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Name the current science missions


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I just set myself a challenge, to list all the active probes humanity has launched that are still actively returning data. Without looking anything up and excluding earth sensing satellites.



Telesopes in earth orbit

  • Hubble is still operating right?
  • There is an active gamma telescope?
  • and X ray Chandra
  • w-map studying background radiation


  • Is Clementine still mapping?
  • One chinese lander/rover whose name I have forgotten


  • Bepi Columbo


  • Nothing current


  • Mars Reconacence orbiter
  • Perseverance and Inginuity
  • Curiosity
  • The Chinese lander
  • And is there an active European lander?


  • Juno

Outer solar system

  • Voyagers 1 + 2
  • Pioneer 11/10
  • New Horizons

Minor bodies

  • Osiris is on its way home
  • Rosetta?
  • Lucy

The sun

  • Parker



What did I miss/get wrong?

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You are forgetting spacecraft that completed their primary mission and are operating on an extended one- Hayabusa2 and Chang'e 5's orbiter.

Also Akatsuki is operational in orbit around Venus currently.

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter is operational at the Moon. Contact was lost with Clementine in 1995.

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5 hours ago, mikegarrison said:


Sam is OK. Works for boys and girls. But Arthur is a pretty classic name.

Why at all they ignore this setting in naming? There are more named sirs in it than named dwarves in LOTR.

(Reserve Green Knight for pentaborane rockets)

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