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Multiplayer Launch Provider Agreements

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While enjoying ksp today I thought of an idea for multiplayer in ksp 2…

What if career contracts could be hosted in a multiplayer fashion, where a user could rent another users rocket ( assuming that the rocket is cheap for them to build because they have the “tooling”). A launch provider (user 1) could build X amount of those launch vehicles and sell them on an online marketplace to other users using in game currency and science. As the reputation of user 1 grows, they can then unlock the ability to be written into player in game contracts. Thus a player (user 2) would have to build a sat but launch it on user 1’s rocket, splitting the contract by percentage. Basically commercial space but in multiplayer. Players could even submit private contracts for science earnings and money. This could be a great way to share ideas with rocket designs as well as mission design. 
example of mission design share:

    User 1 creates contract for a geo sat network with

3 satellites given specific part parameters. User 2 takes that contract and learns how to set up a good geo network using user 1’s network design. User 1 has to pay for that but earns science and “community” credit kinda like karma for Reddit. 

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This is interesting, and I do like the idea of sharing designs. I bet it will be more informal though. Probably more like players being allowed to share a satellite design, then letting another player put a series of them in geosync for them, swapping control, and then sending them resources or money if it exists on a handshake. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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What I would love to see this used as is a framework to codify challenges and missions. Having a very open system to set parameters, other restrictions, and rewards would help people use this system for many different purposes. 

A contract that:

only activates after the “t_v’s awesome moon landing contract” is completed

requires any pod to land on Minmus and then splash down on Kerbin

returns 100000 funds

I could see these contracts being given out randomly, with the starting contract of a chain being rated by players to increase or decrease its visibility

A contract that:

requires a specific payload to be launched

requires that payload to be placed into polar orbit around any body, between 450-550 km

returns 25000 funds and 10 units of deuterium, and places that payload in the contract giver’s game. 

A contract that:

automatically triggers five smaller contracts which:

require a kerbal to land on one of Jool’s moons

require that kerbal to not be used in the completion of the other four contracts

and require the kerbal to splash down on Kerbin. 

This returns nothing, but the contract now shows as completed  

In an ideal world, a basic yet very flexible system for creating contracts and challenges, integrated into the game, allows the player base to generate endless content (as if KSP was missing any), utilize other people to accomplish goals in exchange for resources, and verify challenges effectively. However, this needs to be done as a side mechanic, separate from the flight and design parts of the game; the pause menu should not open up a whole marketplace of contracts and resources flowing in and out of your KSC

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In the past this sort of arrangement has not worked out well. Players became so invested in their pretend companies and countries that they got into nasty arguments and factional rivalries, resulting in this forum instituting a ban on "rolepaying." We do not allow players here to hire each other as employees or to perform "subcontract" work and the like. And while that is a forum issue, I doubt the game's makers would want to create something similar. 

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^Yikes yeah I hadn’t even considered the possible ethical conflicts. Either way this is probably handled most honestly among people you trust and can make friendly, informal deals with that imply no possible enforced or real-world stakes. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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one cool concept that gives more freedom could be player made contracts.  for example a low level player could request or buy a sattelite from someone else.  when i no longer need a sattelite around one planet i just sell it to someone who needs it. now low level players who just joined a multiplayer world have easier to catch up especially with more boring missions like sattelites. 

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