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[1.12.x] Modular Computer Package Revived


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This is a small parts pack which provides a configurable computer core 

Originally written by forum user @CSVoltage back in 2014, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/79489-modular-computer-package/

Then taken over by forum user @micha030201, who did a number of changes.  Thread is here:  https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/114659-modular-computer-package-continued/

@CSVoltagehasn't been around since 2020, @micha030201 hasn't been around since 2013.


I've updated all the parts for KSP 1.12




Follow this link to see a full Imgur album of many of the parts;



What it does

  • 1.25m probe core
    • The ultimate in mod integration for small vessels. Allows for "chips" to be attached that can have any number of gadget modules from other mods. Unfortunately the required factory form for all these modules makes it less than aero dynamic. With this in mind the outer radius is actually 1.23451m, not 1.25, and parts clipping & surface attachment are allowed. This way you can stash it inside a structural part. Stock structural will work fine but for access to your chips I recommend using either Service Compartments or Procedural Fairings
  • Chip
    • Each chip can hold the code for a different mod's particular gadget. Only chips for mods you have installed will be loaded. Their weight is negligable so the COM of your vessel wont be thrown off.

Core Features

  • Integrated Radiator
    • If you are running KSP Interstellar, the radiator has the same stats as the small radial radiator.
  • Chip Slots
    • 13 slots using the size 0 attachment node
  • Integrated RTGs
    • If you are running KSP Interstellar, RTGs will also slowly generate waste heat. The integrated radiator will disperse most, but not all of this.
  • Hard Drives
    • This -UNMANNED- probe has hard drives for experiment storage. Using Ship Manifest, you can transfer science to this part from your experiments.

Chip Features

  • B9: Info Drive
  • Squad (stock): accelerometer, barometer, gravitometer
  • Firespitter: move craft gadget, trim gadget
  • Kerbal Engineer (KER): build engineer, flight engineer
  • Kerbal Operating System (kOS)
  • MechJeb
  • Remote Tech 2: SPU, antenna-integrator
  • KSP Interstellar: super computer
  • TT-NeverUnload - (Seriously though, with the advent of 0.24, this is critical for vessel recovery)
  • ScanSat: MapTraq
  • I.D. Skillfull Weapons & Damage: FOF Tag

Kerbal Attachment System (KAS)

  • Each chip can be picked up and placed while on EVA with the use of the KAS plugin. Unfortunately nodes are not useable while on EVA so the collision mesh for the core extends all the way into each slot. Just stick'em in as close as you can.

Texture Switcher

  • Each Chip now has two texture switchers. The first changes the color of the circuit board, the second changes the label stenciled on the covering.
  • You can now get boards in red, blue, green, and grey as well as labels for control, info, and sensors.

Basic Chip

  • I've included a chip that does nothing at all except allow pickup and suck power. Feel free to use this as a starting point for your own chips if theres something I've left out. Then, if you could upload or let me know in the comments, after reviewing it I'll include it in the next release.

Mod Support

  • Kerbal Inventory System
  • Graphotron
  • Tarsier Space Technology
  • B9
  • Firespitter
  • Kerbal Engineer
  • Kerbal Operating System
  • MechJeb
  • Remote Tech
  • KSP Interstellar (probably outdated)
  • TT-NeverUnload (certainly outdated)
  • ScanSat
  • I.D. Skillfull Weapons & Damage (probably outdated)


  • By original author:
    • Accelerometer - Stock experiment in new form factor
    • Barometer - Stock experiment in new form factor
    • Gravitometer - Stock experiment in new form factor
    • FS trim - FireSpitter trim module
    • RemoteTech antenna
    • kOS module
    • B9 info module
    • SuperComputer - Some KSP Interstellar stuff
    • ScanSat tracking module
    • KerbalEngineer build module
    • KerbalEngineer flight module
    • MechJeb core
    • Some outdated stuff
  • By micha030201:
    • Battery
    • Graphotron graph plotter
    • TST hard drive
    • Science Storage - in case you don't have TST
    • Advanced SAS
    • Basic SAS
    • Science processing computer - uncrewed lab
    • Stock antenna


  • FireSpitter plugin - for texture switchers
  • ModuleManager - for mod configs



CKAN soon


  • Added bulkheadProfiles to all parts
  • Removed BreakingForce from all chips
  • Added tags to all parts
  • Merged in a number of MM patches to save time
  • Added Readme.md
  • Added version file
Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I have always wanted this mod...  back in the days of the box sat mod I wished for this to be part of the box sat.

