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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] BDArmory Plus (BDA+) v1.7.1.0 [2024-09-04]


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You can, of course, just copy the part folders instead of overriding the CFGs if you want to have both parts available 

you would have to change the edited part’s name from say “bahaclusterbomblaser” to “verywittytitle” or some other unique title to prevent overwriting 

Edited by Sidestrafe2462
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3 hours ago, Sidestrafe2462 said:

You can, of course, just copy the part folders instead of overriding the CFGs if you want to have both parts available 

you would have to change the edited part’s name from say “bahaclusterbomblaser” to “verywittytitle” or some other unique title to prevent overwriting 

Yes, but this would duplicate the assets in the disk storage. Just pust the new configs next to the old cfg-files in the matching folders with just a different filename. I gave the parts in the configs a slightly different name, so that they don‘t collide namingwise. (you said bahaclusterbomblaser... this is already a new name. The original is named bahaclusterbomb (without laser), so that you can right now use the configs without having to edit anything. E.g. added a TN for tactical nuke in the name. Or and L for laser-guidance.

Have fun!

Edited by Rakete
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On 2/11/2023 at 12:38 AM, Kerbal410 said:

the closest thing to a txt file I found in the right-click menu after going to new was a text document, is that the same thing?

also, how do I change the type to a cfg file?

Yes, textfile is the right one.

Create a.... myfavoriteboombstick.txt. then open it, make sure it's completely empty, fill in the matching config content and save it and close it. Then rightclick on the file, press rename, and change the the name to myfavoriteboomstick.cfg In case of Windows it will give you a dialogue window if you really want to change the file type. Confirm. The file icon will change.

You can give the file the name you want. The name doesn't matter, as long as you have the correct filetype and put it into the right folder, as decribed before.  

If you want to change things in the cfg files, you don't have to rename them back into txt. If you doubleclick a cfg file, windows will open the same editor as it does when it opens a txt file.



In case you use the configs i adapted, check your BDA-bombs category in VAB/SPH. There you should find new additional bomb types, that have the same visuals like the ones, that come with bda+ (I am no 3D artist!) but have different functionality (maybe a little bit of different size) and should complement BDA-stock ones. The bda-devs are free to include those in their releases, (or only use them partially, rename them, do whatever they like) if they like - their descision, or they may completely ignore them. 


I also have written a config for a nuclear version of the RBS-15 cruise missile. Yes, the real world RBS doesn't have a nuclear warhead, but I wanted to make a nuclear cruise missile and had only the rbs 15 model and the AGM-86 3D-models from BDA, so i almost randomly picked one of the two.(You remember the movie scene from independence day, where they open the bomb bay of a bomber and drop a nuclear cruise missile against the alien ship floating above ground?)

So if someone wants the config to create an additional RBS version with a big boom, let me know.  But anyone can create their own by just stealing the bda-nuke-module from the AIR-2 missile and replacing the bdaexplosive module with the stolen nukemodule in the config of their desired boomstick, adjust yield, fluence and radius to their liking and voila: you have your nuclear version. (don't forget to change the part name for Module manager and the ingame description and ingame name in the config). No need to use other plugins (e.g. from NorthKerbindynamics), because BDA has already all the code needed for nuking some... asteroids or Kerbal Konstructs sites...

I wish I had the skills and the time to make 3D-models and provide them, but unfortunately this isn't possible for me. And yes, the provided configs are not real world related. If you don't like them, skip them.

BDA is a fantastic framework!


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oh, ok. I hope what you did gets implemented into this mod because I find the mod 1000 times better now.

BTW, when you mentioned the nuclear RBS cruise missile, are you talking about the air-launched or surface-launched version? just want to know if it would be something that could be put into a silo or arm an aircraft with. either way, a nuclear missile geared toward attacking land-based targets would be nice.

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On 2/10/2023 at 4:55 PM, TBCN said:

What exactly does IRST do? 

From the in-game description: A forward facing InfraRed Search and Track system housed in an aerodynamic pod. It can scan and detect thermal signatures within a 120 degree field of view. It is optimized for air-to-air use, and has difficulties detecting surface targets.

