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PAIGE Is No Help


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I have found that I need to turn off the stupid "I'm new here" help function as PAIGE gives no help whatsoever.  Unfortunately, there are still times where PAIGE comes on and AUTO-PAUSES THE FREAKING GAME.  Happened right after I got into orbit and went EVA with Bob.  PAIGE told me the ship had no fuel left, and when I clicked through that message I couldn't move either the ship or Bob.  Hit every darned key until I realized she paused the game.  Unpause...and there goes Bob sailing into the cosmos as he let go of the capsule.  And I simply do not have the ability to jetpack, so there goes that save.

Hey devs, how about NOT auto-pausing the game?  Or give us a big fat warning that you did so?

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Okay, so. I started up the game and the first thing I did was was start working my way through the tutorials. 

1) So far the tutorials are brilliant. There’s a LOT to unpack for first time users and I think they’ve been really methodical teaching the basics. I’ll probably go through them a second time and think about any important gaps or sequencing changes Id recommend filling. 

2) Im sorry but people whining about the voice acting are old and or crazy. Its completely fine. This whole board went crazy about clouds too. That was also crazy. Don’t listen to us when we’re being dumb. 

3) And this is a bit toward the OP but people who are not first time users like me with several thousand hours under their belts still could stand to learn a bit about the subtle but important differences in the way KSP2 handles things. Id personally recommend having a bit of patience and going through it no matter where you’re coming from. However a “don’t show again” followed by a “are you sure?” should allow experienced KSP players to opt out if they wish. 

Edited by Pthigrivi
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