Speaking of the box sat, I do not suppose you have that old mod lying about?  The one with the cube that had modular drawers you could slot into it.   This would be a good one to revive also.

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  • 2 months later...
  On 8/31/2022 at 9:18 AM, Bit Fiddler said:

I have always wanted this mod...  back in the days of the box sat mod I wished for this to be part of the box sat.

Speaking of the box sat, I do not suppose you have that old mod lying about?  The one with the cube that had modular drawers you could slot into it.   This would be a good one to revive also.


I believe the license of that one precludes it's adoption

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I have two satellites in Orbit, both have a Modular Computer Core with a CW Data Analysis Circuit Board*, Multiple Science Storage Moduls, Multiple Batteries, an Antenna Modul and an Advanced SAS Modul installed.
I did some science experiments, using the "Process in Lab" button, which showed +0.
I got a notification showing that I stored X amount of science.
I continue to do this until I got the notification that the lab is full of data.
But when I hit the "transmit data button" on the Data Analysis Board, he tells me that he can not "transmit anything, because there are not enough useful finding". This does not change, even after warping for years.
I have found no way to get the Data Analysis Board to actually start processing the data on either satellite.

To generate a KSP.log I reloaded the game, switch to the satellite, tried to transmit data, tried to add sciences, tried to transmit data again and quite the game. The KSP log can be found here:  https://studtudarmstadtde-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/lars_schulze-falck_stud_tu-darmstadt_de/Ed-WPv2yuqtNjbXn9u007zABkegPaz3F0djqSr1CyW1kTA?e=3n6Nla

KSP Version: 1.12.2
Installierte Mods:
B9 Part Switch (B9PartSwitch v2.19.0)
ClickThrough Blocker (ClickThroughBlocker 1:
Community Resource Pack (CommunityResourcePack v112.0.1)
Community Tech Tree (CommunityTechTree 1:3.4.4)
Filter Extensions - Plugin (FilterExtensions 3.2.7)
Firespitter (Firespitter v7.17)
Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.17)
Firespitter Resources config (FirespitterResourcesConfig v7.17)
Heat Control (HeatControl 0.6.1)
Hide Empty Tech Tree Nodes (HideEmptyTechNodes 1.3.2)
Interstellar Fuel Switch (InterstellarFuelSwitch 3.29.4)
Interstellar Fuel Switch Core (InterstellarFuelSwitch-Core 3.29.4)
Interstellar Redistributable (InterstellarRedistributable 1.4)
Kerbal Engineer Redux (KerbalEngineerRedux
Kerbal Joint Reinforcement Continued (KerbalJointReinforcementContinued v3.6.1)
Kerbal Reusability Expansion (SpaceXLegs 2.9.2)
KSP Interstellar Extended (KSPInterstellarExtended 1.29.6)
KSP Recall (KSP-Recall v0.3.0.3)
Modular Computer Package Revived (ModularComputerPackageRevived
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.2)
Patch Manager (PatchManager
PersistentRotation Upgraded (PersistentRotationUpgraded
SpaceTux Library (SpaceTuxLibrary
Toolbar Controller (ToolbarController 1:
TweakScale - Rescale Everything! (TweakScale v2.4.6.16)
TweakScale Redistributable (TweakScale-Redist v2.4.6.16)
Zero MiniAVC (ZeroMiniAVC 1:

*The correct name for the Part, I misremembered it on GitHub.

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  • 1 month later...

Is there any chance of making Firespitter Core a dependency instead of the full Firespitter?  CKAN is insisting that I download the entirety of Firespitter to use this mod.  I checked other mods that use the texture switcher and it looks like they only require Firespitter Core.