Basically, it's an infrared detector that works as an alternative to radar for locking and tracking heat sources (e.g., other planes). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrared_search_and_track

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On 2/10/2023 at 4:53 PM, Light_Gladiator said:

Anyone know/have a tutorial that helps to reduce an aircraft's radar cross section? I want to make a stealth bomber with nearly no Radar Cross section.

a Mk2 fuselage combined with a flying wing design is quite useful. I would also recommend an ECM, just remember to turn it on.

NOTE: this won't give you an RCS like the one you want, but it's a start. Also, don’t use more than one ECM.

P.S. Nice Mkseries Body (NMB) has some cockpits that come with an ECM, radar, and in the F/A-18Cs case, a gun. You will need a weapon manager and AI pilot flight module, but other than that, those cockpits are quite OP. (The radar on all cockpits have a 200 degree FOV)

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On 2/12/2023 at 10:04 AM, Light_Gladiator said:



Keep all parts of the aircraft sharp-edged and very distant from vertical when viewed from plus or minus 10 degrees. Do not use any vertical or near vertical surfaces anywhere. Check the RCS and make sure that all parts of the craft are black. Grey is bad and white is very very very bad.

In my experience a 3 meter wide procedural cone 1 meter in height has effectively no RCS. So probably the closer your craft is to a flying saucer with a sharp bladed edge, the better.

Also don't try to do directional stealth. IIRC BDA does not calculate RCS on the fly or even used cached RCS values for different aspects. Stealth needs to be all-aspect (all horizontal aspects) to be useful. One last thing is don't bother thinking about serrations, large surfaces, limiting sharp edges, or edge wave diffraction. It seems like BDA uses a simplified Fresnel camera model that means this kind of complex calculation isn't needed.

Edited by Pds314
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On 2/12/2023 at 4:25 AM, Kerbal410 said:

oh, ok. I hope what you did gets implemented into this mod because I find the mod 1000 times better now.

BTW, when you mentioned the nuclear RBS cruise missile, are you talking about the air-launched or surface-launched version? just want to know if it would be something that could be put into a silo or arm an aircraft with. either way, a nuclear missile geared toward attacking land-based targets would be nice.

Did it work for you?

As for the RBS-Cruise missile... I did it for both variants. I can upload you my configs to a filehoster as soon as I get back to my computer. 

(but you will want to adapt their ingame description, cause I wrote it in my native language (german), because I was too lazy so do a full reference to the localization file and extend the localization. That's why I wrote the description directly into the config. But you can change it easily - just look through the config and you will find the place that is written in german. Write whatever you like to read in your partwindow ingame description... Will upload the configs to a filehoster soon (tm)

Edited by Rakete
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1 hour ago, Rakete said:

Did it work for you?

As for the RBS-Cruise missile... I did it for both variants. I can upload you my configs to a filehoster as soon as I get back to my computer. 

(but you will want to adapt their ingame description, cause I wrote it in my native language (german), because I was too lazy so do a full reference to the localization file and extend the localization. That's why I wrote the description directly into the config. But you can change it easily - just look through the config and you will find the place that is written in german. Write whatever you like to read in your partwindow ingame description... Will upload the configs to a filehoster soon (tm)


If you don't want to wait for me to upload my configs (maybe weekend?!): You can do it yourself: this way you also learn how configuring works

  • Go to the folder where the rbs-15 lies (or the rbs-15AL (the airlaunched variant))
  • -----> bdarmory/parts/....
  • Make a copy of the cfg file there, put the copy next to the original (you will want to keep the original, otherwise you would lose the non-nuclear variant)
  • Give the copied file a good name like rbs15nuke.cfg or something like that


Open the new cfg and do the following steps:

  • Scroll down to the bottom. Somewhere near the bottom you find the module { name =  BDexplosivepart  ......... } or something similar. Remove the whole module (Including the word MODULE up to and including  the } symbol
  • Replace the deleted bdaexplosive module with the following:
	name = BDModuleNuke
	thermalRadius = 7000 //clamps AoE to a max of this distance
	yield = 1000 // yield, in kilotons
	fluence = 3000 //thermal bloom modifier, reduce for less toasty nukes
	isEMP = false // does this generate an EMP
	reportingName = W-75 Warhead //weapon name that appears in competition log
	//initial flash
	flashModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeFlash
	shockModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeShock
	blastModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeBlast
	 //mushroom cloud stalk
	plumeModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukePlume
	//ground scatter
	debrisModelPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeScatter
	blastSoundPath = BDArmory/Models/explosion/nuke/nukeBoom

This removes the conventional explosion mechanics that BDA can calculate and will call its BDA-built-in nuke functionality instead, that has very pleasing visuals and physics effects.

