blueshift" has a bit of less costrain to the ship design.
For example: no need to stay "inside a bubble" that could destroy anything sticking out of it; the "scalability" of Blueshift - you can add more warp capable  parts in the correct way to have "more power", and such have "bigger ships" warp capable; the possibility to build (and eventually find already built) jump gates... etc etc 
As said, it's just matter of personal preferences: none is "better" than the other. Just slightly different.

Beside, to fully use all the functionality of "Blueshift", I made A LOT of changes, in some cases rewriting entirely some parts to achieve totally different effects (... for example: I wanted to have new "warp coils", and I repurpose 2 parts originally used just as tanks for that... I rewrote some science part to be able to sense or harvest Graviolium, the resource needed in Blueshift to work, pretty pointless if you dont use "Blueshift"... and so on...)...

... BUT I considered some cases:

  1. Do you want to use the IXS ONLY with "Alcubierre Warp Drive"? Just grab the base mod by Linuxgurugamer, and it's ready to go without any of my patches (check the original thread to know how): you will get in the end all the same parts, as they are originally intended, even if, probably, not all my "tweaks and fixes", alike the command pod with the actual 5 kerbal, instead of the only 4 in Linux's one... or the added nodes I made for the Main hull;
  2. Do you want to use MY patches, because you want the IXS to work with "Blueshift" (and also enjoy my fixes), but also use "Alcubierre Warp Drive" for other custom made ships? I considered that: my patches have some coding that "should" (INCLUDED but NOT TESTED: I made them just for "fail safe", more than for a real consideration of using more of one warping mod) block  the native support for "Alcubierre Warp Drive", leaving the possibility to use both, keeping in mind that IXS in that case will work ONLY as "Blueshift" ship;
  3. You want only my fixes, but keeping IXS to work as originally inteded for "Alcubierre warp Drive"? Well... I cannot read the mind of any possible player, to sort out any of the "infinite possibilities", but you are free to test what are doing my changes, delete the patches related to the parts that you want to keep as "original", and save only what you like... but that way I do not guarantee any result: you could end with some parts patches to "Blushift", and others working for "Alcubierre Warp Drive", with the risk of not having a "full functional ship"
  4. other situations? Not included/figured yet :joy: ("The possible is already done, the impossible is on the way, for miracles I'm learning sainthood, but I need still some work on it..." ;p)
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Thx for the reply. It is just that I liked the Alcubierre parts. I just wondered if the IXS would break if used with both mods simultaneously installed.

Disclaimer: I have yet to understand how to navigate with a warp drive to fully use it properly without an insane delta V requirement on capture :cry:

As I see it, the Alcubierre would make a nice first warp tech; cumbersome to use whereas Blueshift would make an enhanced warp drive system to be used in a more creative way.

Although in terms of looks, having the IXS working with Blueshift looks cool and your tweaks sound nice, that ship works with Alcubierre rings and would logically be a nice Alcubierre MK2, sleeker designleading to improvements to the Blueshift, more flexible warp drive.

One cool thing would have been to have the IXS parts improve their tech from Alcubierre to Blueshift in the tech tree but I guess that would require a complicated patch for the tech tree to first disable then enable your tweaks and I would perfectly understand that you wouldn't want to do it.

One other things bugs me (not your fault, it has been like that for years) is that the IXS Warpship is lower in the tech tree than the Alcubierre parts, which make no sense to me. I would have put the Alcubierre parts first, then the IXS and then the Blueshift ones, but it doesn't really impact your mod, unless you wish to add  "tech progression" to your patches.


Anyway, I'm not currenly playing KSP right now so I don't know when I'll test the double warp mode set up and I haven't yet tested Blueshift either due to lack of time.

Is it normal that I get the source code links on your Github link instead of a more normal download link? I just don't know what file to download then.


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4 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

Thx for the reply. It is just that I liked the Alcubierre parts. I just wondered if the IXS would break if used with both mods simultaneously installed.

My patches shouldn't (finger crossed) break other parts or the Alcubierre mod itself: as "case #2", using both warp mods you should just find the IXS working as "Blueshift" ship... (more later in my answer)
(** "MAD SCIENTIST" LOOK ** "You could be a nice specimen for a test in that regard... eheheheheheh" :grin:)

4 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

As I see it, the Alcubierre would make a nice first warp tech; cumbersome to use whereas Blueshift would make an enhanced warp drive system to be used in a more creative way.

Although in terms of looks, having the IXS working with Blueshift looks cool and your tweaks sound nice, that ship works with Alcubierre rings and would logically be a nice Alcubierre MK2, sleeker designleading to improvements to the Blueshift, more flexible warp drive.


One other things bugs me (not your fault, it has been like that for years) is that the IXS Warpship is lower in the tech tree than the Alcubierre parts, which make no sense to me. I would have put the Alcubierre parts first, then the IXS and then the Blueshift ones, but it doesn't really impact your mod, unless you wish to add  "tech progression" to your patches.

