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Free KSP2 Giveaway!


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i never been so happy and stocked for a game to come out.  i put the money up on day one of the rumor lol.   i am more shocked on the detail that has been placed in this game.  and can not wait for colonies and interstellar to be in.   but really  to see this game come out after years of game play is more exciting then all.     just to thank what can happen after you put in interstellar.  i see the half box  in the pic  after interstellar. on the goals chart   almost like it means  it does not end there.   

i am excited most about everything in all.  not just one thing.   watching the timer  tic toc tic toc   come on  time is moving to slow.    feel like sleeping the day away  just to awaken tomorrow at 9am  just to get this. .  to bad i got to work in an hour lol. 

the fact you all love working with the mod community is great.  and the fact you even hired someone that was a modder for ksp1 and was working with the community to keep ksp1 alive  is a big plus.  

what i hope to see one day.     walking inside or base and colonies buildings that we build on other planets.    moving around inside or space station.  and maybe use the controls on the tables and shuttles.   

more less i am rambling on cause i am hyper and cant wait for this to come out.   thanks for or new ksp 2  cant wait to jump on this train and what ksp grow. 

sorry for grammar i am working on it. 

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  On 2/23/2023 at 4:55 PM, Lisias said:

Wow, someome from the dawn of TweakScale! Pleased to meet you! :) (I'm the current TS maintainer)

About KSP2, I'm most interested, right now, on the minimum hardware requirements to run it. I'm not going to invest on a new Windows machine for a long time, and I want to know if the hardware I have now will be enough to run it!


Pleased to meet you, and thanks for maintaining that awesome mod! Can't live without it!

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