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KSP November 2022 - Parts Just Fall off

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Okay - Admittedly I have a HEAVILY Modded KSP, but it's been working without fail for Months, over 10,000 patches and not one error.

But now I build a ship - go to launch and parts fall off.  If I get it to launch then land on the Mun, sudden while my Kerbal is out walking around I'll hear explosions - more parts falling off.

RCS thrusters, Scanners, Ladders, Lights, just about Everything just falls off.  The game is becoming Unplayable due to the most basic parts just falling off like they were glued on with Toothpaste and bobby pins.


Any ideas what has changed in the past month???

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No Problem... I think.   Correction on the patches... As I'm booting it up now (I run through CKAN) I have 103,330 Patches and 1 Warning.  265 Mods installed by CKAN and Many more manually installed (Close to 300 in all).

The game was running just fine and then over the past couple of days... Boom everything falls off.  To Add to the problem... When I activate my RCS... ALL of it... completely through my ship disappears with one short pssst.  Over 2700kg of mono ---- gone!

Mod List




I don't have a Player log anywhere on my system.





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  On 11/8/2022 at 9:36 PM, Xtra said:

The game was running just fine and then over the past couple of days... Boom everything falls off.  To Add to the problem... When I activate my RCS... ALL of it... completely through my ship disappears with one short pssst.  Over 2700kg of mono ---- gone!


Do you remember the last add'on that was installed or updated before things started to go South?

I detected a lot of Exceptions on many parts during PartLoader, what's usually leads to some problems while using the affected part;

[LOG 15:43:55.702] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'Beyond1999/ServicePods/OreP/OreRef/OreProcess'
[ERR 15:43:55.711] Module ModuleAnimationGroup threw during OnLoad: System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
  at ModuleAnimationGroup.FindAnimations () [0x000b1] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0
  at ModuleAnimationGroup.OnLoad (ConfigNode node) [0x00006] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0
  at PartModule.Load (ConfigNode node) [0x001ab] in <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0
[EXC 15:44:33.418] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        ModuleDeployablePart.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        DragCubeSystem+<RenderDragCubes>d__34.MoveNext () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[LOG 15:44:33.439] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'bluedog.Mariner3.TV.Camera.UV'
[EXC 15:44:33.439] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        ModuleDeployablePart.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        DragCubeSystem+<RenderDragCubes>d__34.MoveNext () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[LOG 15:44:57.190] DragCubeSystem: Creating drag cubes for part 'bluedog.Skylab.powerModuleSolar.double'
[EXC 15:44:57.191] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        ModuleDeployablePart.AssumeDragCubePosition (System.String name) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        DragCubeSystem+<RenderDragCubes>d__34.MoveNext () (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) (at <12e76cd50cc64cf19e759e981cb725af>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
[LOG 15:47:30.061] PartLoader: Compiling Part 'PlanetaryBaseInc/ModSupport/Parts/DeepFreeze/Cryo5000Freezer/Cryo5000Freezer/CRY-5000Freezer'
[LOG 15:47:30.089] DeepFreezer OnDestroy
[EXC 15:47:30.090] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        DF.DeepFreezer.OnDestroy () (at <72233efaa3ee4936a15201f98fac7b68>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        PartLoader:CreatePartIcon(GameObject, Single&)
        PartLoader:ParsePart(UrlConfig, ConfigNode)
        UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

<and lots more>

All these parts are screwed up for sure (aborting the PartCompiler in error is a bad thing), and can potentially be causing your problems. When a corrupted part borks inside the simulation, a long chain of events is aborted too and so a lot of parts are not handled. And parts not being handled on the simulation can lead to weird things are you are getting now.

Humm… I also find this weirdness once you started the Flight Scene...