Thanks as always for bringing all these old cool mods back to life!


EDIT: Looks like the netkan depends just needs to be changed from "Firespitter" to "FirespitterCore".  I'd create a PR to try to do it myself but I am an amateur and you REALLY don't want me touching things.

Edited by orionguy
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  • 5 months later...
  On 1/3/2023 at 11:39 PM, orionguy said:

Is there any chance of making Firespitter Core a dependency instead of the full Firespitter?  CKAN is insisting that I download the entirety of Firespitter to use this mod.  I checked other mods that use the texture switcher and it looks like they only require Firespitter Core.

Thanks as always for bringing all these old cool mods back to life!


EDIT: Looks like the netkan depends just needs to be changed from "Firespitter" to "FirespitterCore".  I'd create a PR to try to do it myself but I am an amateur and you REALLY don't want me touching things.


@linuxgurugamer I also came here to inquire about the full Firespitter mod being a dependency rather than just Firespitter Core. As the plugin is included in Core, texture switching should work without the Firespitter part pack, no?

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  On 6/6/2023 at 3:53 PM, patrioticparadox said:

@linuxgurugamer I also came here to inquire about the full Firespitter mod being a dependency rather than just Firespitter Core. As the plugin is included in Core, texture switching should work without the Firespitter part pack, no?


I'll take a look at it

Edit:  It's been updated, so a CKAN refresh in a little while should pick it up

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 6/6/2023 at 6:06 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I'll take a look at it

Edit:  It's been updated, so a CKAN refresh in a little while should pick it up


@linuxgurugamer I've been patiently checking CKAN and haven't seen an update.  And I have also checked the Github repository and it appears that there have been no updates since last August.  Perhaps a change didn't get committed somewhere? 


Thanks again for everything.

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  On 6/17/2023 at 3:26 AM, orionguy said:

@linuxgurugamer I've been patiently checking CKAN and haven't seen an update.  And I have also checked the Github repository and it appears that there have been no updates since last August.  Perhaps a change didn't get committed somewhere? 


Thanks again for everything.


Thanks for pinging me.  it must have been reverted in another process, but I just did it again.

And, I just did a refresh, it's now out there

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I'll wait a few days before pinging you again, but unfortunately the mod doesn't seem to work on a clean install of 1.12.5

KSP: Windows 64bit


No Chips show up in inventory

Mods installed:

Breaking Ground (BreakingGround-DLC 1.7.1)
Firespitter Core (FirespitterCore v7.17)
Making History (MakingHistory-DLC 1.12.1)
Modular Computer Package Revived (ModularComputerPackageRevived
Module Manager (ModuleManager 4.2.2)

Reproduction steps:

Clean install with both DLCs.  Load game.  Only the "Basic" chip is in inventory and doesn't show a PAW on right click.



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FYI, the way you ping someone is by using an @ infront of their name.

IE:  @orionguy

I'll look into this, this evening

Ummm, try installing the mods which it uses, see this snippet from the log:

[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_antenna subnode: PART/MODULE:NEEDS[KAS] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_B9_info subnode: PART/MODULE:NEEDS[KAS] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_barometer subnode: PART/MODULE:NEEDS[KAS] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_basic subnode: PART/MODULE:NEEDS[KAS] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_basic_v2 subnode: PART/MODULE:NEEDS[KAS] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_graphotron node: PART:NEEDS[Graphotron] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_ID_tag node: PART:NEEDS[BDArmoryContinued] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_KER_build node: PART:NEEDS[KerbalEngineerRedux] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_KER_flight node: PART:NEEDS[KerbalEngineerRedux] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_kOS node: PART:NEEDS[kOS] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_mechJeb node: PART:NEEDS[MechJeb2] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_RT_antenna node: PART:NEEDS[RemoteTech] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_RT_SPU node: PART:NEEDS[RemoteTech] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_ScanSat-Traq node: PART:NEEDS[ScanSAT] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_superComputer node: PART:NEEDS[InterstellarTechnologies] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_TarsierSpaceTech node: PART:NEEDS[TarsierSpaceTech] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS
[LOG 17:20:18.664] Deleting root node in file ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_TT_neverUnload node: PART:NEEDS[TTNeverUnload] as it can't satisfy its NEEDS

Looks like it deletes all the chips which don't have the mods needed.