(Adjust the red marked numbers to you liking. The numbers above are just an example. They would give you a nasty megaton of kaboom - like a modern advanced nuke could do) do a bit try & error ingame. Adjust, try, adjust, try.... balance it to your liking and your sense of realism. I wouldn't suggest to put a tsar-bomb-like explosive in a fairly small cruise missile.

Now we do two really important steps in the config. The part needs a slightly different ingame name and ID, in order not to collide with the BDA-stock-rbs-15

So look for this section on top of the config

// --- general parameters ---
name = ...

Write a matching name that differs from the one, that is written in there by copying the file. Maybe name = RBS15-AL-Nuke or something like that. The name is the part ID under which KSP will handle the part internally. You want to give it unique name, that does not collide with existing ones.


Now go to the section ...

// --- editor parameters ---

title = ...
manufacturer = #loc_BDArmory_agent_title  //Bahamuto Dynamics
description = ...

// attachment rules: stack, srfAttach, allowStack, allowSrfAttach, allowCollision

The red parameters controll, how the part will be displayed ingame in the VAB.

Give it a good name (a different name that is written here.... you don't need to use #loc_.... you can easily write your ingame description and title here. These values define the ingame title and the ingame description. Because you only create the config for yourself, you don't need to hook into the localization files and can write your desired title and description directly into the config.


title = RBS-15AL-N air-launched flying nuclear boomstick

Description = A nuclear variant of the RBS-15 cruise missile. It works also as a nice marshmellow roasting device.

(Sidenote: letters after // symbols are comentary and are not displayed ingame or interpreted by module manager. They are just for the config editing guy to leave comment)



Sidenote: RL-Nukes are not detonated on impact, rather they are triggered above ground. For best results consider setting the explosion triggering distance in the PAW in the VAB e.g. to 10 or 20m to avoid occlusion of the blast wave by hills etc.

You can also adjust the parameters cost for adjusting the part price. You can also easily adjust the mass (look for "mass =" ) and by tuning the "rescaleFactor" parameter in the file  you can make the nuclear variant bigger or smaller than the non-nuclear variant, that comes with bda+ (but for realism's sake remember to adjust the mass, if you de/increase the size massively)

With the parameter 

cruiseTime = ....

you also adjust, how long the cruise missile will fly until it shuts off its engine and is burned out. If you want to make something launched from a silo you may want to increase this value, but be carefull for realism. A cruise missile is not made for travelling around the world.


Important: Each Edit in the cfg only takes effect after a restart of KSP.




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The RCS reduction in ModuleECMJammer seems to be broken - not applying on (judging from the debug RCS viewer). While it shows up in the editor's RCS viewer, it does not work in flight.

How to reproduce:

Make a part with an ECM jammer config, say, like this:

	name = ModuleECMJammer
	alwaysOn = true		
    resourceDrain = 0.0	
    jammerStrength = 0		
	lockBreaker = false		
	lockBreakerStrength = 0	
    rcsReduction = true		
	rcsReductionFactor = 0.03		// factor for radar cross section: from 0 (craft is invisible) to 1 (no effect)

(yes, I know it's horrifyingly overpowered)

Place the part on a ship

Go into flight

See the radar cross section reduction not applying

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6 hours ago, Sidestrafe2462 said:

For fun, pick any shelltype you like in bulletdef, and add this line :)
nuclear = true

I should probably do it for Gustav 203mm from SM Armory.  The fact that this beast of a gun can't oneshot the VAB upsets me so much.

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22 hours ago, Kerbal410 said:

I can’t thank you enough for what you did.

