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How to get ship and ship Delta-V in VAB/SPH?

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(new member)

I've been tearing my hair out over this for the past 2-3 days. I'm currently making a simple mod that calculates if a flight is possible given current delta-v's. However, I cannot figure out how to get the delta-v's of a ship in an editor, nor able to even get any sign of a ship being detected.

think it has to do with ShipConstruct, but I can't figure out how to get current vessel as a Ship. It could also be Vessel that handles editor, but I found nothing suggesting that to be the case. I've skimmed through the class index on the API site, and found nothing.

Does anyone know about this? I'm very new to C# modding.

Edited by Hyperion_21
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Subscribe to the DeltaVCalcsCompleted event to be notified every time the user changes the ship:


In that event's handler, you can get the complete delta V analysis from EditorLogic.fetch?.ship?.vesselDeltaV:


double  TotalDeltaVActual [get]
  The Total Simulated DeltaV produced by the Vessel/Ship in flight. More...
double  TotalDeltaVASL [get]
  The Total Simulated DeltaV produced by the Vessel/Ship at ASL More...
double  TotalDeltaVVac [get]
  The Total Simulated DeltaV produced by the Vessel/Ship in Vacuum More...

Sample code here:


Edited by HebaruSan
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