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Things in KSP1 that I miss

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- autostrut

- parts manager is janky

- burn time indicator before burn starts

- fairings were a lot better

- new quicksave / revert/ recovery system is really really unintuitive and buggy (I like the fact that you can still revert a mission even after loading a quicksave, but sometimes I get the option to revert even when i have nothing flying, and I'm still not really getting the whole recovery thing. in KSP1 it automatically sends you back to the space center after you recover a vessel which made a lot more sense)

- crew manager is really really weird. The old astronaut complex was great, I like that you don't have to click nearly as many times to transfer crew between 2 parts of a spacecraft, however sometimes when I try to find a specific Kerbal they are just completely missing. The main kerbals that you get by default should always be at the top of the list and easy to find.


I think that a no man's sky style "foundations" update might be a good idea. It can be combined with the science update to get the game up to a ksp1 level of playability before any new features are added. I recognize that new additions to the game would come with their own set of challenges, bugs, etc, but it would be nice if the enjoyment of players given the state of the game would be prioritized throughout early access (that also means optimization and bug fixes above everything.)

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3 hours ago, weirdfish said:

in KSP1 it automatically sends you back to the space center after you recover a vessel which made a lot more sense)

It wouldn't now, when in a couple of months hopefully we'll have more than one space center/colony. To which one would you want to go after recovery?

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5 hours ago, Wubslin said:

Remember when joints weren't unplayably floppy? Or when you were able to see vacuum AND sea level delta v for each stage?

I do! I also remember when KSP1 had "unplayably" floppy joints and also that it took nearly eight years of development before we got a delta-V calculator.

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15 hours ago, regex said:

I do! I also remember when KSP1 had "unplayably" floppy joints and also that it took nearly eight years of development before we got a delta-V calculator.

What was Squad doing that was so much more important than dV indicators?

  • EVA Chute.

Of course.

21 hours ago, weirdfish said:

burn time indicator before burn starts

Doesn't really matter anymore seeing as the burn portion of the trajectory is highlighted anyway.

17 hours ago, The Aziz said:

It wouldn't now, when in a couple of months hopefully we'll have more than one space center/colony. To which one would you want to go after recovery?


It'd also just be another redundant scene change. The main menu already lets you access the currently implemented facilities instantly.

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Campaign mode, some type of progression like the carer mode. or at least a tech tree to unlock new things.

I just to treat sandbox as a simulator for the carer mode.

I hope this will come soon.

Bought the game started to play and just went nahh after 20min ( i have 800-1000 hours of KSP 1 still want to play it, just stuck with some broken parts of the game)

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