[EXC 15:57:30.987] InvalidCastException: Specified cast is not valid.
        KSPCommunityFixes.Modding.FieldData.Read (ConfigNode node, System.Object host, System.Int32 attribIndex) (at <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0)
        KSPCommunityFixes.Modding.TypeCache.Read (System.Object host, ConfigNode node) (at <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0)
        KSPCommunityFixes.Modding.PersistentIConfigNode.ConfigNode_ReadObject_Prefix (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node, System.Boolean& __result) (at <bd3330ae11e64cfcaf0ed6ad15c2ce90>:0)
        (wrapper dynamic-method) ConfigNode.ConfigNode.ReadObject_Patch1(object,ConfigNode)
        (wrapper dynamic-method) ConfigNode.ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig_Patch2(object,ConfigNode,int,bool)
        ConfigNode.LoadObjectFromConfig (System.Object obj, ConfigNode node) (at <39c0323fb6b449a4aaf3465c00ed3c8d>:0)
        StationScience.StnSciScenario..ctor () (at <bee40b38c5f24f8b962dd053be18e86b>:0)
        UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
        ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)

This can also potentially screw up the PartLoading, what leads to Parts being instantiate with incomplete data, that can so lead to borks inside the simulation.

Let's try something: remove MechJeb2 and KSPCommunityFixes from GameData and try again (but be ABSOLUTELY SURE to make a full backup of your savegames first!!!), and then send me new logs if the problem still persists.

If the problem goes away, install MechJeb2 and try again.

If the problem is still gone, install KSPCommunityFixes and try again.

If the problem is still gone, now we have a nasty problem! :P Vanishing bugs like these ones are terrible to diagnose! 

Anyway… First things first. Remove MJ2 and KSPCommunityFixes (remember the backups) and try to reproduce the problem, and then send me new logs!

Good Luck!

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@Lisias  Thank you for looking at this.  It's a lot of code to look over and it's appreciated.   I don't remember the last updated mod...  I'll try removing those two mods and then see what I get.

Might get to this on 11/11, but not sure at the moment.  I'll keep you posted thou.


If all else fails, then I'll just revert back to my basic vanilla game copy and slowly re-add all the mods once again until I get a clean install/Load without errors/warnings/exceptions.   Then see what happens

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@Lisias Well after HOURS of constructing a new Mun Explorer/Lander - The Struts broke off on launch pad and exploded.  So Without ever making it into space... Parts are still falling off.

Time for the old... Clean Slate, one mod at a time check for errors install.

Thanks again.


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  On 11/11/2022 at 10:40 PM, Xtra said:

Time for the old... Clean Slate, one mod at a time check for errors install.


If you manage to reproduce the problem, publish here the results. Knowing exactly what's borking and when will allow us to diagnose the problem, and then apply a pull request to someone fixing it!

Good Luck!

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@Lisias I sent you a link for the new KSP log file from today.

While things didn't just fall off left and right... it did fall off on the L-pad before I could do anything - it was the Struts that dropped.  Without Mechjeb, I couldn't get my Mun lander on the ground to see if it would continue to fall apart.  

I'm going to start looking back over the mods and see which ones I'm not actively using... suxs cuz I like them all... but as of late textures are missing, parts gone wonky, it's just time to start a new.

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It still amazes me how I can download (using CKAN) the many mods that I do and when I check my KSP.log - there are a TON of Texture (Such-n-Such) not found!  I would have thought that when the whole mod is packaged together those textures would be included!


With 1.12.4 installed and CKAN mods installed I now have 5 Warnings and 406 Errors. (most of the errors are Textures not found - lots in the ExtraPlanetary Launchpads) This is just sickening.   A whole bunch of errors surrounding the Toolbar Controller - it's not compatible so can't be loaded... so a good 10 - 20 mods won't work! 

Part errors saying the part is not defined.  Ugh.

