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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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Your images aren't showing. Use the [noparse] and to make links and and to post images[/noparse].

And there is already a well established thread just like this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/22251-Showcase-SPACE-STATIONS!-Post-your-pictures-here.

Edit: OK, now your images are showing properly.

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Your images aren't showing. Use the [noparse] and to make links and b] and [b] to post images[/noparse].

And there is already a well established thread just like this: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/22251-Showcase-SPACE-STATIONS!-Post-your-pictures-here.

Yea I've noticed but already fixed ;)

I wanted people here to post space stations that are not finished and regurarly updated

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What is going on with those landers? They land sideways? Is that a 2nd engine on the 'belly', just below mechJeb?

Pretty much.

Those on the pic are actually broken and are being replaced, but they're based on this:


The ones in the pic uptrhead aren't quite the same, but it's the same idea.


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I based this off of a station designed by Pixel Stache after finding his video on YouTube complete with craft files. Launching his original ring design taught me a ton about rendezvous and docking and from there I kind of went a little crazy expanding it before I hit major lag problems and called it quits. You can see in the photos that there are some part alignment issues as well and between those two problems I finally called it quits on this project. I'm looking forward to a working version of welded for 0.23 so I can cut WAY down on my part count so I can try making this whole thing actually work.


This end has 5 RCS tugs that are my work horses docked to


Here's a side view showing the fuel storage tanks. I planned to have more and to use this as a fueling station before I discovered lag.




Side view of the RCS tugs


Station info

A few more images here.

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Kerbal International Space Station. Several different views of the station.




the above are in my sandbox mode only. The following station, the Kerbal Orbital Science Complex, is in BOTH my sandbox, where it was designed, tested and originally flown, and now used as a test bed for various crew return vehicle concepts and in my career mode. And YES, I launched the KOSC as a SINGLE unit.






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Mine's pretty slick if I do say so myself :P It's meant to be something in between Mir (module style and all the doodads) and the ISS (the truss in particular). Has a respectable crew capacity--there's a hitchhiker and a mk1-2 capsule inside the KW interstages in addition to the cupola.

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Here is my basic refueling station for interplanetary missions. It looked better without the structural fuselages, but I had to sacrifice aesthetics to allow badly designed ships to dock.


This is the first station of its class docked to a fuel tanker that will carry it to Laythe.


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Here's a picture of my Corona Space Station. It is primarily a refueling station but it has science capabilities and a capacity of 26 crew. I don't use it all that much since most of my missions are planned to avoid needing refueling. It's also an interplanetary ship with 6 nuke engines and almost 10000 dV if it flies with no cargo. It has the honor of being the largest thing I've ever launched in one piece (minus the SSTO that is docked now).


And here's a replica of the Hyperion Moonbase from Borderlands 2 that I made today. Still need to refuel this and get it into Mun orbit.


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I'm currently building MIR historically accurate using welded stock parts:

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I'm around 1990

KVANT-1 and 2 are docked, Kristall is at it's temporary place for hosting Space Shuttles (wich it has now).

Spektr is for later.


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