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Career rebalanced modpack


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Hi @maj. M.AL. funqt10n, a question about these mods:

The version strings for FacilityTree, KerbalHero, and KerbalWitchery all seem to be set to 'v' on SpaceDock. Is that intentional? Usually 'v' is a prefix to the actual version number, as in "v1.2.3". Are you planning for the next releases to be 'w', 'x', 'y', etc.?

Asking in case you want to change it before we add to CKAN and generate metadata for these.

Edited by HebaruSan
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ty for the feedback

  On 12/6/2021 at 3:00 PM, HebaruSan said:

Hi @maj. M.AL. funqt10n, a question about these mods:

The version strings for FacilityTree, KerbalHero, and KerbalWitchery all seem to be set to 'v' on SpaceDock. Is that intentional? Usually 'v' is a prefix to the actual version number, as in "v1.2.3". Are you planning for the next releases to be 'w', 'x', 'y', etc.?

Asking in case you want to change it before we add to CKAN and generate metadata for these.


the next ones will be V1 and V2, i tried to change it on spacedock without luck

  On 12/9/2021 at 1:10 AM, Galileo chiu said:

Open Tech Tree requirements?


career or science mode + a new game

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  On 12/10/2021 at 10:34 PM, BlackHat said:

What is Kerbal Witchery? What "Witchery" is being removed?

Personally I would love to see the first post descriptions be expanded to more than <10 words of each mod.


  • reaction wheels are overpowered by real world standards by about ~100x
  • all engines have 100% throttle range when most real engines have limited to no throttle range
  • engines are cheaper than some parts when in reality they're the majority of a rocket's cost (65-80% for ULA, 85%+ for SpaceX)

 i'll provide a modpack description once the pack is complete (still have 1 or 2 more to go), the mods are intended to be used together but have been modularised because it's better design

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Liking OpenTree so far, but encountered an issue. I just unlocked Structural Engineering II for the struts and autostrut is not available. If I use the cheat to unlock all technology, autostrut is available.


What part unlocks autostrut now? I am only in the beginning of career. I did start a new game to confirm that autostrut does work if I unlock all.


edit: Started a new game and manually unlocked each tree and no autostrut has appeared. I have advanced tweakables enabled. If I use the cheat Maximum Technology Autostrut appears. So it does appear autostrut is removed in this tree :(

Edited by Wilds
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  On 12/14/2021 at 11:55 PM, Wilds said:

Liking OpenTree so far, but encountered an issue. I just unlocked Structural Engineering II for the struts and autostrut is not available. If I use the cheat to unlock all technology, autostrut is available.


What part unlocks autostrut now? I am only in the beginning of career. I did start a new game to confirm that autostrut does work if I unlock all.


edit: Started a new game and manually unlocked each tree and no autostrut has appeared. I have advanced tweakables enabled. If I use the cheat Maximum Technology Autostrut appears. So it does appear autostrut is removed in this tree :(


ty, fixed. autostrut needs general construction tech, i think it's hard coded in. someone pointed this out ages ago and i thought i'd already fixed it

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Been using OpenTree as a required plugin for the LMP server I play with friends. Been working great! Thank you for the quick fix on the autostrut!!!

edit: If anyone else wants to use this as a plugin for online, I recommend launching a new game without opentree, unlocking the tree that unlocks autostrut, and then restart with OpenTree. This will force unlock autostrut permanently.

A new player joined without OpenTree and disabled autostrut before I had the chance to make it a required plugin. But the fix above will prevent that from happening. I don't think OpenTree was designed for LMP, but it is by far the most balanced TechTree I have encountered, and works great online.

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Hey SunnyPunny, I am having trouble with any of Mechjeb's features getting unlocked in Career, other than the initial aircraft autopilot when using OpenTree.

If I start a new career and cheat my way to manually upgrade Tracking Station to 3, Mission Control to 2,  R&D to 2, and Unlock Probe Controls 1 through 5, none of the new Mechjeb features show up. If I use the cheat menu to unlock all, they will unlock fine, similar to the Autostrut issue from before.

As a fix, I loaded up the main career without OpenTree, unlocked Ascent, rebooted with OpenTree, and things are working fine. Once I have enough science to unlock docking for Mechjeb, I will have to repeat this step.



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  On 12/25/2021 at 1:15 AM, Wilds said:

Hey SunnyPunny, I am having trouble with any of Mechjeb's features getting unlocked in Career, other than the initial aircraft autopilot when using OpenTree.