[LOG 13:56:58.050] Load(Model): TDProps/Props/SpecimenChesty/NewModel
[ERR 13:56:58.051] File error:
Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
  at System.IO.BinaryReader.FillBuffer (System.Int32 numBytes) [0x0007a] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
  at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadInt32 () [0x00026] in <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0 
  at PartReader.ReadMesh (System.IO.BinaryReader br) [0x00006] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00159] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00142] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00142] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartReader.ReadChild (System.IO.BinaryReader br, UnityEngine.Transform parent) [0x00142] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 
  at PartReader.Read (UrlDir+UrlFile file) [0x000c1] in <0435390348b6470d8166bd1c53b4b100>:0 

[LOG 13:56:02.319] Looping on RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode/@PART[*]:HAS[@PLUME[Methalox_AirBreathingMode]:HAS[~processed[*]]]:AFTER[zRealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] to Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg/PART[RAPIER]
[LOG 13:56:02.319] Applying update RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode/@PART[*]:HAS[@PLUME[Methalox_AirBreathingMode]:HAS[~processed[*]]]:AFTER[zRealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] to Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg/PART[RAPIER]
[LOG 13:56:02.354] Looping on RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode/@PART[*]:HAS[@PLUME[Methalox_AirBreathingMode]:HAS[~processed[*]]]:AFTER[zRealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] to Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg/PART[SuperJet]
[LOG 13:56:02.354] Applying update RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode/@PART[*]:HAS[@PLUME[Methalox_AirBreathingMode]:HAS[~processed[*]]]:AFTER[zRealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] to Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg/PART[SuperJet]
[ERR 13:56:02.359] Invalid Vector Index!


[LOG 13:56:02.388] Looping on RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode/@PART[*]:HAS[@PLUME[Methalox_AirBreathingMode]:HAS[~processed[*]]]:AFTER[zRealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] to Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg/PART[NSABRE]
[LOG 13:56:02.388] Applying update RealPlume/000_Generic_Plumes/Methalox_AirBreathingMode/@PART[*]:HAS[@PLUME[Methalox_AirBreathingMode]:HAS[~processed[*]]]:AFTER[zRealPlume]:NEEDS[SmokeScreen] to Squad/Parts/Engine/rapierEngine/rapierEngine.cfg/PART[NSABRE]
[ERR 13:56:02.393] Invalid Vector Index!

[LOG 13:57:19.130] [ModuleManager] Reloading Trait configs
[LOG 13:57:19.133] ExperienceSystemConfig: Added Effect 'DeployedSciencePowerSkill' to Trait 'Engineer'
[ERR 13:57:19.133] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'FundsBoost'

[ERR 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'GeologySkill'

[ERR 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'ELConstructionSkill'

[LOG 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Added Effect 'DeployedScienceExpSkill' to Trait 'Scientist'
[ERR 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'ScienceBoost'

[ERR 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'BotanySkill'

[ERR 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'AgronomySkill'

[ERR 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'MedicalSkill'




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Got time to check your case just now, I downloaded the KSP.log and I'm looking into it.


  On 11/12/2022 at 8:39 PM, Xtra said:

It still amazes me how I can download (using CKAN) the many mods that I do and when I check my KSP.log - there are a TON of Texture (Such-n-Such) not found!  I would have thought that when the whole mod is packaged together those textures would be included!


Most of the time, it was a Stock texture that the part was reusing (a way of creating new parts without increasing the memory footprint), but then the Stock parts where revamped, and the textures where moved to the zdeprecated or bluntly removed  - and then Add'Ons that did The Right Thing™ in the past were left high and dry.

It's unfortunate that KSP decided to move on this way.

The same can be said for 3rd parties add'ons - the bad example comes from the top: once KSP started to do it, add'on authors followed suit and so some 3rd parties that where relying on preexistent textures to save VRAM got screwed.

And the consequences are obvious. :(

Keeping legacy working is hard, it's really not trivial to move forward while not breaking your legacy - but sometimes I have the felling that the KSP scene don't even try.


  On 11/12/2022 at 8:39 PM, Xtra said:

With 1.12.4 installed and CKAN mods installed I now have 5 Warnings and 406 Errors. (most of the errors are Textures not found - lots in the ExtraPlanetary Launchpads) This is just sickening.   A whole bunch of errors surrounding the Toolbar Controller - it's not compatible so can't be loaded... so a good 10 - 20 mods won't work! 


