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I'm heartbroken over the reviews so far.


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The game is getting ratio'd quite hard. sitting a 50% as of now. I'm conflicted. I can't recommend this yet. I'm franky shocked at the amount of jank, and I was expecting quite a bit not quite meeting the min spec. If it was just chugging I'd brush it off happily. But there are sooo many things. I don't blame the reviews at all. At this time I can't in good conscience come up with anything to say that would allow me to Upvote it. But I don't want to downvote it on day 1. The binary choice is just not fitting. What's clear is, it was forced out the door. That makes me sad. It's too early to ra ra the team, but I feel their pain.  I hope they get it together before this whole thing implodes.

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It's an actual early access title; I'd only recommend it to KSP fans myself. On the other hand, I wouldn't review it yet because it's an early access title. Anyone leaving a review at all is kind of missing the point IMO.

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  On 2/25/2023 at 4:29 AM, regex said:

It's an actual early access title; I'd only recommend it to KSP fans myself. On the other hand, I wouldn't review it yet because it's an early access title. Anyone leaving a review at all is kind of missing the point IMO.


TBH I wouldn't even recommend to fans. They have every  right to review it. It's the price you pay for opening up sales. EA, or not. All the reviews are gonna have an EA asterisk. But really does that matter? 

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I think where they kinda stepped in the doo doo is pricing it like a finished product.

When KSP1 one was an early trainwreck, it didn't really matter that much because it was a $14ish gamble.  Even if it never became anything, at that price if it entertains me for the weekend I feel like we're squared away.   Obviously it was quite a bargain considering I played it effectively non-stop for 6 years and occasionally even now.

$50 is real money, and for real money I think people expect a real product.  Not the promise of a real product in some undefined time-frame.

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  On 2/25/2023 at 4:33 AM, snkiz said:

TBH I wouldn't even recommend to fans. They have every  right to review it. It's the price you pay for opening up sales. EA, or not. All the reviews are gonna have an EA asterisk. But really does that matter? 


Genuinely, I'm over here right now having a serious nostalgia-fest, only it's better than anything (vanilla) KSP1 ever delivered. I literally can't care about what anyone says in a review.

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Yup right now I'm justifying to myself knowing the price is gonna go up. At this this rate though I'm not so sure any more. Damage control might force their hand, Unless they pull a rabbit out of you know where with a few quick updates. If they drop the price I'm gonna be angry. I'm pretty sure most of us would be. Rock and a hard place.

  On 2/25/2023 at 4:41 AM, regex said:

Genuinely, I'm over here right now having a serious nostalgia-fest


Nostalgia for the early days is not worth 50 (67 Cdn + tax) bucks IMO. 

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  On 2/25/2023 at 4:41 AM, regex said:

Genuinely, I'm over here right now having a serious nostalgia-fest, only it's better than anything (vanilla) KSP1 ever delivered.


That's great for you regex, but that doesn't mean anything to more than half of the player base who see this as an abysmal failure of a launch due to everything from terrible performance, broken mechanics, and completely missing all of the originally touted content.  Your glasses are a bit too rose tinted, you might want to take them off and then check out the game.

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I wouldn't worry too much about it @snkiz, they will eventually make it right.  I'm confident of that.  I feel like they dropped it too early, but I still think they are on the right track.   But right now we don't know what the update cadence is going to be, and I think a lot of the more vocal kids expect it to be Monday or something, which I'm betting ain't gonna happen.  But that's the Discord community running as it does "We want heads on plates, and NOW!"... That kind of approach never works anyhow... And if the devs react to it, it will only go down hill.  So I hope they just communicate what the patch cadence will be, and stick to it.

Right now, all I really want fixed is I need to be able to use my joysticks, for cryin' out loud.  Leaving that out is a crime against humanity!

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  On 2/25/2023 at 4:46 AM, PopinFRESH said:

Your glasses are a bit too rose tinted, you might want to take them off and then check out the game.


I'm playing it right now my dude. It's excellent. If you don't want the game don't pay for it.

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To late. and like I said the only reason I'd regret it is if it went on fire sale. Or this all implodes in the hands of T2.

  On 2/25/2023 at 4:47 AM, Kurtvw said:

But that's the Discord community running as it does "We want heads on plates, and NOW!"...


That's why I left the discord last week.

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I agree on the pricing. $50 is real money and approaching finished game pricing. It's not like the publisher is some group of starving devs out on their own, but  instead a multi-billion dollar company. It's hard to see how they can ask for more that the KSP 1.x cost for a 2.0 alpha that doesn't even come close to supporting the 1.0 features (let alone the perf issues).

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Have not yet had a launch without a major bug of some sort. Disappearing orbit lines, camera freaking out to the point of unusability, the force of a kerbal exiting a crew pod sending a lander flying off at high speed...

It's kind of hilarious, but it also loses its shine really quick. So I think I've done my faffing about with launch. Just under the two hour mark played, and I'll wait on the first couple weeks to see how patches look.

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As a KSP fan, I just played it for over 3 hours and had fun through the whole experience. I saw plenty of small issues and a few larger ones, and I'll try to write out my thoughts on my experience in more detail sometime soon, but overall it seems like the game is just as much fun as KSP 1. It's also very beautiful and if I were to mod my KSP 1 to look the way this does, it would have taken 10 times longer to load.