If I start a new career and cheat my way to manually upgrade Tracking Station to 3, Mission Control to 2,  R&D to 2, and Unlock Probe Controls 1 through 5, none of the new Mechjeb features show up. If I use the cheat menu to unlock all, they will unlock fine, similar to the Autostrut issue from before.

As a fix, I loaded up the main career without OpenTree, unlocked Ascent, rebooted with OpenTree, and things are working fine. Once I have enough science to unlock docking for Mechjeb, I will have to repeat this step.


ah the mechjeb support is very old, maybe something has changed since that patch was written:  https://github.com/sunnypunny/OpenTree/blob/1af0d44a47da79a35856b74a53dbdcf058206a3e/GameData/OpenTree/TechTree.cfg#L4561-L4638

i had a look at the mechjeb part file and the modules all seem to be the same tho https://github.com/MuMech/MechJeb2/blob/dev/Parts/MechJeb2_AR202/part.cfg

but basically opentree just moves the stock tree over to the left and hides it, so when u cheat the tech tree it will unlock all those stock nodes. sounds like mechjeb is linking some extra things to those nodes

unfortunately i never use mechjeb so ur best bet is to try asking in the mechjeb thread to work out what custom tech trees need to support it, it's probably a simple fix that i'm happy to add in but investigating it myself would take a long time and opentree is lowest on my priority list atm

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  On 12/29/2021 at 2:29 PM, MrZurkon said:

A small addition to KerbalWitchery that might be interesting is that some engines could require an amount of electric charge to start up, sort of emulating spark style ignition.


thanks for this suggestion, i managed to create a solution for the main throttle control (so it can shutdown engines) along with adding limited ignitions, hard starts and part failure on engines. will look into the power requirement later, it seems a bit complicated atm

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  On 12/25/2021 at 1:15 AM, Wilds said:

Hey SunnyPunny, I am having trouble with any of Mechjeb's features getting unlocked in Career, other than the initial aircraft autopilot when using OpenTree.

If I start a new career and cheat my way to manually upgrade Tracking Station to 3, Mission Control to 2,  R&D to 2, and Unlock Probe Controls 1 through 5, none of the new Mechjeb features show up. If I use the cheat menu to unlock all, they will unlock fine, similar to the Autostrut issue from before.

As a fix, I loaded up the main career without OpenTree, unlocked Ascent, rebooted with OpenTree, and things are working fine. Once I have enough science to unlock docking for Mechjeb, I will have to repeat this step.


apparently the mechjeb unlocking mechanic is incompatible with modded tech trees

since i deleted the mod u can edit the opentree cfg urself as this poster described, but all the modules will be available from the beginning

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  On 1/7/2022 at 5:29 AM, sunnypunny said:

apparently the mechjeb unlocking mechanic is incompatible with modded tech trees

since i deleted the mod u can edit the opentree cfg urself as this poster described, but all the modules will be available from the beginning


Hope to see it come back! It's a fantastic mod for LMP as it prevents easy science farming. Is it ok if I upload the mod to google drive or something in the meantime?


edit: A decent hotfix to include Autostrut and Mechjeb for OpenTree for new games are to un-hide the vanilla trees that unlock them, and adjust their unlock values to 50% so unlocking the equivalent OpenTree variant costs the same overall. Each of the vanilla trees contain 0 parts but just allow Autostrut and Mechjeb to work.




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  On 1/9/2022 at 2:22 AM, Wilds said:

Hope to see it come back! It's a fantastic mod for LMP as it prevents easy science farming. Is it ok if I upload the mod to google drive or something in the meantime?

edit: A decent hotfix to include Autostrut and Mechjeb for OpenTree for new games are to un-hide the vanilla trees that unlock them, and adjust their unlock values to 50% so unlocking the equivalent OpenTree variant costs the same overall. Each of the vanilla trees contain 0 parts but just allow Autostrut and Mechjeb to work.


ok here u go:


the mechjeb modules should become available as u research the probe control tech line and autostrut should be available once u unlock the strut (Structural Engineering II)

let me know if there are any issues

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  On 1/11/2022 at 8:21 AM, sunnypunny said:

ok here u go:


the mechjeb modules should become available as u research the probe control tech line and autostrut should be available once u unlock the strut (Structural Engineering II)

let me know if there are any issues


Works great! Autostrut and Mechjeb modules unlock! Nice job!!

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