Missing textures are annoying, but they don't break your game this way. Some parts got visually screwed, but they shouldn't be the cause of your problem. Parts failing to be compiled are way worst - I found a lot getting exceptions while building the Drag Cubes. Still don't know why...

Toolbar Controller, however, is a serious issue as a lot of add'ons depend on it. However, apparently it's being loaded fine on your log. 

I found some add'ons borking by missing depencies, and this is known to screw up KSP internally due a bug on a thingy called Assembly Loader/Resolver.

Uninstall the following add'ons:

  • CC_RemoteTech
  • SCANmechjeb

This should, at very least, save some trouble on the Assembly mess.

I also found the following warning from KSPBurst:

Warning: Failed to resolve assembly: 'DMagic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Warning: Failed to resolve assembly: 'DMagic, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
Warning: Failed to resolve assembly: 'CLSInterfaces, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'

CLSInterfaces was found and loaded for sure, but not DMagic - and I didn't found a single Add'On on your log stating it needs it. So I'm guessing it's an undeclared dependency that was being masked by something.

My best guess now is that KSPBurst is the one masking the thing needing DMagic and this is the reason I can't find it.

Uninstall the two add'ons I mentioned above and also KSPBurst, fire up KSP again, redo the test and then send me the new KSP.log. Let's see who is the one borking due the DMagic Assembly not being loaded.

(what's this DMagic stunt anyway?)

In time, sorry taking so long to go back to you - I'm completely overwhelmed due an avalanche of problems happening on KSP in the last 15 days. I understand the frustration, I'm a KSP heavy player myself (or used to be in the 1.4.x era, before entering this KSP modding "business").

It may take a bit more of time, but we are going to crack this nut!

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@Lisias  Please no apologies required... I can't thank you enough for looking into all of this in the first place.

DMagic is a Mod itself and Author for DMagic Orbital Science and DMModule Science AnimateGeneric.  Here is where I understand that I do create my own troubles because Orbital Science says Max Game version is 1.8.8.  But as I've stated... there are several that state max version but still worked up until recently.

I tried locating the CC_RemoteTech Mod and couldn't find it, but will look again.  As for SCANmechjeb  I REALLY hope that's not referring to SCANsat.   I love that mod for the Maps it provides.  I just figured out how to basically use it this year and would hate to lose it... but if it's a matter of lose it and play or keep it and not... well we know where that goes.  February 2023 can't get here fast enough for me (KSP2 release).


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  On 11/13/2022 at 6:47 PM, Xtra said:

DMagic is a Mod itself and Author for DMagic Orbital Science and DMModule Science AnimateGeneric.  Here is where I understand that I do create my own troubles because Orbital Science says Max Game version is 1.8.8.  But as I've stated... there are several that state max version but still worked up until recently.


Most of the time it works, but now and then something change somewhere and they borks. These ones, it's best to install one by one and check the logs for problems.

Funny enough, most of these problemas are easy to fix...


  On 11/13/2022 at 6:47 PM, Xtra said:

I tried locating the CC_RemoteTech Mod and couldn't find it, but will look again. 


Bleh, I was so focused on the Exceptions that I became biased! :P

CC_RemoteTech is related to ContractConfigurator. I don't remember if it's a DLL on it, or if something else tries to glue CC with RemoteTech. Since removing CC is generally a bad idea, as you lose the contracts, the fix is to find the CC_RemoteTech.dll in your GameData, or just install RemoteTech.


  On 11/13/2022 at 6:47 PM, Xtra said:

As for SCANmechjeb  I REALLY hope that's not referring to SCANsat.   I love that mod for the Maps it provides. 


SCANmechjeb borked because we uninstalled MechJeb to avoid it mangling the KSP.log. My bad, I should had warned that you would need to uninstall anything depending on MJ2.

