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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Kerwis Chinese Aerospace Pack - Relastic Chinese Spacecraft and Launch Vehicles [v1.1.1][WIP]


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Kerwis Team Presents


This mod aims to bring all of the Chinese spacecraft and launch vehicles from the past half-century to the near future into the game. 


    Added the heaviest launch vehicle of China up to now - LongMarch-5. It has two configurations, the basic type for deep space launch(e.g. Tianwen-1 Mars probe and rover) and the LM-5B for LEO payload(e.g. Tiangong space station construction).

These are some of the uses of the LongMarch-5(The Jupiter-Uranus mission KSP simulation video used this mod):





    Added LongMarch-2/2C/2D


   Added China's earliest orbital rocket, Long March - 1(长征一号, Changzheng) and first satellite Dongfanghong - 1 (东方红一号, The East is Red) into the game. The rocket has three stages, the first stage uses a YF-2 engine (a 4 YF-1 cluster), and the second stage uses a YF-3 engine(a high-altitude variant of YF-1), which controls attitude using gas rudders. The third stage uses a solid fuel engine FG-02 with an observation skirt (according to our research, it may actually be an expandable gasbag). The satellite is capable of broadcast a piece of music named "Dongfanghong" on the radio, to prove China's ability of space launching.







RealPlume (for better plume)

Waterfall (for better liquid engine plume)

 Stock Waterfall Effects (for better liquid engine plume inside nozzle)

Rocket physics data is compatible with Realism Overhaul


Frequently Asked Question:


Q: Why my DFH-1 satellite looks so dark?

A: Reflection images are important for reflective surfaces, and the reflection probes used for the reflection images are delegated by KSP's stock render management system. What you need to do is go to the rendering settings panel from the main menu and set Rendering Quality to Normal or higher, set Reflection Refresh Rate to Low or higher, and set reflection resolution to 128× or higher. Recommend settings are Refresh Rate: Medium, Reflection Resolution:1024×.


Q: What rocket will you add? / Will you add xxx?

A: All of them. All. Of. Them.



Also available via CKAN.

Despite the version number being greater than 1.0, this mod is still working in progress. More parts and features will be added in later versions.



Kerwis Chinese Aerospace Pack is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License


Source Code:

Edited by Velctor
update info for v1.1
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On 10/1/2021 at 3:22 PM, Velctor said:

Kerwis Team Presents

On April 24, 1970, China sent her first artificial satellite into space and started a long march of space exploration.

This mod aims to bring all of the Chinese spacecraft and launch vehicles from the past half-century to the near future into the game. 

In the first release, we are added China's earliest orbital rocket, Long March - 1(长征一号, Changzheng) and first satellite Dongfanghong - 1 (东方红一号, The East is Red) into the game. Other Chinese launch vehicles, manned and unmanned spacecraft, will be added later on.


The rocket has three stages, the first stage uses a YF-2 engine (a 4 YF-1 cluster), and the second stage uses a YF-3 engine(a high-altitude variant of YF-1), which controls attitude using gas rudders. The third stage uses a solid fuel engine FG-02 with an observation skirt (according to our research, it may actually be an expandable gasbag). The satellite is capable of broadcast a piece of music named "Dongfanghong" on the radio, to prove China's ability of space launching.




Source Code:



I have been waiting for more Chinese rocket mods for so long. Thank you for releasing such a high quality mod love it! Can't wait for the future!


EDIT: I just tried the mod and ran into an issue. I am not getting any plumes on the YF engines. I do get a plume on the SRB third stage though.

I have the latest release of waterfall installed. Do I need another version or does real plume also need to be installed?

Screenshots below:




Edited by NateDaBeast
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9 hours ago, NateDaBeast said:

I have been waiting for more Chinese rocket mods for so long. Thank you for releasing such a high quality mod love it! Can't wait for the future!


EDIT: I just tried the mod and ran into an issue. I am not getting any plumes on the YF engines. I do get a plume on the SRB third stage though.

I have the latest release of waterfall installed. Do I need another version or does real plume also need to be installed?

Screenshots below:

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Did you put StockWaterfallEffects into your GameData?

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1 hour ago, Velctor said:

Did you put StockWaterfallEffects into your GameData?

StockWaterfallEffects is not listed as a requirement/recommended. Only WaterFall and RealPlume.


I did go ahead and try this and it worked! So thanks! I am guessing the people making this mod don't have English as their first language, which isn't a big deal but maybe this should be added to prevent future issues!


Note to devs: If you want someone to make better english translations, do message me and I'll see if I can help!

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10 hours ago, NateDaBeast said:

StockWaterfallEffects is not listed as a requirement/recommended. Only WaterFall and RealPlume.


I did go ahead and try this and it worked! So thanks! I am guessing the people making this mod don't have English as their first language, which isn't a big deal but maybe this should be added to prevent future issues!


Note to devs: If you want someone to make better english translations, do message me and I'll see if I can help!

Sorry, I forgot about that, just updated Recommended. Thank you!

Edit:I made a small update(v.1.0.2) and Stock Waterfall Effects no longer forced to use with Waterfall.

Edited by Velctor
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Hi folks,

Some posts have been removed.  Please remember the forum rules, specifically:

  • Please do not make personal remarks about other posters (rule 2.2.d)
  • Please post in English only, in this part of the forum (rule 2.3.c).  There is another subforum where you can post in Chinese (中文), if you are so inclined.

Thank you for your understanding.

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Nice! I remember how I tried (and somewhat succeeded) to make a CZ-1 replica with BDB and other parts. Now I can use the real deal :)

Question: does it have RealPlume support for lower stages, or at least stock-style plumes? I do not use Waterfall.

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On 10/6/2021 at 5:48 AM, biohazard15 said:

Nice! I remember how I tried (and somewhat succeeded) to make a CZ-1 replica with BDB and other parts. Now I can use the real deal :)

Question: does it have RealPlume support for lower stages, or at least stock-style plumes? I do not use Waterfall.

It has stock-style plumes. RealPlume support for lower stages will be added in the next version.

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