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Thanks for looking at it.  However, I did try installing a couple of the needed mods for those parts and that still didn't help.

In fact, many of the chips in the mod don't need additional mods.  Looking at the mod configs I can immediately see a few that don't have other dependencies... chip_barometer, chip_battery, etc.  But none of them show up.

Thanks again for looking at this.



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  On 6/21/2023 at 2:00 AM, orionguy said:


Thanks for looking at it.  However, I did try installing a couple of the needed mods for those parts and that still didn't help.

In fact, many of the chips in the mod don't need additional mods.  Looking at the mod configs I can immediately see a few that don't have other dependencies... chip_barometer, chip_battery, etc.  But none of them show up.

Thanks again for looking at this.




I think you need KAS in order to do anything.  Try installing that and see what happens

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  On 6/21/2023 at 3:00 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

I think you need KAS in order to do anything.  Try installing that and see what happens


@linuxgurugamer I did try that earlier.  KAS is only required for making the object grabbable (i.e. adding/removing chips on IVA).  In fact, I can grab, remove, and insert the one basic chip that does show up when using KAS in IVA.  The problem is it is only the basic chip that shows up and has no functionality.  

I did just find the issue though!  Since the basic chip is the only one that shows up, I took a look at what is different about chip_basic.cfg.  That chip is the only one with a "category".  The rest are category=-1.  The only way finally found the parts was to go in the VAB editor advanced mode and filter by tech level.  Not really sure if you want to go about adding categories to each chip. Maybe one of us can make a PR on Github to do that for you.


Last issue is that the chip textures aren't switchable.  I think that was the whole need for firespitter in the first place?

  On 8/29/2022 at 9:31 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

Texture Switcher

  • Each Chip now has two texture switchers. The first changes the color of the circuit board, the second changes the label stenciled on the covering.
  • You can now get boards in red, blue, green, and grey as well as labels for control, info, and sensors.

I see the dds files in the mod folder for both the colors and the labels, but nothing is switchable in the PAW in the editor.


Thanks again.

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  On 6/21/2023 at 4:26 AM, orionguy said:

Last issue is that the chip textures aren't switchable.


Yep, they were missing the Module in each chip config... each cfg should have:

	name = FStextureSwitch2
	moduleID = 0
	objectNames = board
	textureRootFolder = ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/
	textureNames = chip_blue;chip_green;chip_grey;chip_red
	textureDisplayNames = Blue;Green;Grey;Red
	nextButtonText = Next Color
	statusText = Board Material
	switchableInFlight = false
	repaintableEVA = false
	showPreviousButton = false
	name = FStextureSwitch2
	moduleID = 1
	objectNames = shield
	textureRootFolder = ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/
	textureNames = shield_sensor;shield_control;shield_info;shield_data;shield_science;shield_empty
	textureDisplayNames = Sensor;Control;Info;Data;Science;Empty
	nextButtonText = Next Label
	statusText = Chip Type
	switchableInFlight = false
	repaintableEVA = false
	showPreviousButton = false


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I found a few missing cfg files which add what's needed for the parts to be working.

I'll need a few days to be sure there isn't duplicated code in the files after MM finishes

And I'll add your texture switch code to all of them

One of the missing cfg files incudes this for all the parts

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New release, 2.0.1

  • Deleted duplicated part name in the KIS.cfg
  • Commented out the references to the old mod neverUnload, since it hasn't been around since 2013
  • Moved missing cfg files into a MM_Patches directory
  • Updated some of the NEEDS tags
  • Updated CKAN to list all supported mods:
    • BDArmoryContinued    
    • Graphotron
    • InterstellarTechnologies
    • KAS
    • KerbalEngineer
    • MechJeb2
    • RemoteTech
    • ScanSAT
    • TarsierSpaceTech
    • kOS
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  • 4 months later...
  On 11/9/2022 at 3:33 PM, Turidus said:

I have two satellites in Orbit, both have a Modular Computer Core with a CW Data Analysis Circuit Board*, Multiple Science Storage Moduls, Multiple Batteries, an Antenna Modul and an Advanced SAS Modul installed.
I did some science experiments, using the "Process in Lab" button, which showed +0.
I got a notification showing that I stored X amount of science.
I continue to do this until I got the notification that the lab is full of data.
But when I hit the "transmit data button" on the Data Analysis Board, he tells me that he can not "transmit anything, because there are not enough useful finding". This does not change, even after warping for years.
I have found no way to get the Data Analysis Board to actually start processing the data on either satellite.



