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The starry heavens above me, a sturdy rover enclosing me; Slate circumnavigation

king of nowhere

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Ever since I decided, early in my first career, that the best way to fulfill two survey contracts would be to drive a rover 600 km on Mun, I discovered that I like driving rovers, in an odd way. There is a sense of peace in cruising across the vast expanse towards your destination. And there is the sightseeing. And the sense of accomplishment in a work well done, when your capable rover performs well. Several of my missions then included long stretches of driving, whether from trying to reach every biome on the moons of Jool, or from looking for the green monoliths on every planet.

A few months ago I was deep into my A'Tuin mission, an extended OPM grand tour. A wonderful mission, but very long and very taxing. I was four months into it, and still needing more months to complete, and I wanted a pause. So I stumbled on @Jack Joseph Kerman's excellent Tylo circumnavigation mission, and it hit all my major appeals: large, overengineered rovers, magnificent visuals, adventure. I decided to do a similar mission on my own. It's been my secondary mission for the last three months, I've been engaging it occasionally whenever I needed a rest from my main missions. 

As a target, I picked Slate, from the OPM package. Slate is a moon of Sarnus, the kerbalized version of Saturn, and it struck me when I visited it in my A'Tuin mission a month earlier; here was a moon with valleys, mountains, canyons, it was a super duper interesting place. And Sarnus in the sky, magnificent. It also had high gravity and very irregular topography, though. The rover I was using at the time, the Horseshoe, needed to be able to land and take off on its own; as a result, wheel power was sacrificed, and it was unable to move around much on the bumpy moon. I would have liked to spend more time on Slate, but I had to leave - and let's not forget the kerbalism-added radiation belts, and the fact that my rover had broken life support and could not stay on its own for more than ten hours.

I decided, this time I'd do it justice


Part 1: Rover and mission

The most important part of such a mission is always to design a good rover. Technically, anything capable of moving will do. But in practice, you want something that's fun to drive. This generally means good performance and good looks.

This time I didn't need a rover that could land and take off on its own power. I didn't need to make a light craft to carry around with a mothership. And I was inspired by @Jack Joseph Kerman's rover, which was anything but practical. So I wondered what would be fun to bring on a rover. And so Tamarromobile was born.



Sightseeing was a major part of the mission, so I took multiple command pods with good IVA views, I wondered "which one of those should I use?", and the obvious answer was "all of them".

I mounted the cupola on top of a rotating servo, to provide a mobile panoramic platform. Including an action key to rotate; there are some high towers around the world with rotating panoramic decks, I wanted to reproduce the idea.

I also used 18 illuminators for night driving, and multiple lights around the rover to make it look good. The name Tamarromobile, roughly translatable as Pimpmobile, comes from the garish look of those lights.

Of course, since I am set to driving this on a very difficult planet, I also needed to make it functional. And I learned that to drive on a bumpy place, you need wheel power, to propel you uphill. So I took some trusses moving away from the rover, to have a high stability, and I fit 36 wheels onto the frame - I'd have used more, but I ran out of space.

The resulting rover is one of the most fun I ever made. It has exceptional stability (it can cut across steep cliffs, and the only times I did capsize it has been falling into craters), good acceleration, and it can climb reasonably steep slopes. 10 degrees are easy, it can go up 15 degrees with difficulty, for higher slopes it needs to start switchbacking. Well, when you want to carry a full observation deck and a Mk3 passenger bay for no other reason that it looks cool, of course peformance isn't going to be the same.

For power, I used 16 advanced RTGs from near future electrics (equivalent to 64 stock RTGs) and 14k electrical charge capacity. As a testament to how difficult Slate can be, Tamarromobile still managed to run out of electricity during some particularly hard mountain passages.

Tamarromobile has 130 parts and weights 47 tons.


An Elcano challenge doesn't have any special requirements on how to get there - if I recall correctly, you can even alt-f12 your rover there, as long as you then perform the circumnavigation. But I decided to do a real mission, with a launch from Kerbin. Since that was too easy, I also decided I'd do a single launch, and I wouldn't use nuclear engines.

I didn't want to create a new KSP folder to change the mods, so I resolved to leave kerbalism there; but I set 0% chance of critical malfunctions (so that nothing could broke that an engineer could not fix) and 100% shielding efficiency, so that radiations wouldn't bother me. At this point, the only concessions I had to make to the harsh mod was to add a couple tons in radiation shielding and some food containers.

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Part 2: Launch and cruise

Tamarromobile doesn't have to be encumbered by rockets, but I still needed to land it on Slate, hence it needed a sky crane of some sort. This brought up the weight to about 80 tons. Then it needed a way for the crew to leave Slate. Then it needed a way to return to Kerbin. And all that stuff would need to be sent to Slate in the first place. And that transfer vehicle, in turn, would need to be launched from Kerbin. So, all in all, it was still a big launch; not as big as the DREAM BIG or A'Tuin, but not much smaller.


