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SPACE STATIONS! Post your pictures here


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I think those are either from the Near Future pack or the pack with actual ISS parts, think it's KOSMOS though I might be wrong...

They're from the real ISS parts package, I know because I remember that they aren't the best looking lol :)

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Dammit Acc, my KSP is already choking on the mods I'm making it load... Have some mercy, damn you!

Hehe :D But it needs some work, because it's outdated.

I just want the solar panels. Hope they will work.

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Hehe :D But it needs some work, because it's outdated.

I just want the solar panels. Hope they will work.

You'd probably have to fiddle about if you're running Interstellar...

But if you want sweet-looking panels, check KOSMOS or Near Future. They both have some pretty awesome arrays...

Edited by BananaDealer
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Space stations have been my thing all throughout KSP, especially after Docking was introduced. I have three that I'm working on right now, Libra (Minmus orbit, pretty much complete), Capricorn (Munar orbit, about 75% complete), and Gemini (Kerbin orbit, waiting for first launch) which you can find in the thread linked in my signature, though I may post images here once they're all up and running. I also plan on making other space stations around other planets and moons, but that's a ways off. For now, I'll just post some of my previous endeavors and fond memories.


Hugin Station, my first Minmus fuel station. I don't think I ever fully completed it, since my initial design outstripped my PC's processing power, but it was functional. Here's a shot of its mining lander, the Munin, arriving at the station with two rovers in tow. I miss those little one-piece rovers, they were fun.


The original Gemini Station, my first orbital construction project. I can't remember what happened to it exactly, I think the game was updated and I had to start a new save. That's when things got crazy... .


Either my third or fourth attempt at Gemini Station, and possibly the largest orbital construction I ever worked on. This is as far as it got before I hit my part-count limit and it had to be dismantled and re-purposed. The idea was basically to take my original design and mirror it around a larger "primary" station core and cupola module (back before that part was stock) for an orbital construction yard. Yeah, that didn't work. I ended up splitting it up, sending half to Munar orbit, keeping a few parts over Kerbin to try another more compact design, and deorbiting the rest.


Here's the Mun station. I can't remember if I gave it a special name or even if I got farther than this with it, I think a major update hit shortly after this point and I just kind of went on a KSP hiatus for a while.


Oh man this is an old one, my first space station ever. This is from when I was trying out the orbital construction mod, back when docking wasn't even in the game and maybe even electric power, I think those solar panels are purely cosmetic. I've got a soft spot for the little guy, and since I was feeling nostalgic gathering up these screenshots I decided to make a sort of functional spiritual successor to it.


It's pretty simple, yes, but I think it still looks quite nice. Maybe I can find a use for it somewhere, a little low part-count outpost like this up around Kerbin-synchronous orbit or out near the Mun-Kerbin L3 L4 or L5 Lagrange points would be nice, something for interplanetary ships to dock with on return to Kerbin for a rest and resupply.

Edited by TerLoki
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This was my first station, the Triskelion Mk. I. It's not large, it's not flashy, but it does have three tanks each attached by three docking ports, which was tricky as hell to get right. I'm currently working on the successor to this station, the Triskelion Mk. II. The three fuel probes attached to it give it the distinct triskelion shape. :D


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Hipparchos Station over the moon. Still under construction, but two vital modules are operational.

It can refine Kethane, delivered on Keth-TUG, which basically is tank-carrier.


I plan to add a Biomass's Greenhouse here, to study it's possibilities of life support, and one or two big orange fuel tanks.

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Looks nice, but what it does? And why do you need so much big solar panels?

Try Active Texture Management mod. Maybe it'll help you with that crashing. Reduces memory need greatly

I know if you run the RSS mod you need large panels to make up for the distance from the sun.

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Looks nice, but what it does? And why do you need so much big solar panels?

Try Active Texture Management mod. Maybe it'll help you with that crashing. Reduces memory need greatly

Nothing. Its just there to look cool :)

And the number of solar panels wasnt my idea :wink:


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