Once we fix the rig, you can install MJ2 and SCANMehjeb without problems. MJ2 is not the troublemaker, I just asked to uninstall it because it changes how things are logged and makes the diagnosing harder.


  On 11/13/2022 at 11:44 PM, Xtra said:

@Lisias here is the link to the latest KSP log.   I haven't tested it for falling parts yet, but no errors/warning popup on load screen.



You will need to install ToolbarController, otherwise this add'on will not work - not to mention triggering the Assembly Loader/Resolver bug.

Edited by Lisias
Brute force post merging
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@Lisias I just ran up a saved game with just the Compatibles installed... ContractConfigurator just BORKED up an error message and a WHOLE bunch of my craft that were active couldn't load due to missing parts.  Ugh.

Since you're online.  How do you suggest I install the Cached Mods that CKAN doesn't install.  Before I was just copying the Folders from my Old Cached folder and pasting them into the active Instance I'm using in CKAN.  In this case Test2 is the name of the Instance I'm using.

But for testing... I think I'm first just going to create a new start career and see if parts fall off.   First I'll install the mod that just Opens up all research areas, cheat and put 10 billion in funds so that I have access to all parts I use to build with for the test.


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@Lisias  Okay I have to take back my question about how to install old cached mods.  Dolp... I forgot I had to change CKAN settings for compatible versions so that I could let CKAN download and install the mods.  I was just making a copy and inserting it into the instance.

So... back to a fresh new copy and this time I've set CKAN to allow versions all the way back to  0.09 (to allow for the installation of MK3 Mini Expansion Pack, MK2 Avionics, Taurus HCV, SpaceX landing legs, Karibou Rover, Strip Symmetry - all of which are 0.9 - 1.09 Max version support - but they work).

I'm going to install the oldest to the newest this time to see which if any of the old ones kick an error or Exception.  With 294 mods that I have as my favorites... this is going to take a while.  Not all 294 will get loaded as I know there are some that I just haven't used... but I think they get loaded due to relationships/dependencies, so we'll see.

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Question - I'm still in the process of installing 1 by 1 and documenting all the errors - attempting to fix what I can where I can.  My latest group of errors is a pain... can you tell me if there is a fix for any of these?

    Line    56: [ERR 11:18:08.790] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: USIToolsUI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    Line    58: [ERR 11:18:08.790] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: USIToolsUI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    Line    60: [ERR 11:18:08.796] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KonstructionUI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    Line    62: [ERR 11:18:08.796] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: KonstructionUI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    Line    64: [ERR 11:18:08.799] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: WOLFUI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    Line    66: [ERR 11:18:08.799] ADDON BINDER: Cannot resolve assembly: WOLFUI, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null
    Line   292: [ERR 11:18:10.467] DDS: DXT3(1024x1024, MipMap=False) - DXT3 format is NOT supported. Use DXT5
    Line  8498: [ERR 11:18:27.518] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'FundsBoost'
    Line  8500: [ERR 11:18:27.518] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'GeologySkill'
    Line  8503: [ERR 11:18:27.518] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'ScienceBoost'
    Line  8505: [ERR 11:18:27.518] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'BotanySkill'
    Line  8507: [ERR 11:18:27.518] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'AgronomySkill'
    Line  8509: [ERR 11:18:27.518] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Scientist' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'MedicalSkill'
    Line 12343: [ERR 11:19:11.588] [Agent]: Is missing its 'title' value

When I installed the Taurus HCV mod is when I got the AGENT error.  The Traits came when the USITools mod wanted to Add those traits into the system.  I realize they don't cause any issues but wonder if there was a better way to add those traits that would not cause the errors.

The thing that bugs me are those Addon Binder errors... I can't seem to find any research on how to fix those and wondered if you have knowledge on how.

I will keep you updated as I go along.  Right now, it's just install, launch, close, check log, repeat... trying to keep error count low and fix the ones I can before trying to play for the parts fall offs.