Tamarromobile also requires an oversized fairing. It weights 50 tons alone

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Part 3: Landing, ready to commence circumnavigation

Designing an asymmetric sky crane for Tamarromobile wasn't easy, but this one flies true. It adds close to 120 tons, constituting most of the mass I had to send in orbit, but it provides a very comfortable margin of 2900 m/s, a good 600 m/s more than needed. Would have probably been a good idea to pack some less fuel, actually.


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Part 4: Tygoo Valley

The first part of this trip entails going south following Tygoo Valley, coasting the Yahel mountains to the east. Then the Yahel mountains turn from southward to westward, barring my way, and Tamarromobile will cross them in a deep valley


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Part 5: Thoushaltnot Pass, elevation 9200 m

The next stretch of road is shorter, but even more difficult. Tamarromobile must cross the Yahel mountains.


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Part 6: Across the southern sea

Tamarromobile crosses the south pole, alternating flattish expanses with mighty terrain artifacts


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  On 2/22/2022 at 1:41 PM, king of nowhere said:

Part 6: Across the southern sea

Tamarromobile crosses the south pole, alternating flattish expanses with mighty terrain artifacts


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And here I was thinking that Tylo’s north pole was crazy! I gotta say, how does one not lose their sanity crossing through those deep valleys over and over again?

Great mission report so far by the way, I’ve been reading every entry as soon as I get the chance.

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  On 2/22/2022 at 5:46 PM, Jack Joseph Kerman said:

And here I was thinking that Tylo’s north pole was crazy! I gotta say, how does one not lose their sanity crossing through those deep valleys over and over again?



ah, sanity.... i had one of those, once. then i started playing ksp.

more seriously, once you commit to running a long mission like an elcano on a large planet, some variety helps keeping things interesting.

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Part 7: Cutting the Muil Plateau

After another stretch of flat ground, Tamarromobile crosses a large, but relatively level plateau. As it's getting bent to the point of uselessness, I get rid of the observation deck.


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Part 8: The northern sea, same as the southern one, but with islands

Tamarromobile heads north towards the pole, crossing the mostly flat northern sea.


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Part 9: passing the north pole

The north pole has some irregular terrain artifacts, just like its southern counterpart.


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Part 10: The hills of Robau bay

I assumed this new lowland biome would also be flat. I was wrong.


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Part 11: Crossing the Yahel mountains. Again!

Tamarromobile crossed the Yahel mountains on Diamond pass (7100 m), a much easier route than Thoushaltnot pass. It returns to the ascent vehicle, completing the circumnavigation.


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The circumnavigation ends here, but the report will still include the return trip

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  On 2/12/2022 at 6:03 PM, king of nowhere said:

An Elcano challenge doesn't have any special requirements on how to get there - if I recall correctly, you can even alt-f12 your rover there, as long as you then perform the circumnavigation.


Actually, that is not correct.  Elcano rules do specify the rover must be flown from KSC, with no cheating your vessel into position.  Also, all support vessels must be flown from Kerbin as well.  So I'm glad you flew the mission from Kerbin!  Delivering large items from the surface of Kerbin is quite difficult, as you are certainly aware.

  On 2/12/2022 at 8:12 PM, king of nowhere said:

I'm not really sure what went wrong here. Especially since it happened months ago. But sure the vector booster punching through the fairing looks good


That looks like an exciting event!.

  On 2/15/2022 at 9:57 PM, king of nowhere said:

Going down a canyon


Wow, that is some insane terrain!

  On 2/16/2022 at 4:28 PM, king of nowhere said:

So I named it the "suck on this, Dres canyon" Valley. Sorry Dres, you just lost the one reason that justified your exhistance.


Yeah, that canyon blows the one on Dres away.

Fantastic trip description!  I don't know anything about Slate, but that terrain looks absolutely brutal.  Also, my hat is off to you for choosing a polar route.  After visiting the poles on a few CBs I have personally vowed to never again take a rover to the poles.  

I love your rover!  Especially the rotating Cupola, that is a really neat feature.  

I suspect you may be the first player to do a complete Elcano circumnavigation of Slate.  Wow.

Oh, thank you for putting the large groups of screenshots inside spoilers!  That is very helpful..

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Part 12: Running back

The crew returns to Kerbin with a fast pod just before they run out of food.


Do compare the food available in supplies with the close approach to Kerbin

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I could do another Elcano. Where next?


Wal is a moon of Urlum. Airless, Duna-sized, it has this huge mountain chain encompassing all the equator, with peaks rising over 20 km


An equatorial circumnavigation of that moon seems like a owrthy challenge


The Leaping Mantis rover will rise up to the task. Or I will get bored and frustrated first

So this is going to be my next Elcano. I'm not sure when, or even if, I will complete it. But it certainly seems a good engineering challenge for a mountain rover.

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Nice of you to bring the crew home!  The crew I used for an Eve Elcano is still waiting for a vessel to get them back to orbit.  Also, nice job recovering from unexpected obstacles.  I see that using the realism mods forces you to come up with creative solutions- you can’t just wait 10 years for some replacement vessels to arrive from Kerbin.

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