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Modding Subforum Feedback


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  • KSP2 Alumni


If you have any feedback about the modding subforums, please include it below.

Current ideas:

  • Additional subforums splitting mods into tools/3rd party programs/modloaders etc
  • Tutorials/guides
  • Tags in the mods list with latest version supported and what areas of the game they affect.




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I hope there wont be any more than one modloader. i don't think it deserves its own subforum.
Iam in general a friend of a larger space than to many small spaces to discuss. Maybe tags (and mods setting them) can help filtering threads by type better than subforums can?

The other ideas i like very much.

I dont have a solution but a problem that might need one: we have all those discussion channels and media (discord times n, forums, irc is still linked,...) how can we better bundle all those discussions and information so it doesnt fly by most people?
I also find it hard to inform people about something (even if i run around and post it on all those outlets).


No, Thank you.

Edited by VITAS
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Some guides/tutorials sound like a great idea, at least in my book.

I know modding is definitely a ways out at the moment while ya'll focus more on bug squashing. (Looking forward to patch #1!) But once modding is officially supported I would love to see some tutorials not only on installing mods but how to create some mods, or even the common practices for doing so.


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I'm unlikely to use mods in any foreseeable future (unless Intercept fails to deliver some crucial-to-gameplay features once colonies arrive) but

Game version at the start of thread title should be mandatory, if it's a mod. I know currently there are only two versions and mods are most likely compatible with both, but this is going to change soon-ish, and so far I've seen such thing in only one listed mod (guess by who). KSP1 forums does that.

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