Edited by Xtra
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  On 11/15/2022 at 4:28 PM, Xtra said:


Question - I'm still in the process of installing 1 by 1 and documenting all the errors - attempting to fix what I can where I can.  My latest group of errors is a pain... can you tell me if there is a fix for any of these?


Hi. Sorry being so late, I forgot about this and ended up finding it again by accident.

How things are doing?

About the things you listed:

  • "ADDON BINDER" thingies.
    • You can ignore them, they are just noise.
    • The KSP's Assembly Loader/Resolver can't tell when someone is just probing for an Assembly from when it's really trying to load it. It just logs this message every time without criteria.
    • In your log, you are getting two messages in a how on each Assembly because some code is Doing the Right Thing™ and is probing for something before trying to using it and, not being able to find it, tried to load it itself.
      • If there's an ReflectionException of FileNotFoundExcetion after the message, then it's a problem.
      • If there's not any Exception after these messages, you can ignore it.
      • And since when things go bad, there's always an Exception after them, you can ignore them all the time!
  • "DXT3 format is NOT supported"
    • You need to reach the add'on author and ask him/her to convert the mentioned texture to DXT5 format.
    • You can try to do it yourself, there's a commandline tool (and also an online one) available - but why doing it yourself only for yourself? Reach the maintainer and ask him/her to do it and publish a new released and everybody will have it fixed!
  • "ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists"
    • Something got out of control, perhaps something is being patched twice?
    • Send the full KSP.log by dropbox (as well the ModuleManager.ConfigCache and ModuleManagerPatch.log) and I will check  for it - if I find time, Black Friday is bitting us already!


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  On 11/22/2022 at 10:49 PM, Lisias said:

Hi. Sorry being so late, I forgot about this and ended up finding it again by accident.

How things are doing?

About the things you listed:

  • "ADDON BINDER" thingies.
    • You can ignore them, they are just noise.
    • The KSP's Assembly Loader/Resolver can't tell when someone is just probing for an Assembly from when it's really trying to load it. It just logs this message every time without criteria.
    • In your log, you are getting two messages in a how on each Assembly because some code is Doing the Right Thing™ and is probing for something before trying to using it and, not being able to find it, tried to load it itself.
      • If there's an ReflectionException of FileNotFoundExcetion after the message, then it's a problem.
      • If there's not any Exception after these messages, you can ignore it.
      • And since when things go bad, there's always an Exception after them, you can ignore them all the time!
  • "DXT3 format is NOT supported"
    • You need to reach the add'on author and ask him/her to convert the mentioned texture to DXT5 format.
    • You can try to do it yourself, there's a commandline tool (and also an online one) available - but why doing it yourself only for yourself? Reach the maintainer and ask him/her to do it and publish a new released and everybody will have it fixed!
  • "ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists"
    • Something got out of control, perhaps something is being patched twice?
    • Send the full KSP.log by dropbox (as well the ModuleManager.ConfigCache and ModuleManagerPatch.log) and I will check  for it - if I find time, Black Friday is bitting us already!



@Lisias  I've heard the ADDON binders can be ignored...  As for the DXT3's, I'm afraid/thinking that most of the modders out there are slowly quitting their updates for KSP 1 since KSP 2 comes out in 3 months.   After starting all over multiple times and loading repeatedly I'm starting to give up.  This attached Log is my last attempt...  I got so tired I backed Everything out all over again and just loaded from CKAN - 1.11 and 1.12 - Even then I got a ton of Textures that for some reason cannot be found.  This ends up with parts that are just ALL White.  I redownload and try again but the textures are just not there.  I reach out and have no success in getting the texture issues resolved.  This last Log has 1735 errors reported when I open it with Notepad++ and search for [ERR .  I even find the textures is some cases or Parts for that matter... yet KSP says Nope! Not there.  I believe it's Community Fixes pumping a lot of errors into this.  This file also has 153 Exceptions listed.  The Contractor Configurator was just updated as of my typing this.  And I'm running 252 installed mods.


