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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] BDArmory Plus (BDA+) v1.9.0.0 [2025-01-22]


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39 minutes ago, FabioofSpace said:

Sorry for asking. But does this work with Near Future and Far Future Technologies? I assume not

What do you mean? I have BDA+ and the whole Nertea Mod Compendium installed. No issues.

On 4/3/2023 at 6:32 PM, Rakete said:

Bugreport BDA

IR-Target locking is broken... again. Simply mount a AIM-9 on a vessel of your choice. try to lock on something - no lock.

Testvehicle: Place two of them, fly one, let the other one fly as well... Try to shoot it down using the AIM-9s....


Reverting back to where it works....


Any confirmation on this?

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Can someone give me a quick rundown on what is the difference between BDarmory continued, and BDarmory Plus? 


From my understanding this is the most updated and the most advanced version. But it seems that not only most weapon packs do not work, according to Ckan. I can't find working blueprints either.

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5 hours ago, daddydante88 said:

according to Ckan.

 Everything except unguided missiles that works with BDAc should work in BDA+ as well . I'm still using some good old mods from SM-Industries mod family that hadn't been updated for ages. But some other parts  may need rebalancing  due to new armor and damage system. 

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嗨,我很想在坎巴拉太空计划中制作一个实用的现代主战坦克。但是有一个问题,BDA MOD的机枪太强了,我用KBF的type99A坦克底盘测试了一下,发现机枪可以在连续射击的情况下在10秒内摧毁坦克底盘,这比坦克主炮所需的时间要快得多。我试图通过添加钢板来解决问题,但它不起作用,然后我试图通过修改 mod Bullets cfg 文件来解决它。但是我不知道怎么修改,每次修改都是一样的,我别无选择,只能在论坛上询问,希望你能帮我解决这些问题

English translation:

Hi, I would love to make a practical modern main battle tank in the Kerbal space program. But there is a problem, the machine gun of the BDA MOD is too strong, I tested it with the type99A tank chassis of the KBF and found that the machine gun can destroy the tank chassis in 10 seconds with continuous fire, which is much faster than the time required for the main gun of a tank. I tried to fix the problem by adding steel plates but it didn't work, then I tried to fix it by modifying the mod Bullets cfg file. But I don't know how to modify, every modification is the same, I have no choice but to ask on the forum, hope you can help me solve these problems

Edited by 18Watt
English translation added by moderation team.
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i saw this video about a new part from just over a year ago. The ordinance bay is what I am interested in. I have this mod installed and after searching thoroughly I couldn't find it please can i have an update on this mod as there is a new fighter I am working on and this would be extremely useful.  If it has been removed then no worries but if not please can you let me know how to get/find it. 

Many thanks,


Edited by idkgeek1
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12 minutes ago, idkgeek said:

The ordinance bay is what I am interested in. I have this mod installed and after searching thoroughly I couldn't find it

It's still there in v1.6.0.2:


It requires "precision engineering" tech, in case that's why you're not seeing it.

On 4/12/2023 at 8:56 PM, Rakete said:

Any confirmation on this?

I think this is working again. SI looked at some stuff related to missiles and fixed various things in the last few releases.

Edited by DocNappers
add note about precision engineering tech
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23 hours ago, DocNappers said:

It's still there in v1.6.0.2:


It requires "precision engineering" tech, in case that's why you're not seeing it.

I think this is working again. SI looked at some stuff related to missiles and fixed various things in the last few releases.

After another look I found it. Thanks a lot, turns out it is to big and heavy to be of any use for that craft but I am designing a new craft which is larger and more powerful which would make its cool factor worth the deficits.

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23 minutes ago, Kerburettor said:

Hi, I've got a bit of an amateur question. Do you know how I can build my own version of BDA? Let's say I modify the code, how can I build it for myself to get the adequate dlls? Is there a tutorial I can use for that?

Thank you

Build instructions differ slightly if you're on Windows or Linux. In both cases, you'll need to create the _LocalDev folder in the parent directory of wherever you clone the BDA git repository, e.g.,

some folder
|- _LocalDev
   |- KSPRefs
   |- ksp_dir.txt
   |- pdb2mdb_exe.txt
   |- 7za_dir.txt
   |- dist_dir.txt
|- BDArmory
   |- BDArmory
      |- BDArmory.csproj

If you don't need to package the build for distribution afterwards then you don't need the *.txt files, but you'll want to disable the post-build step to avoid getting errors about that. The pdb2mdb_exe.txt, 7za_dir.txt, dist_dir.txt files are only required for Windows to tell it where various programs are installed for the post-build step. The BDArmory.dll should be built in BDArmory/BDArmory/bin/Release (or Debug), which you can install by copying to your KSP/GameData/BDArmory/Plugins folder (while KSP isn't running otherwise it'll start throwing exceptions and likely crash), also anything you've changed in the BDArmory/BDArmory/Distribution/GameData/BDArmory folder.