Same here. @Turidus did you find a solution?

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  • 3 months later...

Hi everyone,

I'm quite a newbie here so please be indulgent if reviving this thread isn't the good practice here.
I've been facing the same issue as @orionguy & @JerryWho

After giving a check on this wiki https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts/Science/LargeCrewedLab/largeCrewedLab.cfg

I went into the parts cfg these chips and found out the science converter is commented in chip_lab.cfg

//	{
//		name = ModuleScienceConverter
//		scientistBonus = 0 //.25	//Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
//		researchTime = 5		//Larger = slower.  Exponential!
//		scienceMultiplier = 5		//How much science does data turn into?
//		scienceCap = 800			//How much science can we store before having to transmit?
//		powerRequirement = 10
//		ConverterName = Analysis
//		StartActionName = Start Analysis
//		StopActionName = Stop Analysis
//	}

Also, note that this MODULE cfg miss the DataProcessingMultiplier line which is present on the MPL cfg linked above

dataProcessingMultiplier = 0.5 // Multiplier to data processing rate and therefore science rate

However, even after I fix this file. I'm still facing an issue

Starting the analysis return "No scientist on board", which might explain why the original author gave up ?

I'm still trying to tweak the cfg file in order to make this part work. However, I have absolutely no modding skills on KSP so If @linuxgurugamer has an idea about which token might remove the scientist need for ModuleScienceConverter's module or anyworkaround for this. I'll let him follow up with a good solution.

I'll keep you posted if I have any success on tweaking this on my side.


EDIT : after digging a little .. (There is actually no documentation on ModuleScienceConverter on https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Module#ModuleScienceLab)
I think the only way to make this part working is to override the stock "OnStart" method for ScienceConverter in a ddl plugin for this mod ... This way we might remove the scientist needs when starting the ScienceConverter. Sadly, I have too little (none actually) skills with KSP modding, writing a whole ddl plugin in order to achieve this seems out of range for me.


Edited by Nok
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Hi Again,

Apologize for the double post.


@linuxgurugamer After some serious headache setting up an env for C#/Mono dev, I ended up giving a try overriding ScienceModuleConverter's protected method "GetScientists()" in a plugin ddl.

I am really not sure this is the best way to achieve what the original modder wanted to do. However, this solution seems to give satisfying result here.

Here is what changed on my side to get the chip_lab working

I builded a CW_ModuleScienceConverter.ddl with following class (just overriding the inherited method mentioned above)

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;

namespace CW_ModuleScienceConverter
    public class CW_ModuleScienceConverter : ModuleScienceConverter
        protected override float GetScientists ()
            return 1.0f;

Adding the resulting ddl file into ChromaWorks/Plugins/

Notice I chose to create a new module (CW_ModuleScienceConverter) to avoid altering the existing ones, therefor I had to modify the chip_lab.cfg file (ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_lab.cfg)

Previously : 

//	{
//		name = ModuleScienceConverter
//		scientistBonus = 0 //.25	//Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
//		researchTime = 5		//Larger = slower.  Exponential!
//		scienceMultiplier = 5		//How much science does data turn into?
//		scienceCap = 800			//How much science can we store before having to transmit?
//		powerRequirement = 10
//		ConverterName = Analysis
//		StartActionName = Start Analysis
//		StopActionName = Stop Analysis
//	}

After fixing it -> uncomment & change module's name to prefix it with CW_

		name = CW_ModuleScienceConverter
		scientistBonus = 0.25 //.25	//Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
		researchTime = 5		//Larger = slower.  Exponential!
		scienceMultiplier = 5		//How much science does data turn into?
		scienceCap = 200			//How much science can we store before having to transmit?
		powerRequirement = 10
		ConverterName = Analysis
		StartActionName = Start Analysis
		StopActionName = Stop Analysis


With these modifications I ended up having the lab_chip part working without any crew on board.

