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Jool - A Gas Giant or a Hidden World Beneath a Shroud of Sulfur Gas


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For the sake of exploration - wanted to see what was IN Jool. One way trip. Great sacrifices were accepted by the brave Kerbinauts. They will be forever immortalized here.

Leaving Kerbin orbit. All gassed up for the long haul.


Made it into Jool descent...finally. Next time I need to bring more snacks.


Yep, needed to get rid of all extra weight once all fuel expended to slow down. But was it really necessary to let go of my parachute.....


My God, its full of stars! Oh wait wrong quote. Land Ho!, yep that's better. There does seem to be a surface on Jool. Unfortunately at 224m going 68.2m/s and no way to slow down the rest of the way, the landing was abrupt. Very abrupt. So not sure if EVA was possible or not. Will have to find more Kerbal volunteers and try again. One now can ask, could a Joolovian rover circumnavigation expedition be possible? And what could be lurking in the the sulfur mists of Jool's surface. Could it be the Kraken's nesting area, location of a secret alien base or vast rocky expanses perfect for Kerbal colonization?????


Edited by LeroyJenkins
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4 hours ago, LeroyJenkins said:

There does seem to be a surface on Jool.

Very cool mission :cool:

Do you know of any way to see the pressure readings at the surface? I am not sure if that is even simulated yet or what. Obviously in KSP1 the heat and pressure made this type of mission impossible before any craft met it’s untimely doom.

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48 minutes ago, lemon cup said:

Do you know of any way to see the pressure readings at the surface?

@lemon cup , There does not seem to be digital read out of atmospheric pressure. I agree that would be good to have. There is the Atm. Pressure analog gauge (lower right hand corner of the NAV ball) with the three shaded blue areas and rocket ship indicator. It did go to the bottom when I went through Jool's atmosphere, however this indicator is very relative, not an absolute value. They need to put a digital read out on this like they have for the altitude and airspeed, showing current pressure and rate of change. I do know that in KSP2 EA the heat friction is not yet turned on, but I could hear the air flow over my capsule as I decided and my airspeed was dropping as the atmosphere pressure went up as I descended (without air-brakes or chute). As a KSP1 veteran (xbox), I knew attempting to land in Jool in KSP1 is nearly impossible, so I took advantage of the KSP2 EA state of dev, with heat friction turned off, to see what would happen. And found that there is something below the clouds. I intend to go back with a ROV or rocket plane and try to explore the surface. Never know what kind of Easter Egg may be there. Who knows maybe its like the hidden dot in Adventure and the Devs names are emblazoned on the surface somewhere, alla, Warren Robientt style. I encourage my fellow Kerbonauts to help explore this vast world to see if there is anything there. We do this "Not because it is hard, but because we can" --- JFK

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On 3/12/2023 at 4:14 PM, LeroyJenkins said:

For the sake of exploration - wanted to see what was IN Jool. One way trip. Great sacrifices were accepted by the brave Kerbinauts. They will be forever immortalized here.

Leaving Kerbin orbit. All gassed up for the long haul.

Soo the image links seems to have disappeared. Are you able to post them again? 

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