The KSPRefs folder should contain the DLLs in Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Managed. On Linux, the easiest is to just make KSPRefs a symlink to this folder. On Windows, you may need to copy them.

Don't adjust BDArmory.csproj with different paths to match your local setup, adjust your local setup to match the above, otherwise making PRs against other repositories becomes difficult.

For building on Linux, you'll need to install dotnet-sdk-6.0 and mono-devel (package names may be slightly different on flavours other than Ubuntu) and set FrameWorkPathOverride=/usr/lib/mono/4.8-api/. You can then build BDA on Linux by running dotnet build --configuration Debug in the BDArmory/BDArmory folder. For building in release mode and skipping the post-build step, you'd use dotnet build --configuration Release /p:PostBuildEvent=.

For building on Windows, .Net and other relevant libraries and settings should be already set up by Visual Studio, but you may need to enable/disable the post-build step somewhere in its settings.

To get proper line numbers from errors and exceptions in the KSP.log in Debug mode, you'll want to follow the instructions at https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/102909-ksp-plugin-debugging-and-profiling-for-visual-studio-and-monodevelop-on-all-os/ (there are some updates to the instructions in the most recent posts). I see Papa_Joe has written some scripts for automating setting up a build environment in WIndows https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/KSPDevEnvironmentBuilder for this, but I haven't tried it.


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1 hour ago, DocNappers said:

Build instructions differ slightly if you're on Windows or Linux. In both cases, you'll need to create the _LocalDev folder in the parent directory of wherever you clone the BDA git repository, e.g.,

some folder
|- _LocalDev
   |- KSPRefs
   |- ksp_dir.txt
   |- pdb2mdb_exe.txt
   |- 7za_dir.txt
   |- dist_dir.txt
|- BDArmory
   |- BDArmory
      |- BDArmory.csproj

If you don't need to package the build for distribution afterwards then you don't need the *.txt files, but you'll want to disable the post-build step to avoid getting errors about that. The pdb2mdb_exe.txt, 7za_dir.txt, dist_dir.txt files are only required for Windows to tell it where various programs are installed for the post-build step. The BDArmory.dll should be built in BDArmory/BDArmory/bin/Release (or Debug), which you can install by copying to your KSP/GameData/BDArmory/Plugins folder (while KSP isn't running otherwise it'll start throwing exceptions and likely crash), also anything you've changed in the BDArmory/BDArmory/Distribution/GameData/BDArmory folder.

The KSPRefs folder should contain the DLLs in Kerbal Space Program/KSP_Data/Managed. On Linux, the easiest is to just make KSPRefs a symlink to this folder. On Windows, you may need to copy them.

Don't adjust BDArmory.csproj with different paths to match your local setup, adjust your local setup to match the above, otherwise making PRs against other repositories becomes difficult.

For building on Linux, you'll need to install dotnet-sdk-6.0 and mono-devel (package names may be slightly different on flavours other than Ubuntu) and set FrameWorkPathOverride=/usr/lib/mono/4.8-api/. You can then build BDA on Linux by running dotnet build --configuration Debug in the BDArmory/BDArmory folder. For building in release mode and skipping the post-build step, you'd use dotnet build --configuration Release /p:PostBuildEvent=.

For building on Windows, .Net and other relevant libraries and settings should be already set up by Visual Studio, but you may need to enable/disable the post-build step somewhere in its settings.

To get proper line numbers from errors and exceptions in the KSP.log in Debug mode, you'll want to follow the instructions at https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/102909-ksp-plugin-debugging-and-profiling-for-visual-studio-and-monodevelop-on-all-os/ (there are some updates to the instructions in the most recent posts). I see Papa_Joe has written some scripts for automating setting up a build environment in WIndows https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/KSPDevEnvironmentBuilder for this, but I haven't tried it.


Thanks a lot for this very complete answer @DocNappers

I'd like to know what I should put inside dist_dir.txt. My guess for 7za_dir.txt, ksp_dir.txt, mono_exe.txt and the such is that they should contain the path of the 7za executable, KSP game path and mono bin respectively, but I don't know what to put in dist_dir...