I'm really curious to know your thoughts about this fix. I'd be happy to send a pull request on your repo to get this mod working for all.

Also, nothing to do witch the chip_lab but I noticed the KER_flight chip isn't working either, this is due to a misspelling in lab_KER_flight.cfg file

        name = FlightEngineer

should be 

        name = FlightEngineerModule

Same as lab_chib, I'd be happy to send a PR to fix these too.

Let me know !



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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 3/9/2024 at 9:11 AM, Natso said:

So what exactly can I do with this mod? , it can be configured to turn it into a weapon in combination with "BDArmory?"


This mod is essentially useful to create very tiny probes. The real advantage of the chips usage is it can fit : science experiment, science storage, battery, antenna, etc for almost no mass, and almost no size.


The only BDArmory usage that is provided by the mod is the chip_ID_tag which allow to set a tag to your vessel (so your teammate can identify you're part of their team)

No weapons or hostile feature are provided.



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  • 5 months later...
  On 2/9/2024 at 10:27 PM, Nok said:




@linuxgurugamer在为 C#/Mono 开发设置环境时遇到了一些非常麻烦的事情后,我最终尝试在插件 ddl 中覆盖 ScienceModuleConverter 的受保护方法 “GetScientists()”。

我真的不确定这是实现原始 Mod 作者想要做的事情的最佳方式。但是,此解决方案似乎在此处给出了令人满意的结果。

以下是我这边为使 chip_lab 正常工作而进行的更改

我使用以下类构建了一个 CW_ModuleScienceConverter.ddl(只是覆盖了上面提到的继承方法):

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;

namespace CW_ModuleScienceConverter
    public class CW_ModuleScienceConverter : ModuleScienceConverter
        protected override float GetScientists ()
            return 1.0f;

将生成的 ddl 文件添加到 ChromaWorks/Plugins/

注意:我选择创建一个新模块 (CW_ModuleScienceConverter) 以避免更改现有模块,因此我必须修改 chip_lab.cfg 文件 (ChromaWorks/Parts/ComputerPackage/chip/chip_lab.cfg)


//	{
//		name = ModuleScienceConverter
//		scientistBonus = 0 //.25	//Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
//		researchTime = 5		//Larger = slower.  Exponential!
//		scienceMultiplier = 5		//How much science does data turn into?
//		scienceCap = 800			//How much science can we store before having to transmit?
//		powerRequirement = 10
//		ConverterName = Analysis
//		StartActionName = Start Analysis
//		StopActionName = Stop Analysis
//	}

修复后 ->取消注释并更改模块的名称以CW_为前缀

		name = CW_ModuleScienceConverter
		scientistBonus = 0.25 //.25	//Bonus per scientist star - need at least one! So 0.25x - 2.5x
		researchTime = 5		//Larger = slower.  Exponential!
		scienceMultiplier = 5		//How much science does data turn into?
		scienceCap = 200			//How much science can we store before having to transmit?
		powerRequirement = 10
		ConverterName = Analysis
		StartActionName = Start Analysis
		StopActionName = Stop Analysis


通过这些修改,我最终让 lab_chip 部分在没有任何工作人员的情况下工作。

我真的很想知道您对此修复的想法。我很乐意在您的 repo 上发送一个 pull request,让这个 mod 为所有人工作。

另外,没有什么可做的 chip_lab但我注意到 KER_flight 芯片也不工作,这是由于 lab_KER_flight.cfg 文件中的拼写错误

        name = FlightEngineer


        name = FlightEngineerModule

与 lab_chib 一样,我也很乐意发送 PR 来修复这些问题。





i want the help for my ksp ,can u send that .ddl file to a540176593@163.com ?
i just dont know how to use VS to gen a ddl file :)

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