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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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@The_Cat_In_Space Cool station and lovely screenshots.

I see you docked the habitat ring together in modules (nicely done), but did you launch the glowing blue ring all in one piece? I'm curious as to what mod the blue ring comes from and what's its intended purpose. It certainly adds a dramatic touch.

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2 hours ago, HvP said:

I'm curious as to what mod the blue ring comes from and what's its intended purpose. It certainly adds a dramatic touch.

I can't remember, but it's called an 'orbital supercollider'. It just looked cool, I guess! :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey there ! This is my first post on this forum :) 

I've readed almost the half of this subject, loving some of those great space stations, and finally decided to share you mine...

Ladies and gentlemens, I'm proud to present you the KSS-1 'Bora-Bora' Space Station !502494screenshot83.png

KSS-1 is orbiting in LKO (around 210 km), but it's orbit have been a little bit "moved" by the several dockings I made on it, and will need to be readjusted (there is actually 30km between the apoapsis and the periapsis). The total part count (with vessels docked as on this pic) is 397, a great lag cannon for my laptop.

Actually there is some vessels docked onto it :

- Two MTV A1 'Aito' Transfer Vehicle, used as all-purpose vessels, for Kerbals, refuelling, and module manipulation. I really appreciate those little vessels, very balanced, with high manoeuvrability. One is docked on the lower node, the other is on the top on the upper node.

- A SSTV-1 'Vini' tug module, used as its name says as an assembling tug (on the right of the lower node)

-A SSTK 'Kepler' Measure Module, holding a lot of scientific devices and surface scanners, docked on a lateral port of the main lab, near to one of the MTV 'Aito'.

- A Soyouz spacecraft, reproduced with stock parts and KOSMOS parts,docked on the APAS-docking converter, under the Service Module.

Here is a complete diagram of the current disposition of this station :


And a more detailed view of the right part, with the Service Module, the Habitation Module, a MTV A1, the Science Platform 'Bohr' and the Soyuz :


I have a lot of things in mind about the future of this station, and will continue to expand & improve it while also building new ones (one is currently in early assembly state) :)

Todo-list :

  • Replace the solar arrays by bigger ones and reuse those in the second space station (named with some creativity KSS-2)
  • Add a robotic Kanadarm, and several attaching points on the station
  • Move the Science Platform 'Bohr' elsewhere and dock the shuttle docking hub in this place
  • Add a life support module to increase the Kerbals capacity (would be better to kill more kerbals in case of de-orbiting :D )
  • Add a motor module at one extremity to move the station by itself
  • And so more.... 


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My "ISS" (full stock)



I designed it following the real ISS design (with minor changes/adaptations), recreating as much as I could the same assembly process too.

Following the current configuration


410 parts


circular orbit, about 150km above Kerbin

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My two stations 

1) Babylon K - currently in orbit around the Mun.  Very Modular, solar panels can be swapped, lab can be removed, extended, command cupola can fly on its own. Even the engines can be swapped.  I used skippers to put it in oribit and then changed them for poodles in LKO before transferring the station to The Mun.  It usually has a mining / refuel vessel attached too, but that's on loan to Minmus Station at the moment.  The landing craft is attached inline in this picture, it's behind the Cupola.  I later undocked the cupola, moved the landing craft to one of the side docking ports and put the cupola back.eiK18BC.png


2) Minmus station.  Here you see Minmus station with the Babylon K mining vessel attached on one side and an ore barge constructed for a contract on the other.  The ore barge weighs over 50 tons when fully loaded and can re-enter Kerbin's atmosphere safely on a total of 44 Mk2-R parachutes and 8 Drogues for breaking. On the "underside"  you can see Minmus station landing craft docked fore ( under the fuel tanks ) and the sky crane for base construction docked aft ( also attached to a fuel tank ). I think the whole bundle together looks rather good.



Wheras Babylon K was designed with being able to transfer between planets in mind Minmus is always going to be Minmus and as such will take on an ad-hoc / organic growth.  Expanded as needed with no overall design plan. 

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Wow, great stuff ProtonM :wink: This space shuttle is pretty realistic... You may look at some mods to build a real ingame ISS, would be a great piece of stuff :)

For my own news about KSS-1 'Bora-Bora'..... erm.... how I would say that... er... the computer is quite... erm... something like dead... so.... I'm sad to say that all the work is definitely lost. :( Worst thing is that I lost only ONE disc partition over 7.... the one with all my data... Kraken got me this time. :(

I'll crarry on building a new version of my KSS on my second laptop... but as you may understand, motivation is gone for a time :( I hope I'll be back here with some stuff in a short time... 


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Hehe... I saw some of the large space stations, and to be honest, this is the largest and most useful station I've built yet.



What it can do:

  • It can comfortably house 36 Kerbals in orbit.
  • It has a module from Extraplanetary Launchpads, so it can serve as a ship dry dock in space.
    • If you look to the center of the station, you'll see two sets of flood lights on rails and hydrolics - these allow me to direct the light to where I need it.
    • A large number of airlocks - literally all over it. This is so it can handle a lot of ship traffic.
  • It generates more power than what it needs.
    It has a number of relay dishes and antennae on it. I've got probes out to Plock that can transmit to it without a problem!
    • It's set in a 85 degree orbit - nearly a polar orbit. This also helps with communications.
  • It has five botany labs so it produces more food than what it needs to feed its own crew.
    • Yup, to resupply the ships that dock with it.
  • It has three science labs.
  • It has the capability to capture "particulates" in space, convert them into ore.
    • It has the components to convert ore into LFO. So, it is an orbiting gas station.
  • It has a designated cargo bay that allows for docking with supply craft from the surface.



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23 hours ago, HerrCrazi said:

Wow, great stuff ProtonM :wink: This space shuttle is pretty realistic... You may look at some mods to build a real ingame ISS, would be a great piece of stuff :)

For my own news about KSS-1 'Bora-Bora'..... erm.... how I would say that... er... the computer is quite... erm... something like dead... so.... I'm sad to say that all the work is definitely lost. :( Worst thing is that I lost only ONE disc partition over 7.... the one with all my data... Kraken got me this time. :(

I'll crarry on building a new version of my KSS on my second laptop... but as you may understand, motivation is gone for a time :( I hope I'll be back here with some stuff in a short time... 


Thanks! Sad story the one about your HD, you've been unlucky. I'm also having some problems with my desktop: I'm currently using my 6 years old "battle" laptop.

Here are some other images of my full-stock shuttle in one of its mission to assembly the ISS




Talking about my space station and another "full-stock replica", here are some pics of my Soyuz




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Starter Mun station.

Has a Mobile Lab plus Hitch-hiker Storage with Cupola Modules for added living space.

Currently have 2 scientists, 2 pilots and an engineer on staff there.

Docked to the middle right is a 7 person shuttle that brought them there.

At the very top is a "tug" which pushed the living assembly (hitch-hiker storage) over from Kerbin.

Two landers are docked near the middle there but I will be upgrading them as they barely if even have enough DV to land and rendevous.

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Minmus Station is almost complete.  Three more launches, two lab modules and some end caps for the greenhouses is all that is left.  The crew is on board, the two ships docked are a crew transfer vessel (in the background on the left) and my remote construction tug (in the foreground on the right).


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