Also, what are PRs?

Btw I'm on Windows

Edited by Kerburettor
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31 minutes ago, Kerburettor said:

I'd like to know what I should put inside dist_dir.txt. My guess for 7za_dir.txt, ksp_dir.txt, mono_exe.txt and the such is that they should contain the path of the 7za executable, KSP game path and mono bin respectively, but I don't know what to put in dist_dir

dist_dir.txt should contain some valid path that 7z can output the zipped file for distribution to. In Linux, the Distribution folder is used, which would be something like D:\github\BDArmory\BDArmory\Distribution in Windows (I think, you may need to experiment). After building it'll give something like BDArmory. in that folder. Yes, the other .txt files should have the paths of those executables and the ksp_dir.txt file should have the KSP game path (you can have several, one per line).

31 minutes ago, Kerburettor said:

Also, what are PRs?

Pull requests https://github.com/BrettRyland/BDArmory/pulls for when/if you write something that you feel ought to be included in the official release.

Edited by DocNappers
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Right now KSP2 is far away from a semi-stable state to build upon. And i think it will stay so for at least one or two more years. What I saw was a performance eating game, that doesn't even look as good as my heavily modded Ksp1 install.

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thank you for maintaining this awesome mod.

I have the problem that when setting up AI battles, using the "VS" menu, some of the combatants sometimes stop engaging each other. For example I have a plane flying and a patriot system with target on the ground.

  1. I let the plane fly with autopilot
  2. I enable the "guard" mode on both the plane and the patriot
  3. I switch the team for the plane
  4. The patriot fires a few missiles at the plane, which successfully dodges them and uses countermeasures
  5.  The patriot stops engaging the plane, even if it still has missiles and is able to get a radar lock

What is the reason for it stopping its attacks?

Thank you for your help

Edited by Artz
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On 5/1/2023 at 4:09 AM, Tortoise said:

When will this be ported to KSP2?

As said above, the creators of bdarmory plus will likely not work on such a thing until there is a stable built in modloader and a stable and optimised game to build upon. However there are several different creators who are trying to make an equivalent mod. The main one is Sticks Armory who are likely to be at least a few months away. Here is their discord though so you can watch its development.  https://discord.gg/aCecrjbS2B

Edited by idkgeek1
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6 hours ago, Artz said:

What is the reason for it stopping its attacks?

There can be many reasons for it stopping (such as no line-of-sight on the target or a relay for remote firing, or a lack of power and the AI/WM getting disabled, etc.), but without examining the KSP.log file with debugging (AI, weapons, missiles, etc.) enabled, I can't tell you what the problem is. I'd suggest you enable debugging (Graphics/UI Settings -> Enable Debugging -> various toggles), then examine the log yourself. Much of the logged debugging is self-explanatory, though some of it can be very verbose.

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11 hours ago, kerballover15 said:

hi I am using the latest version of ksp (1.12.5) and BD armory was working fine but one day when I updated it all the turrets disappeared and when I tried to place any missiles it doesn't let me, am I using the wrong version of BD Armory.

It sounds like your installation of BDArmory is messed up (e.g., folders installed to the wrong place, duplicate folders, etc.). You should reinstall BDArmory. I recommend using CKAN to manage your mods.

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On 5/3/2023 at 11:44 PM, DocNappers said:

There can be many reasons for it stopping (such as no line-of-sight on the target or a relay for remote firing, or a lack of power and the AI/WM getting disabled, etc.), but without examining the KSP.log file with debugging (AI, weapons, missiles, etc.) enabled, I can't tell you what the problem is. I'd suggest you enable debugging (Graphics/UI Settings -> Enable Debugging -> various toggles), then examine the log yourself. Much of the logged debugging is self-explanatory, though some of it can be very verbose.

Hello, thanks for the tip with the debugging. As i was not sure of the problem is something with my configuration, i tested it again with the "Test Platform Missile" and the "Test Plane AA". Here the platform fired a few rockets at the plane, but it seemed to me like it was very "reluctant" to do so, even if it had a radar lock.

In the debug log i can find many entries like this:

[LOG 19:58:52.968] [BDArmory.BDATargetManager]: Selected BDA - Test Plane - AA with target score of 1.73
[LOG 19:58:52.968] [BDArmory.MissileFire]: BDA - Test Platform - Missile - No weapon selected for target BDA - Test Plane - AA
[LOG 19:58:52.968] [BDArmory.MissileFire]: BDA - Test Platform - Missile is engaging highest priority target (BDA - Test Plane - AA) with

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