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Played it for 4 hours today and while clearly unfinished, I still had fun. 

Two reasons I bought the game without hesitation:

1. Bought KSP1 for 7 dollars in 2012 and it changed my life. I am literally studying aerospace engineering in college and that spark was ignited by KSP. as far as I'm concerned, that $7 wasn't nearly enough and I was happy to pay 50 for the successor in the hopes this game could ignite the curiosity of so many more people.

2. Yeah, performance sucks, there's a lot of bugs and not many features right now, but the foundations are there and its still incredibly immersive with awesome graphics and a top tier sound design. if this is the WORST KSP2 will ever be, this game will be incredible when its done.

I truly hope more legacy players like me come to this realization rather than trashing it now. constructive criticism is important and that's why the devs asked for it constantly. But lets trust them a bit, i think i at least owe them that much considering the first game literally changed the trajectory of my life.

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  On 2/25/2023 at 4:29 AM, regex said:

I wouldn't review it yet because it's an early access title. Anyone leaving a review at all is kind of missing the point IMO.


??? Early access or not, expected bugs or not, performance issues or not - it is a product people are going to pay money for. It's fair to say that one should expect problems in an early access product, but everyone has different levels of acceptable problems they're okay to put up with. One might be happy with 100 bugs, another might be okay with only 10 bugs; and the reviews help get a feel of that level. So at least I am glad that people can and are reviewing it.

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Just to be clear. I am not hating or complaining, I know what I signed up for. I paid 15 dollars for ksp1 and bought 3 more copies of it for my kids and friends. I'm worried there may end up being conqueneses for this from the higher ups. I never doubted Intercept (Nate.)

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  On 2/25/2023 at 5:17 AM, justspace103 said:

constructive criticism is important and that's why the devs asked for it


Early Access in 2012 worked so much better than now.     I remember first starting in KSP back then and feeling like I'd be along for the ride.  And we were.

Today, I think a lot of people think of early access as some kind of golden ticket, like the buy the right to try to force development one way or another, or be angry if its not what they want.   Kind of a 'my money pays your salary!' attitude.   I'm trying to dance around using the word entitlement, but failed.

And then of course there are plenty of bad studios that have used Early access as a cash grab scam... So people get suspicious.   But considering the team here has some of the best members of the community over the years embedded, I really don't think there is any reason to doubt that they'll deliver.  I just wish they had shined it up a bit more before delivery.   

Ultimately, the launch was going to be ugly no matter what because everyone has been running heavily customized versions of KSP for 10 years and everyone's view of what the core game is has been skewed by their own modded set ups.  So while there are things wrong right now, I think a lot of people see it as worse than it really is.  Not least because KSP1 can run on a modern microwave oven and doesn't even begin to test the limits of a modern PC.  But this is written for now and forward.   A lot of people complaining about performance today probably weren't even playing when KSP1 was in that state - but there was a time when it was.  And it got better.

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  On 2/25/2023 at 4:29 AM, regex said:

It's an actual early access title; I'd only recommend it to KSP fans myself. On the other hand, I wouldn't review it yet because it's an early access title. Anyone leaving a review at all is kind of missing the point IMO.


I've seen you mention this across multiple threads now like it's a defense. Clearly you don't understand what early access is supposed to be, so here are some quotes from steams policy on it.


Early Access is a place for games that are in a playable alpha or beta state, are worth the current value of the playable build, and that you plan to continue to develop for release.

Early Access is not a way to crowdfund development of your product.

Early Access is not meant to be a form of pre-purchase, but a tool to get your game in front of Steam users and gather feedback while finishing your game.

Early Access titles must deliver a playable game or usable software to the customer at the time of purchase, while pre-purchase games are delivered at a future date. Read more about Pre-Purchasing on Steam.

Don't overcharge Steam customers. The Early Access price of your game should be no higher than that offered on any other service or website. Please take care of your customers on Steam.

How Reviews Are Displayed - Early Access: Once a product fully releases from Early Access, reviews from the Early Access period will be marked on the store page. If a user updates their Early Access review after the product has been released, the Early Access flag on the review will be removed.


This is a massive corporation offloading the risk of funding the game and the cost of play testing it to you, the consumer. Early access is not an excuse for a broken product. Early access is not an excuse for a terrible cost-value proposition. This was sold as being listed in order to get player feedback. Do you really believe they needed player feedback to tell them that so much of the game is broken? Especially considering people were saying as much based on gameplay shown prior to launch?

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  On 2/25/2023 at 5:28 AM, Vicis said:

I've seen you mention this across multiple threads now like it's a defense.


It's not a "defense", it's an actual fact.

  On 2/25/2023 at 5:28 AM, Vicis said:

This is a massive corporation offloading the risk of funding the game and the cost of play testing it to you, the consumer. Early access is not an excuse for a broken product. Early access is not an excuse for a terrible cost-value proposition. This was sold as being listed in order to get player feedback. Do you really believe they needed player feedback to tell them that so much of the game is broken? Especially considering people were saying as much based on gameplay shown prior to launch?


You believe what you need to believe. For me, this is an actual early access title. It works about as I expected it to and I don't have any conspiracy theories about a corporation offloading playtesting costs on to me because I'm not sitting here making QA reports or performing a bunch of standardized tests; I'm playing a game and having a good time.

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