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highly recommend not playing this till its more optimized...


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  On 3/18/2023 at 6:38 PM, LameLefty said:

You need to work on your system cooling, seriously.

Hello from Ike orbit at 1440p with everything cranked up to max.



If this thread has been truthful (which I'm not entirely convinced of), then he already knows there's a serious cooling issue. He says he has a 3090ti that needs its own AC. I have a 3080ti and I run at 4k, all settings on highest. GPU always runs at 99%, but never gets over mid-60's Celsius (not sure what that is in real temperature :)). Loaded the game on my laptop as well. It's 3 years old, but a 12 pound behemoth with a 2080 Super desktop GPU. Again, all settings on high (at 1080p, of course), GPU runs at 99% without ever exceeding 70 Celsius. Granted, the fans are as loud as the rockets, but it keeps cool.

I'm sure you already know there's something weird about this. If your high-end rig can't keep cool, you screwed up the build (or you bought Alienware :D).

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  On 3/18/2023 at 7:30 PM, Cpt Kerbalkrunch said:

If this thread has been truthful (which I'm not entirely convinced of), then he already knows there's a serious cooling issue. He says he has a 3090ti that needs its own AC. I have a 3080ti and I run at 4k, all settings on highest. GPU always runs at 99%, but never gets over mid-60's Celsius (not sure what that is in real temperature :)). Loaded the game on my laptop as well. It's 3 years old, but a 12 pound behemoth with a 2080 Super desktop GPU. Again, all settings on high (at 1080p, of course), GPU runs at 99% without ever exceeding 70 Celsius. Granted, the fans are as loud as the rockets, but it keeps cool.

I'm sure you already know there's something weird about this. If your high-end rig can't keep cool, you screwed up the build (or you bought Alienware :D).


if u kept reading u would of seen the line 
while my PC seems safe enough with its Temps. it might not be for everyone so take my input with a big grain of salt and happy gaming..
good luck because you'll need it while it melts your GPU
keyword here "your" not mine lol its as if no one knows what sarcasm is anymore haha 
now why would i make such a claim?

 1, check computers cuz some people just don't clean haha
2, its always wise to check every few months :valwink:
3 wouldn't it be so kind as if someone warned them ahead of time before processing buying or playing this game? give them a warning that this game is GPU dependent and will peg your GPU to 100% load? (no matter the card) wouldn't this be a nice thing to know? 

Also i didn't know Dell was still making Alienware haha (sarcasm) would not matter of the brand name anyways cuz everyone gets the same chips from only a few companies so its best to follow the chipsets rather then brands haha (cuz we smarter) 
this is why i got the 
White Edition 3090ti Rog Strix Oc cuz it has the better chips for power draw and much more. didn't care for the ring u get or  the top corner plate i only cared it was white as well best chips for its price point. didn't care for the brand name cuz again that be silly to follow brands and logos. oh and almost forgot i also got this one cuz i plan on doing SLI for it so im getting a 2nd one here shortly yay me.

anyways, good luck be safe have fun....:valwink::valjoy: 

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  On 3/18/2023 at 9:13 PM, GizmoMagui said:

if u kept reading u would of seen the line 
while my PC seems safe enough with its Temps. it might not be for everyone so take my input with a big grain of salt and happy gaming..
good luck because you'll need it while it melts your GPU
keyword here "your" not mine lol its as if no one knows what sarcasm is anymore haha 
now why would i make such a claim?

 1, check computers cuz some people just don't clean haha
2, its always wise to check every few months :valwink:
3 wouldn't it be so kind as if someone warned them ahead of time before processing buying or playing this game? give them a warning that this game is GPU dependent and will peg your GPU to 100% load? (no matter the card) wouldn't this be a nice thing to know? 

Also i didn't know Dell was still making Alienware haha (sarcasm) would not matter of the brand name anyways cuz everyone gets the same chips from only a few companies so its best to follow the chipsets rather then brands haha (cuz we smarter) 
this is why i got the 
White Edition 3090ti Rog Strix Oc cuz it has the better chips for power draw and much more. didn't care for the ring u get or  the top corner plate i only cared it was white as well best chips for its price point. didn't care for the brand name cuz again that be silly to follow brands and logos. oh and almost forgot i also got this one cuz i plan on doing SLI for it so im getting a 2nd one here shortly yay me.

anyways, good luck be safe have fun....:valwink::valjoy: 


Ah, now I get it. You came on here to flex, but did it poorly :D.

Edited by Cpt Kerbalkrunch
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