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Problem with FMRS ( flight manager for reusable stages)

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Hello fellow ksp connoisseurs. I wanted to ask a question. Basically, I have a problem with the fmrs mod. I created a big cargo plane that is used to drop a few droppods all over kerbin. Since you need some way to control those pods after you detach, i figured i could use fmrs. The problem appears exactly for this reason. It doesnt seem to work :(
When i drop the pod, i then use fmrs menu to switch to the pod perspective at detach time. I then land it and start doing science. The main plane then crashes because it doesnt have any control (maybe its because of this but i doubt). When i finish doing everything, I then return to the point of separation with main plane to continue the mission moving to the next point, but fmrs doesnt seem to remember that my pod landed, and so it deletes it. The option to go back to separation is still there, and i can repeat it, but i end up in the same situation as before...... I really dont know what could be causing it, because I know for sure that my copy of fmrs is working correctly, as I was testing things before with a rocket booster. If someone knows what is causing this, lemme know :) . It might just be the fact that im crshing the main plane, but that seems stupid, as im then returning to the separation and continuing with my mission. To note that the "craft is landed" does not appear in the menu after I return to main plane, as if I didn't detach it at all...

Edited by Beaver6513
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47 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

Are you sure it's deleting the pod, and not recovering it?  By default FMRS will recover the landed vessel when you switch back to separation.

Yes, it's deleting the pod. For two reasons:
1) The option for returning to stage separation is still there, even after landing the pod and recovering. It should be green with a "Landed" or "Recovered" ,i dont remember wich one , written beside, but not for me.
2) After failing to recover the pod (I did this both via the menu and via normal recovery) I tried looking for it in the tracking station. It's completely deleted, the kerbal inside is no longer present in the aviable kerbals, and it doesnt show the craft in the kerbalism menu.

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I can't help with FMRS but I can offer an alternative that might work for your case. Try designing the drop pods so they don't have to be controlled; let them them fall with parachutes, mod airbags, impact resistant parts, or other techniques that can survive an uncontrolled drop.

Default physics range in atmosphere is only 2.5km before falling objects get deleted. Your cargo plane will need to loiter while each pod lands, or drop things at extremely low altitude, or investigate mods such as Physics Range Extender.

Refer to my post in another thread for an example. My drop technique was to stage each pod with a decoupler+parachute so the parachute opened instantly even though I wasn't controlling the pod. The plane then circled while each pod landed.




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