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Problem trying to orbit

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Hello, I have created this spaceship:


My problem is that when trying to turn west (in order to orvite), my ship starts to rotate in a northerly direction, but it doesn't stop, it keeps deviating in that direction, which prevents me from creating a stable orvite, what can I do?

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My first 2 thoughts are:

You should turn East to orbit. In the default setup, that's to the right.

Are you sure you didn't accidentally rotate your ship in the VAB so "right" is actually "North"?


Oh, that link is an image, not a ship file. Looking at it, my first guess is you have way too much power so the ship is probably uncontrollable due to its high acceleration and velocity.

Try throttling WAY down, so your TWR is closer to 1.5 max, or (better) remove engines until the VAB TWR shows <1.5 (but > 1 because then you won't lift off at all)

And if that all doesn't work, take a full screen (so we can see the entire UI) shot of your ship in flight as it starts to lose control.

Edited by Superfluous J
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the ship turning around generally means aerodinamic problems, but your ship looks aerodinamic enough, so I'm a bit confused. I agree with superfluous, reducing thrust is probably your best bet.

another thing I see that I want to comment on, though: you have two radial decouplers for each booster, and that looks nice, but it doesn't actually work. the way the game models the rocket, you can't bind a booster on two points. you can use struts for that, if the boosters are unstable. that could be a reason for the issue


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You don't have enough steering control for a ship of that size. :D  The type of fin you are using does not pivot to help with steering, and I believe that's also true of the engine you've chosen. The capsule is applying steering force using its default torque, but it's not enough by itself. 

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