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Landing gear wheels get stuck in vertical position


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Reported Version: v0.1.2 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: Windows 10 | CPU: Intel Core i&-9700 | GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB | RAM32gb


I was coming into land, and the wheels got stuck vertically. If I retracted the gear (see 0:28 in video), they would immediately straighten out, but if I hit "G" again to put the gear back down, the problem repeated itself. I was still able to land, though the gear was half buried in the ground (see attached video).


Google drive link to saves and craft file:  https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XRAZdCaE8MgPI1xP9xfU4FQJLAeJEbhY?usp=drive_link




Severity: low

Frequency: It is a constant with this plane. I have seen this before, though not all the time.



Included Attachments:

Edited by Anth12
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