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Weekly Challenge # 17 - Scoooooore a goal

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Hello Kerbonauts!

This week, we challenge you to... Score a goal!


  • Primary: Use a kerbaled vehicle to roll an uncontrolled spherical hydrogen tank under the KSC bridge.
  • Secondary: Deliver a spherical hydrogen tank to the surface of the mun, and knock it through a Mun Arch.
  • Jeb: Deliver a spherical hydrogen tank to the surface of Moho, and roll it into the Mohole.
  • Val: After scoring the goal on Moho, return your kerbal safely to Kerbin.
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Wahoo!  I love this stuff. I am recycling my craft I built previously to go bowling with.  Honestly, the biggest challenge was driving it there. I discovered some very small (relatively speaking) light poles that destroyed my wheels.  I had to maneuver through them, and there was a lot of backing up and turning. This was not helped by the fact the action groups were bugging out, so changing direction involved a lot of manual input using thrust limiters.




The video is very speeded up and I just deleted a bunch of it, since I don't think watching several minutes (even condensed) of backing up and going forward is interesting. I saved just before letting the ball go and did several tries, which I cut together to get the multiple angles.


I also enjoy playing basketball with fuel tanks:




Edited by Klapaucius
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I could not drop the ball on the floor because I couldn't land:

1- Floor would not stop the ship... it would drown into Moho and keep going into the infinity;

2- There is a shadow that appears and cover the floor whenever you try to land. The shadow follows your everywhere. It appears when you are almost touching the ground, like, 100m and it's vantablack.

So, here it is, me dropping the ball directly into the hole:

The ship got destroyed because I didn't have enough parachutes and the fuel was gone... but he survived!



Mohole is REALLY hard to find. So, if you can't find it and gave up... I will leave the link showing its proximity here:



Edited by vianna77
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