I'm at the point that I don't want to play anymore with KSP 1 and just Pray that KSP 2 will be better.  There are some GREAT modder's out there creating phenomenal creations... Like the Beyond1999 mod... I really hope KSP 2 has more of the shapes and Procedural parts like B9 Procedural wings... Wings with fuel... stretchable/shapeable wings and tanks... because one size just doesn't fit all.

The only shining part so far is that I'm not having parts fall off like before.   But I do have something strange that has happened Multiple times with one part.  A Single Landing Wheel (firespitter FS4LGS Biplane Single Landing Gear) that when ever I put it on any craft and launch it... I'm immediately put at like 1000 or 2000 meters in the air and have to Scramble to start engines and try to recover. 

Here is the log from just now: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KLiqDeioE5s8Wx5NNX9zylHxFB8hCCy3/view?usp=share_link


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  On 11/24/2022 at 12:22 AM, Xtra said:

@Lisias  I've heard the ADDON binders can be ignored...  As for the DXT3's, I'm afraid/thinking that most of the modders out there are slowly quitting their updates for KSP 1 since KSP 2 comes out in 3 months.   After starting all over multiple times and loading repeatedly I'm starting to give up.  This attached Log is my last attempt...  I got so tired I backed Everything out all over again and just loaded from CKAN - 1.11 and 1.12 - Even then I got a ton of Textures that for some reason cannot be found.  This ends up with parts that are just ALL White.  I redownload and try again but the textures are just not there.  I reach out and have no success in getting the texture issues resolved.  This last Log has 1735 errors reported when I open it with Notepad++ and search for [ERR .  I even find the textures is some cases or Parts for that matter... yet KSP says Nope! Not there.  I believe it's Community Fixes pumping a lot of errors into this.  This file also has 153 Exceptions listed.  The Contractor Configurator was just updated as of my typing this.  And I'm running 252 installed mods.



All the Exceptions I found on this log are System.IndexOutOfRangeException or System.NullReferenceException. These suggest, indeed, unmaintained assets and/or patches.

Unfortunately, I think you may be right about KSPCF - my perception is that most of the time it patched symptoms instead of fixing problems, and by doing it, it moved the misbehaviour to another place (or broke something else that was relying on the bug to work - it's extremely common on software…)


  On 11/24/2022 at 12:22 AM, Xtra said:

The only shining part so far is that I'm not having parts fall off like before.   But I do have something strange that has happened Multiple times with one part.  A Single Landing Wheel (firespitter FS4LGS Biplane Single Landing Gear) that when ever I put it on any craft and launch it... I'm immediately put at like 1000 or 2000 meters in the air and have to Scramble to start engines and try to recover. 

Here is the log from just now: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KLiqDeioE5s8Wx5NNX9zylHxFB8hCCy3/view?usp=share_link


The Firespitter problem is due how Unity 2017 changed how wheels work. Firespitter originally was made on Unity 5.

Fixing these wheels' meshes are really easy, besides a bit worksome (HLAirships had this problem too, and I fixed it.). I just don't understand why Firespitter was left to rot this way.

In time, Firespitter wheels are also broken on the PartModule. I know why, and I think I know how to fix it. But Firepistter, unfortunatelly, is abandoned and my last pull request from 2019 is still there, so I ended up dragging my feet on this.

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  On 11/12/2022 at 8:39 PM, Xtra said:

[ERR 13:57:19.134] ExperienceSystemConfig: Experience trait 'Engineer' already exists, and trying to add a duplicate Effect of 'ELConstructionSkill'


SimpleConstruction! (SCON) should have this fixed. Are you using XPL or SCON? If SCON -  are you using the latest available only from CurseForge?

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  On 11/25/2022 at 8:16 PM, zer0Kerbal said:

SimpleConstruction! (SCON) should have this fixed. Are you using XPL or SCON? If SCON -  are you using the latest available only from CurseForge?


I was using XPL, but I'm not sure I have it loaded anymore.  I run all mods from CKAN.  I tried CurseForge once and for some reason haven't again.

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