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Is it just me or are south-facing launches just wrong?

Wizard Kerbal

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I'm watching Matt lowne fly a space station through the mun arch and he turns the camera south to read yeet properly, and I recoiled. Is this just me?

I have launched 1,490 rockets, and almost all have faced north with few facing east, but my camera has always pointed north, down, or up.

I feel so uncomfortabel, so much so I can't spell apparently.

Edited by Wizard Kerbal
Added up and down, and added my launches from my other account.
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This is more a discussion than a question about how to play the game... so moving it over to KSP Discussion.  ;)

Personally, I usually end up rotating the camera all around at different angles depending on context.  The navball is my reference for anything actually important (i.e. navigation), so for me the camera view is eye candy, and I therefore tend to rotate it around to whatever gives the most fun or pretty or interesting view in a given situation.

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I point my camera in various directions depending upon what is happening:

  1. On the launchpad, my camera faces north regardless of which way I'm actually going to launch.
  2. On the runway, my camera is always BEHIND the aircraft taking off.
  3. In flight with an airplane, my camera is always BEHIND the aircraft in flight.
  4. In flight with any rocket, my camera always has retrograde pointing to the right side of the screen.

Yes, I'm a bit obsessive.  :D

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Ships burning in cinematics from right to left on the screen, or top to bottom feel very strange. 

But if I read a language from right to left im sure it wouldn't feel so strange.  The burning top to bottom might though.

Although that would be a great cinematic launching from Mahia in New Zealand.  A zoom in to launch upside down from Earth.

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