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[March 2nd, 2022 ] Wabi Sabi Planet Mod


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Hey. Sorry that this place has been dead for a while, for obvious reasons. But if anyone is looking for me or anywhere where they can find my newest work, it's here. Me and some friends set up a new modding server, where I post all my newest content for newer and maybe even potentially to some of you more promising KSP mods.


(i go by sangu on the server)


Also, to make clear, Wabi sabi is on hiatus (likely until KSP2, unfortunately, but not cancelled, which is still something.)

Edited by smushanoob
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On 11/25/2021 at 5:07 AM, ffx said:

Eve looks nice, but if the atmosphere is made of iodine it should be more redder but if you dont take it, whatever @smushanoob

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dont attempt to start the war again






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