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fps issues [when getting just past the clouds after launching]

joshua productions yt

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Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 11 | CPU: 12 gen intel core i7 processor | GPU: nvidia gefofce gtx 1650 | RAM8 gb


when launching after getting past the clouds the frame rate drops from 15 fps to around 2 fps and when i get up to space the frame rate goes back to normal also i dont have any problems on the map screen and changing the graphic settings doesn't  change the fps and when i go behind kerban the fps drops again and doesn't come back until i go into high kerban orbit no problems with the mun also not sure about other planets. any info i have missed to do with my laptop that runs it, acer nitro 5 GTX.


Edited by Anth12
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1 hour ago, joshua productions yt said:

Reported Version: v0.1.3 (latest) | Mods: none | Can replicate without mods? Yes 
OS: windows 11 | CPU: 12 gen intel core i7 processor | GPU: nvidia gefofce gtx 1650 | RAM8 gb


when launching after getting past the clouds the frame rate drops from 15 fps to around 2 fps and when i get up to space the frame rate goes back to normal also i dont have any problems on the map screen and changing the graphic settings doesn't  change the fps and when i go behind kerban the fps drops again and doesn't come back until i go into high kerban orbit no problems with the mun also not sure about other planets. any info i have missed to do with my laptop that runs it, acer nitro 5 GTX.


I think a log file would be very helpful, in fact, if you could run the KSP2 Bug Packager and make that available via a file sharing site, that would provide all the information the dev team would need

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Found this in the patch notes:


Optimized cloud rendering when camera is below cloud layer

My guess is that they're still optimising cloud rendering for when the camera is above the cloud layer.

Until then, improved performance on the ground, and pre-patch performance (plus pqs improvements) during high altitude flight.

11 minutes ago, The Aziz said:

Does it happen when you have KSC in view? It seems to be very framerate hungry on low spec machines.

For me, yes. You can zoom out in KSC to get an orbital camera view of the complex, and the framerate drops quite a bit if the camera goes into or above the clouds.

I'm on a Gtx 1080 and Ryzen 5 3600

Edited by RedderThanMisty
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20 hours ago, joshua productions yt said:

linux gamer i dont know how to do the log file and yes the frame rate is bad no matter where i look

Best way to do this would be to use the:

It gathers all possible and necessary data together for you.  I'd suggest using it to post a new bug report (there is a button there), and in the decription, mention that it's a followup to this one, one of the bug hunters will merge them together


Feel free to contact me if you have any questions

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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I have the same issue. If you teleport your ship to orbit, the FPS will tank above KSC and exactly in the opposite side of Kerbin.
If you see the task manager while playing, you will notice that the game starts to use a single thread at 100% (and GPU use drop).

The fix:

  • If you wish to flight without lagging, quicksave and quickload in launchpad before launch. Usually it works at first try. If not, repeat until you notice the framerate doesn't drop too much.
  • If you have mods installed, you can teleport your ship before launch (you will need clamps)
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