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Can't find any comets after 70 years!

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16 hours ago, Kerbal Productions said:

I sent 6 sentinels

I've never sent any Sentinel and I see both Asteroids (close to kerbin and orbiting around dres, not near eeloo) and Comets.
Comets trails are visible from long distance even with unknown objects upper bar filter disabled.
In the image you posted there are some unknown object and asteroids too, what are they?

Edited by antipro
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i'm having this problem too, though my case is different because i have multiple mods that may be interfering. but even with that, i've found a single comet in 160 years. and that one spawned almost instantly after i fiddled with the settings, but - without touching anything else - no other comet ever appeared.


i can confirm it is a game malfunction. unfortunately, i have no idea how to fix

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4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

because i have multiple mods that may be interfering


4 hours ago, king of nowhere said:

i can confirm it is a game malfunction

Now can any of the KSP team can know about this? It's such a pain as comets are a great addition only to be rare.

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On 9/12/2021 at 3:56 AM, Kerbal Productions said:

So, I sent 6 sentinels, 2 mapping Dres, 3 mapping Jool, and 1 mapping Eeloo, but 0 comets nor asteroids found within this vicinity.

Can anyone help me? I had this issue for more than 3 weeks now and several sandbox saves and almost 1 game millenia.

Have you right-clicked the SENTINEL part of the sats once they are in the intended orbit, and told them to 'Start Object Tracking'? They won't do this automatically, you have to actually tell them to. Each one.

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3 hours ago, swjr-swis said:

Have you right-clicked the SENTINEL part of the sats once they are in the intended orbit, and told them to 'Start Object Tracking'? They won't do this automatically, you have to actually tell them to. Each one.

I did, I always do

So I used a vanilla KSP, no mods whatsoever, and I found 1 comet immediately. Size H, as well!
Now I'll have to do a process:

1. Use a Sentinel and find 3+ comets.
If 1 works, proceed next. If not, the game is broken

2. Go back to my orig. save and remove Kopernicus
If 2 works, celebrate! If not, it's another mod if so, proceed to 3) or the game is broken. Or both.

3. Find all mods connecting/requiring to Kopernicus.
If 3 works, get the champagne and pour it to Jeb! If not, then just... give up

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OK guys... I didn't see anybody mention these so I have to ask basic stuff.

What KSP version are you all talking about?

They introduced comets in KSP 1.10. The OP explains it's both comets and asteroids but the title only mentions comets.  

What level of tracking station do you have? {edit: OK you did say Sandbox but please confirm}

If you're playing Career, you can't track asteroids or comets without a Level 3 tracking station. 


Edited by Krazy1
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On 9/18/2021 at 10:03 PM, Krazy1 said:

OK guys... I didn't see anybody mention these so I have to ask basic stuff.

What KSP version are you all talking about?

They introduced comets in KSP 1.10. The OP explains it's both comets and asteroids but the title only mentions comets.  

What level of tracking station do you have? {edit: OK you did say Sandbox but please confirm}

If you're playing Career, you can't track asteroids or comets without a Level 3 tracking station. 


1.11 and yes.

actually i have the level 4 tracking station that comes with opm, but you got the point.

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