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Weekly Challenge #20 - Land on Eeloo!

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Challenge20_Eeloo_Landscape (2).png

Salute Kerbonauts!

This weeks challenge destination: Eeloo! 

That’s right we’re going all the way out the edge of the Kerbolar System to explore the icy canyons of KSP2’s loneliest planet (Until the Debdeb System arrives, anyway.)

Your mission:

Primary: Reach Eeloo's SOI. Fly by with Probey. Take pictures!
Stretch: Land a kerbal anywhere on Eeloo and return them to Kerbin
Jeb: Land a kerbaled rover on Eeloo and drive it through the canyons, then return safely to Kerbin
Val: As above, but reach Eeloo via a Jool gravity assist.

Good luck!

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Here is the Val level video... unfinished :(

The slingshot on Jool is at 2:36.

I took a rover to Eeloo and drove it around (minute 9:00) but when I try to enter the capsule (minute 12:47) the "board button bug" won't let me board it.
I reported that bug on that link.

But the ship has enough fuel to return.


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All images from the trip is in the spoiler section, for scrolling friendliness. 

Due to the now slayed SOI trajectory bug, the Jool gravity assist turned into an extremely inefficient flyby. Oh well! Got some beautiful shots from it anyway! 


Edited by Sylvi Fisthaug
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