As the parent mods "Blueshift" and "Kerbal Flying Saucers" (needed not only for functionality, but also for some game mechanic balancements), IXS with my patches has various tech tree placement adjustment: in case of stock, with a couple of custom made nodes by Angel-125 for his mods... in case of CTT (like the one Im used) with a pretty high and far placement too... both cases should balance her a bit better. As I'm not using "Alcubierre" neither the stock tree (CTT forever!), so I didn't made a direct comparison, but at least the "warping parts", once patched, should sit much higher than original, so better fitting in a role of "warp drive mk.2" with their slender look...
(** "Mad Scientist" look... AGAIN! ** "Yes! You could be a nice specimen indeed for an experiment or two... AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓ ** CRAZY BUNNY LAUGHT ~Peko~Peko! **)

4 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

One cool thing would have been to have the IXS parts improve their tech from Alcubierre to Blueshift in the tech tree but I guess that would require a complicated patch for the tech tree to first disable then enable your tweaks and I would perfectly understand that you wouldn't want to do it

"Yes", eventually... :awe:

... but "No, thanks!". :grin:
It "should" be possible indeed, using the appropriate stock functionality of some "improvement nodes" for the tech tree (both stock and CTT support that) rather than a direct patch, but that would have been a "double balancing", both against "Blushift" and "Alcubierre Warp Drive", not only for their functionality, but also in tech tree nodes.
I already spent a couple of week trying to figue "HOW adapt IXS for Blueshift", having, in the end, a decent result... I'm not planning to double the time for further integration with multiple warp drive mods present. Sorry.
("But nobody will ever stop you to try such of a task, If you are willing to create the appropriate "improvement nodes", and submit them to me. I could look for some employee in my *Kensetsu*~peko! AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓" ** CRAZY BUNNY MODE, AGAIN **)

4 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

Is it normal that I get the source code links on your Github link instead of a more normal download link? I just don't know what file to download then.

In the "Download" section, the first, bigger, link, should land you in the Github page with all the releases available, in which you have to choose the one that you want (generally: "the latest (bigger release number) the better").
Once you get there, just click on the related "Assets" little link of the release you are choosing, that, if not open, will allow you to pick the download (the "Source.zip" file is generally the way to go: you will have a file called "IXSWarpshipForBlueshift.zip" with the progressive release number on it, to be easy catalogued in your download folder, confronted to past releases) containing the needed structure from where you can unzip, install in KSP GameData folder... etc etc etc... alike any other mod.
(But to avoid confusion I will move the "Source and Licensing" link a bit down on the opening page of this thread, so it could be easier to get just the release page)


4 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

Disclaimer: I have yet to understand how to navigate with a warp drive to fully use it properly without an insane delta V requirement on capture:cry:

I see... I see... Another pupil for my (maybe future) "How to circularize orbit on warp power guide 101 for dummies" crash course.
("... I could make big bucks out of it~peko~peko! AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓AH↑AH↓")

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So the blue shift IXS already is higher tech than the Alcubierre Warp drive. This is good news. (the standalone IXS with Alcubierre Warp Drive mod and CTT was lower than the Alcub in my previous installs which made no sense too me).

And I always use CTT when I add part mods because modders do things their own way and the stock tech tree kind put them in nonsensical places to begin with and some part mods require it anyway.

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Update v.1.0.6:

Updated to reflect changes of the parent mod "IXS Warship v."

  • removed fixes to command pod (adopted by "IXS Warship v.")
  • removed added nodes to wsIXSmainHull (IXS Main Hull) (adopted by "IXS Warship v.")
  • generator sounds added to wsWarpDrive4 (main IXS warp ring) and minor code tweaks
  • minor code tweaks to wsWarpDriveSupport (sustainer IXS warp ring)
20 hours ago, Quoniam Kerman said:

So the blue shift IXS already is higher tech than the Alcubierre Warp drive. This is good news. (the standalone IXS with Alcubierre Warp Drive mod and CTT was lower than the Alcub in my previous installs which made no sense too me).

And I always use CTT when I add part mods because modders do things their own way and the stock tech tree kind put them in nonsensical places to begin with and some part mods require it anyway.

It "should be" (not using "Alcubierre Warp Drive" I'm not used to its own part placement) or at least they will sit in any case in a pretty high node to be more balanced compared to conventional rocket engines (at least in regard to the parts directly connected to the warp technologies that I patched: parts not patched by me still sit in the same place as the original mod)

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  • 3 months later...

It's been a couple of months, but I'm still here.

The configs still seem to work in KSP 1.12.2 too, I just found a couple of typos that I corrected and made the v.1.0.7 release.

No major changes, it should still work also in previous versions.

Enjoy and Space Safely!;p

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