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[1.12.x] Kerbal Telemetry


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Kerbal Telemetry - Now Standalone!

version-2.4.0-blue Licence-MIT-green 2023 badge.svg CKAN-Indexed-green.svg

Telemetry addon for Kerbal Space Program. The program uses a server that is running on the KSP side and a client which is capable of running both the KSP side computer or any other one over a web browser. This means you can connect to the server from any device which is capable of running it over a web browser by entering your server computer's local address and selected port from the interface (default 8000), for example:


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  • Real-time sync with the KSP.
  • Accessible over the LAN.
  • Full-featured 3D Kerbin map with real pinpoints on it.
  • Real-time attitude indicator.
  • Target name, distance and speed.
  • Real-time telemetry data.
  • Controlling the vessel from the interface. (Will be fixed on oncoming updates)
  • Staging from the interface. (Will be fixed on oncoming updates)
  • Cool animation when you reach the orbit (when executed from the interface).
  • Multi-language support (English, Russian, Japanese, Turkish, Ukrainian, Chinese, French, Spanish).
  • General information about KSP, spaceship and many more.
  • A brand new module to attach to the spacecraft.


If you see any problems or if you want to translate the program to your language, please contact me from my Github page.

Russian - MekoNix
Japanese - MekoNix
Ukrainian - MekoNix
Turkish - yagiziskirik
English - yagiziskirik
Chinese - Auto-translated
French - Auto-translated
Spanish - Auto-translated


  • None!


  • Export files to GameData folder as a folder named "KerbalTelemetry".
  • Done!
Please be aware of that naming is quite important for mod to work correctly. Make sure you have `Kerbal Space Progam/GameData/KerbalTelemetry` folder and you need to have `KerbalTelemetry.dll`, `Textures`, `WebServer` and `Parts` files in KerbalTelemetry folder.



  • You need to unlock "Engineering 101" tech tree to use the mod in Career mode.



  • Then add Kerbal Telemetry Computer to your spacecraft.


  • Click to the toolbar icon to open up user interface.


  • Select a port (or use default 8000) and start the server via the corresponding button.
  • Connect to your computer's local IP address and defined port (or localhost if you are using the same computer) on your browser on your device preferably from another computer or from which KSP is installed (ex. localhost:8000 or or If you don't know how to find the local IP address, you can follow this link for more information.

On the top bar you can see:

  • Spacecraft name
  • Mission time after the take-off
  • Speed
  • Altitude
  • Apogee
  • Perigee
  • Inclination

On the first page (Spacecraft Information):


  • External Values page will show you the Location and Atmosphere information.


  • Orbit Information page will show the orbit information.


  • Spacecraft Information page will show information about the spacecraft.


  • Temperature Values will give information about the temperature.

On the second page (Telemetry):


  • You can see the charts after you take-off to the point you reach 90km from the sea level (FL900).
  • Also it shows some current values of the spacecraft.

On the third page (Command & Control):


  • You will see the extended details about the target.
  • You can see the flight panel control panel.
  • Flight Commands which ables you to command the spacecraft from the web interface.

On the final page (Settings):


  • You can select the language of the interface.
  • You can select refresh rate and chart refresh rate.

On the bottom bar:

  • Current stage information
  • Stage Now button which initiates the next stage
  • Current planet
  • Current real-time
  • Whether you have communication
  • Initials of the target
  • Target speed / target distance

Usage is very simple. Start the game. When you start a flight, activate telemetry plugin from toolbar. You will see the charts will refresh when you are airborne and below 90,000 meters.

Special Thanks

I would like to thank @MekoNix, @Aebestach, @Genhis and @NguyenAirlines for their contribution and ideas.


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Edited by yagiziskirik
Adding the MIT License
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  On 11/12/2022 at 4:52 AM, Kerosene42 said:

Looks great! RasterPropMonitor support when?


It already supports it, as a matter of fact, if you have seen the following video, this mod is the Telemachus alternative!

Since the program is accessible from outside the KSP, there is not much to implement to the RPM mod.


  On 11/12/2022 at 7:12 AM, Provisional Name 43 said:

Any showcases of the newest version?


The pictures are up-to-date with the current version. If I can create myself more free time, I would like to create a video showcase for the mod. But you guys are welcome to do it if you want to :)

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  On 11/14/2022 at 1:51 AM, Grenartia said:

This might be useful in helping diagnose a stock bug I'm encountering. I'm curious, can this produce graphs for multiple craft simultaneously?


Hi @Grenartia,

Unfortunately in the current version of the mod, it cannot produce multiple graphs for multiple spacecraft. But it is a good functionality though, I will keep that in mind.

But I am curious about the bug you've mentioned, I would like to dive into it, if it is something that I can fix.

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  On 12/14/2022 at 12:04 PM, yagiziskirik said:

Hi @Grenartia,

Unfortunately in the current version of the mod, it cannot produce multiple graphs for multiple spacecraft. But it is a good functionality though, I will keep that in mind.

But I am curious about the bug you've mentioned, I would like to dive into it, if it is something that I can fix.


I posted about it here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/210229-orbital-decay-bug/

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  • 2 weeks later...
  On 12/23/2022 at 8:43 PM, henrylzy said:

Great mod! I'm just wondering if you could make the module works with other parts(antennas, command pods, etc), since now it seems the module only works with the part comes with this mod.


Easy enuff... *possibly*... :)
Try copy/pasting the MODULE{} & RESOURCE{} sections of the cfg, into whatever *other* part config of the part you want to enable this for.

If that doesnt work, then there may be something part-specific hard-coded into the plugin... (I *hope* thats not the case)

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  On 12/23/2022 at 9:12 PM, Stone Blue said:

Easy enuff... *possibly*... :)
Try copy/pasting the MODULE{} & RESOURCE{} sections of the cfg, into whatever *other* part config of the part you want to enable this for.

If that doesnt work, then there may be something part-specific hard-coded into the plugin... (I *hope* thats not the case)


It might be in the code or something(I have no idea how modding for KSP works so can't be sure). Tried MM patch first, doesn't work. Then added the module by hand, doesn't work either.

Edited by henrylzy
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  On 11/8/2022 at 9:20 PM, yagiziskirik said:
Please be aware of that naming is quite important for mod to work correctly. Make sure you have `Kerbal Space Progam/GameData/KerbalTelemetry` folder and you need to have `KerbalTelemetry.dll`, `Textures`, `WebServer` and `Parts` files in KerbalTelemetry folder.

Is the mod actually looking for "Kerbal Space Program"?  From what I can see in the code, it isn't.

Assuming this, it might be better to say:

The KerbalTelemetry folder must be in the GameData directory, and the following files need to be in the KerbalTelemetry folder:

  • KerbalTelemetry.dll
  • Textures
  • WebServerParts

Pretty neat mod, congrats


Edit:  Having a part name hardcoded isn't really a great idea, especially when it's using a custom part module.  Might be better to replace this line:

if (part.name.Contains("KerbalTelemetryComputationalUnit")) returnVal = true;

with something like:

if (part.HasModuleImplementing<KTComputer>())

This way someone can add the module to a different part if desired.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 11/8/2022 at 9:20 PM, yagiziskirik said:

activate telemetry plugin from toolbar. You will see the charts will refresh when you are airborne and below 90,000 meters.


The telemetry page isn't working for me, doesn't get any data for the charts.  Current Values shows current data, but the charts don't populate.

This is on Chrome and on Firefox, both accessing localhost

The other three pages do work, although the buttons to control the flight don't seem to do anything


On Chrome, the globe displays, but the labels aren't shown.

On Firefox, the labels are shown 

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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