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[1.12.x] Kerbal Crew Manifest


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Originally written by  @vXSovereignXv, it was adopted by @sarbian for a while.

@sarbiangave permission for me to adopt it, his thread is here:  https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/55485-12x-kerbal-crew-manifest-v0640-dec-30th-2016/

This plugin will allow you to add or remove crew from parts while on the launch pad or transfer crew between parts in the same vessel. You can also edit/add custom crew members in your available crew roster provided that they are not part of an active flight (or dead).


Crew Manifest Window

  Reveal hidden contents


Crew Roster Window

  Reveal hidden contents

Create A Kerbal Window

  Reveal hidden contents



In the flight scene:

  • Click on the Manifest Icon to show the Manifest Window.

Crew Manifest:

  1. To Add or Remove Crew you must be landed at the Runway or Launchpad. Select the part from the top list (the part will be highlighted in yellow). The bottom list will show the crew of that part and actions that can be performed (Add or Remove).
  2. You can also open the Crew Roster window to add specific Kerbals to the selected part. Click the "Add" button next to their name.

Crew Transfer:

  1. To Transfer Crew, click the Transfer Crew button at the bottom of the Manifest Window.
  2. A new window will popup. You can select a part on the left and move crew from that part to the select part on the right (or Vice Versa).
  3. The left selected part will be highlighted in green while the right selection will be highlighedt in red.
  4. Clicking the "Out" button will send the Kerbal to the other selected Part.
  5. Use the "Update Portraits" button to refresh the crew portraits if they did not load correctly during transfer.

Crew Roster:

  1. To open the Crew Roster, click the button on the Crew Manifest window
  2. To Edit a Kerbal, click the edit button next to their name. Kerbal names in Red are assigned to a Vessel and cannot be modified.
  3. Name, Courage, Stupidity, and the badass flag can all be modified.
  4. Click the "Apply" button to submit changes. Cancel will revert your changes.
  5. To Create a Kerbal click the "Create Kerbal" button at the bottom of the window. This will generate a semi-random Kerbal that can be further modified.(Uses the games code. It's not entirely random.)
  6. Click the "Apply" button to add the new Kerbal to the Manifest.


Available via CKAN


  • Fixed flashing screen when opening crew manifest right after launching
  • New Dependencies
    • ClickThroughBlocker
    • ToolbarController
    • SpaceTuxLibrary
  • Replaced toolbar code with the ToolbarController
  • Added ClickThroughBlocker support
  • Updated the GUI.DragWindow to allow dragging from the entire window, not just the top
Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 8/28/2022 at 5:08 PM, willfulZephyr said:

I'm trying to figure out how to upload things here...


Images to imgur or similar sites, then click the "Insert Images from URL" in bottom right.

Large files, like logs and such, to google drive or any other similar site and paste link into the post.


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  • 1 month later...

For whatever reason MechJeb just refuses to display any of its windows when CrewManifest is installed. Found these exceptions in KSP.log, not sure if related:

     [ERR 12:40:20.527] MechJeb caught a ReflectionTypeLoadException. Those DLL are not built for this KSP version:

     [ERR 12:40:20.527] CrewManifest GameData\CrewManifest\Plugins\CrewManifest.dll

KSP.log attached.

Not a huge pressing problem or anything, just wanted to post it in case anyone else has a similar issue.


IGNORE ME - missed a dependency like a moron.

Edited by gath875
I'm dumb
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  • 4 months later...

First time I've needed this mod, and it works a treat, so thank you for keeping it alive!

May I request a small change, if it's not too difficult to implement?

Is it possible to have a search function for a Kerbal name?
Failing that, is there any way to have the crew member have their occupation displayed alongside their name in the transfer box?

I'm dealing with 100+ Kerbals in 30 habs, and finding one specific Kerbal can be quite the challenge!


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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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