Didn't do anything. Just reverse-engineered some of the original part configs, that come with BDA+. Hope the stuff works for you. Have fun. In fact some many parameters in the configs are still a mysterium to me... black magic. :D I really really appreciate, what the devs do and how great this framework works. I'm just a noob in re-configuring configs. Most things can be re-engineered by using other configs as template.

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for even more fun

    name = 18inchISIJN
	caliber = 25
	bulletVelocity = 805
	bulletMass = 1360
	//HE Bullet Values
	explosive = True
	tntMass = 1
	fuzeType = Timed 
	projectileColor = 254, 185, 0, 160 //RGBA 0-255 
	fadeColor = False
	startColor = 254, 185, 25, 120
	beehive = true
        subMunitionType = 18inchFRAGJN
	apBulletMod = 0
	bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 18inchFRAGJN
	caliber = 25
	bulletVelocity = 1600
	bulletMass = 4
	//HE Bullet Values
	explosive = False
        tntMass = 1
	fuzeType = Timed
        nuclear = true  
        incendiary = True
	projectileColor = 254, 185, 0, 160 //RGBA 0-255 
	fadeColor = False
	startColor = 254, 185, 25, 120
	subProjectileCount = 600
	apBulletMod = 0.5
	bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

add this to a CFG, and then give your desired gun 18inchISJN

nuclear ratshot :)

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would it be possible to make an air-to-air missile (or a surface-to-air one) climb to a set altitude (say, 20km) before beginning the glide/powered flight to the target craft? I find that the current behavior doesn't work very well with missiles that have their engine burn out at higher distances to the enemy (50-60km) - they don't have a lot of energy remaining to chase after the craft. The missile doing an initial climb to 20km, then thrusting/gliding to the enemy craft could help interceptions by having more energy by the time of interception.

In addition, making AAM and AGM missiles respect the cruiseSpeed config parameter may help realism - currently, missiles achieve speeds higher than their IRL counterparts rather easily (especially when attempting to intercept ballistic missiles high above)

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On 2/16/2023 at 10:44 PM, Sidestrafe2462 said:

for even more fun

    name = 18inchISIJN
	caliber = 25
	bulletVelocity = 805
	bulletMass = 1360
	//HE Bullet Values
	explosive = True
	tntMass = 1
	fuzeType = Timed 
	projectileColor = 254, 185, 0, 160 //RGBA 0-255 
	fadeColor = False
	startColor = 254, 185, 25, 120
	beehive = true
        subMunitionType = 18inchFRAGJN
	apBulletMod = 0
	bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate
    name = 18inchFRAGJN
	caliber = 25
	bulletVelocity = 1600
	bulletMass = 4
	//HE Bullet Values
	explosive = False
        tntMass = 1
	fuzeType = Timed
        nuclear = true  
        incendiary = True
	projectileColor = 254, 185, 0, 160 //RGBA 0-255 
	fadeColor = False
	startColor = 254, 185, 25, 120
	subProjectileCount = 600
	apBulletMod = 0.5
	bulletDragTypeName = AnalyticEstimate

add this to a CFG, and then give your desired gun 18inchISJN

nuclear ratshot :)

Does 18inchISJN have be also added to the definition of a ammo can to store some more of these crunchy crackers? :D

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7 hours ago, a999999999999999999 said:

In addition, making AAM and AGM missiles respect the cruiseSpeed config parameter may help realism - currently, missiles achieve speeds higher than their IRL counterparts rather easily (especially when attempting to intercept ballistic missiles high above)

In fact I currently have problems with the bda-stock-configs of maverick and Hellfire. In RL they are shot several km away from the target according to wikipedia. But the bda-counterparts burnout rather easily. I tried to experiment with the cruisetime, but in many many cases even my tuning did not enable them to hit the lasered target correctly. Even with huge burntimes they struggle to hit the ground target (e.g. some rather flat Kerbal konstructs buildings (laser in the middle of the roof). In many cases they simply hit the ground 50m in front of the target. 

Could someone more experienced then me please have a look at those configs of maverick and hellfire? They really struggle to hit the target from 5-7km distance (laser always on target). Even a larger burntime does not solve the issue (because the missiles then tend to get to fast to get the stearing right). An many cases they hit the ground in front of the target, especially on small rather flat buildings.

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